8th Ed. Again vs ogre kingdoms 2k

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Morglum, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Right going up against ogre kingdoms again and this time i made a list that is pretty basic except maybe the two lords. Mostly all my battles include some fun units or units that don't get picked much. Now it's time to test the basics (well atleast i think it's pretty dull and basic hehe).


    Old blood
    Light armor, shield
    Prianha blade
    Talisman of preservation

    Slann mage priest
    Lore of high magic
    DotOO: Becalming cogitation, focus of mystery and harmonic convergence
    Obsidian lodestone
    Channeling staff


    Skink priest lvl 2
    Cloak of feathers


    24 Saurus warriors full command

    3 x 10 skink skirmishers


    29 Temple guard full command


    3 Razordons + extra handlers

    Right you all know what unit matters the most, the temple guards. Gave them good protection with the slann magic resistance and the old blood also goes in here. I know ogre magic (their own lore) isn't really that much of a threat mostly spells buffing their own units, but i got the feeling he's gonna pick another lore. So we'll see. The old blood should stand his ground in challenges and certainly against unit(s) of ogres, D3 wounds per wound is just nice against them. Probably gonna be a basic item for the old blood if i'm going up against ogre kingdoms.

    I gave my skink priest the cloak of feathers to atleast have some fun with it, maybe fuction as an arcana vassel. And just to surprise my opponent with the fly move xD.

    Skinks are just to annoy him and redirect charges, which they did great the last battles i played against ogres. Saurus are their to fill up the core. It really annoys me that we have so few core choises, i would drop the saurus warriors if we had something other decent. This is because i'm playing against ogre kingdoms aye, our saurus boys just don't stand a great chance against them if they get charged. Against other armies awesome unit.

    First time i'm taking razordons against ogres and i wanted to try that out for a long time. Hopefully my slann will get the spell of that boosts a few of their stats, going for BS of course hehe.

    Battle is already tonight :) probably won't do a full battle report because their will be drinking involved xD. But i will let you know the outcome.

    Any tips/pointers are more then welcome.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    List seems fine. I get that you want to try out the Razordons which is fair enough. Against Ogres I'd definitely use Salamanders as the panic tests will be a real blow against the Ogres with their crappy leadership.

    This is one of the few scenarios where taking a Carnosaur will really pay off because of their multiple wounds rule.

    Anything else that will force any kind of leadership test will be very useful (consider bloodroar on the Carno as well.)

    Otherwise, I get this is mainly a "for fun" list so I'm not gonna say much about it.

    Enjoy the game.
  3. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    With sallies i need to cause a casuality (or is it just a wound)? Let us say i get 4 ogres that touch the template, 4 hits, wounding on a 4. Means atleast 3 fours and he can still make a crappy save probably.

    I hear you about the carnosaur, but one hit of cannon could mean its doom. Mostly i'm afraid to take large targets against any army with shooting i know almost all armies have decent shooting, except us and WoC.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Right. But with the Razordons you a) have to roll to hit with BS3 usually at long range THEN you have to see whether or not you will get a wound. On average, you'll get 21 shots, 7 will hit, 3.5 wound and (if he hasn't been silly) 1-2 wounds. It won't mean much for the outcome as with the M6 they will be on you the next turn since to be able to shoot, you'll basically be within their charge range.

    Your choice obviously, the BS3 point is always the thing which makes me not take them. When I did a recent skirmish with my own Ogres against LIzardmen, the Salamander managed to hit 8 of them!

    Meh... Well, it's obviously a valid concern, but I think I'd still try it as it will be VERY effective in hand-to-hand. Up to you.

    (You could always try running Kroq-Gar with his 5+ ward save which also covers Grym-loq!)
  5. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    So due to pandamic rules still being in place, we couldn't really finish is. We still have a curfew clock around midnight. But the ogre player would have won.

    His setup was:

    Chariot Cannon
    2 units of 10 gnoblars
    4 leadbelchers
    7 iron guts
    10 ogres
    Butcher lvl 1
    Slaughter master lvl 4
    Bruiser BSB

    So some crucial stuff, lost my skink priest on turn 2 by my own fault, got shot to pieces by the leadbelchers, no penalties for moving and multiples really annoys me , also i was still thinking of previous editions that a single model (char) also gives -1 penalty for shooting.

    I think i was to afraid of his thundertusk, that model alone impressed me. My skinks did shoot at it alot, but if you get 40 shots off on it in one turn and roll not a single 6 (yes i'm not kidding) you know it's going to be a hard night.

    Overal my throwing was really off and my opponent did have alot of good rolls.

    And of course the one turn i needed my magic the most i threw 3 for the winds of magic. Bugger me.

    Anyway i know what to do next battle against ogres, despite the 40 shots not a single posion wound, my skinks did do a good job again. So loads of skinks next time.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
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