Cavalcade Wargames released their new Draconid miniatures, some of which could be wicked 'counts as' mini's for any lizardmen army. They would most likely have to stand in as Krox given they are 38mm tall. I am pretty impressed by the quality of the sculpts they have.
They look pretty cool but I think they are probably a little small to be Kroxigor. They are about an inch and a half tall where as current kroxigor are 2 and 1/4 inches, so closer to the 54mm of their champion. I am using reaper minis that are just shy of 2 inches and while they work well, I still wish they were a tad bigger.
Do you think that these models: will "count as" Kroxigors? They are much cheaper, have a huge weapon, but are smaller then th GW models. If it put them in a 40mm base, I think it is ok! What you think?
Those will not work as Krox, they are slightly smaller than the sauruses. Look up Lizardmen Tyrants they are the only ones that are similar size.
Those look better than the ones at the start of the thread. That will save you 30 bucks on 3 krox. Not a bad deal.
Hmm... I've been considering a huge unit of 18 Krox and using 9 regular Krox (3 5th edition, 3 6th, 3 7th edition) a 6th edition steg and a mish mash of other old dinos to represent them. A kind of 'Jungle swarm of MONSTERS' Some of these minis look good for this purpose too, so I'll definitely be thinking.
Smaller than a Saurus?...Well, 6th Kroxigors are much smaller than 7th ones, but I think they are nos smaller than Saurus!...Its a pity! They are cool looking models! I don't like the shield tyrant. How about these: Liz with 2H Cubs Tyrant Set Tyrant
I swear i've said this on other posts but many GW have a very stict "no go away you fool" policy on non-GW minitures with the exception of forge world. The main reason being that you are taking money away from GW. I agree that the high Krox price sucks but thats how it is.
If a GW employee says that, threaten to go to a different GW, an independent store or just play in house. Also threaten to buy all your mini's online (lots of sites out there sell for cheaper than stores, even with postage), putting that GW employee one more sale closer to unemployment.
Liz with 2H Cubs These guys are small as well Tyrant Set The guys are Kroxigor size Tyrant[/quote] This one is also Kroxigor size. PS If you click on the last pic, look at the colored picture and take a close look at who painted it.
GW petition time: I want a kroxigor plastic box kit! The river trolls are terrific, and fly off the shelf at my game store. Heck, I'd buy enough kroxigors by myself to just about make it worth their while.
That'd be nice, especially if they made a box of three. Although the current Kroxigor models are just so awesome, I'll probably buy a lot of them now anyways.
But with plastic box sets we'd be able to make different looking Kroxigors And I would spend weeks converting them!!! It would be AMAZING!!!! Sorry... it's a little late... I get over-excited when it's late..
There are a few awesome reaper minis i wanna use for my army... Old bloods etc Do you think the guys at the GW store will really kick up that much of a fuss? Maybe if I said i sculpted it myself
It really depends on the store, some may not even notice while others will get antsy. Really if the majority of your army is GW models they shouldn't complain, and if they do maybe have a backup model ready to put in his place in store. I say just buy the models if you really like them anyway.