Hi, I have some old lizardmen I'd like to use to start an AOS army but not sure how some of the models would fit in. I'm not sure what they where called before either as didn't really stick with it. I have - Saurus with a big flagpole and skull on head Saurus with big plume on head, scimitar and sheild Saurus with drum Skink with big flagpole with semi circle on top Skink with big froggy throat, scimitar and spears. Skink with drum Also, I have 30 saurus with clubs, 6 with spears, 8 skink with spears, 34 skink with bows. What would you advise being my next buys to get a decent enough list together? Thanks in advance!
Looks to me like all your miniatures are 6th Edition Warhammer Fantasy models. But someone who knows AoS will have to advise you on what to get next I am an 8th edition purist.
These are the 6th edition models alright. To me it looks like 2 Saurus Guards, Banner and Drummer (the ones with the skulls on their head) and a Saurus Alpha. Those can still be used in AoS if you put them on a properly sized base (32mm round) The Skinks are a banner, drummer and an Alpha. Of those only the Alpha remained in AoS so you might convert them to a normal skink. Those go on 25mm round bases For next steps you could look to the Start Collecting Boxes, either Seraphon or Skinks. Both are a pretty decent start. Most lists consist of either Saurus or skinks to maximize buffs from heroes like starpriests or sunblood etc. if you pick a SCB Seraphon be sure to check the tutorial over here Grrr, Imrahil
Awesome, thanks both. So the Saurus Banner and Drummer can fit in with Saurus units, but the skink banner and drummer not (unless they just proxy as normal skinks)? If that's the case I could convert the banner into a star priest maybe?
You're welcome Yes indeed, they might mix nice with the newer models for some diversion. You definitely should do that Make sure to start a hobby/painting blog in the Painting and Conversion subforum. That way you can share your work with us and ask any questions you have Grrr, Imrahil