Campaign Hero Level Up

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by BoqGar, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. BoqGar
    Jungle Swarm

    BoqGar New Member

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    Hi There

    Does anyone know of any good places that have a character development table for WH that can be used as part of a campaign I'm developing that's a cross between the Tale of Four Gamers, Mighty Empires and Lustria/Dark Shadows global campaigns.

    I'm talking about the kind of thing that give you 1XP for causing a wound, 2XP for killing a character etc.etc. Then, when you've got to so many points you roll on a table to generate new abilities (increase in stats, mounts, magic items, special rules). It's a little bit like the Eye of the Gods table in the Warriors of Chaos (scum) rulebook but I'm looking for more general and over a longer period because the characters will keep the upgrades for future games.

    If you don't know of anywhere, can anyone suggest some good ways of generating XP and some cool upgrades? Here's what I've come up with already, it is a complete list but I'd still welcome some feedback or other suggestions.

    XP Chart:
    +1XP fighting in a battle
    +1XP winning a battle
    +2XP winning a challenge
    +1XP killing an enemy one size higher than yourself (infantry kills cavalry, cavalry kills monster etc.)
    +1XP killing an enemy character
    +2XP killing the enemy general
    - 1XP fleeing from combat
    - 2XP declining a challenge
    - 1XP no surviving units at the end of the battle (massacred)

    When your character reaches the following number of XP, they roll on the charts detailed later. Rolls are made at the end of the current battle and some characters may need to roll more than once.

    Rolls made at: 6XP, 10XP, 15XP, 21XP, 28XP, 35XP, 43XP, 52XP, 62XP.

    Initial Chart (roll 1D6)
    1 = Gain a new weapon (from those available in unit profile)
    2 = +1 Initiative
    3 = Gain a mount (re-roll if not available to character) Character must take the basic option for their mount but can upgrade if re-rolled in future i.e. High Elf gets a horse and then re-rolls and can upgrade to an eagle etc.
    4 = +1 Movement
    5 = +1 Ld
    6 = Roll on secondary table

    Secondary Table (Roll 3D6)
    3 = +1 Strength
    4 = +1 Toughness
    5 = +1 Weapon Skill
    6 = +25 points magic items allowance (existing items may be sold and the combined value used for new items)
    7 = Causes Fear (future re-roll causes terror. Causes terror if character already causes fear)
    8 = Immune to Psychology
    9 = Killing Blow (heroic killing blow if re-rolled/already has killing blow
    10 = +1 Attack
    11 = Stomp Attack (reroll if already has Stomp cannot be upgraded to Thunderstomp)
    12 = Wings (gains 'Fly' special rule)
    13 = +1 Armour Save
    14 = 6+ Ward Save (can be rerolled to a maximum 4+ save, combines with existing save)
    15 = -1 Strength
    16 = -1 Toughness
    17 = Stupidity
    18 = -1 Leadership

    Cheers for all your help.
  2. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    We used a very similar system for our 7th ed. Mighty Empires campaign, but it was a bit more simplistic. I think the rules for it actually come with the Mighty Empire kit, but I'll ask around and find out.

    Our main character gained +1 xp for:
    Winning a challenge
    Slaying a character (or chasing it down)
    Surviving the battle with full wounds
    Casting a spell with ultimate power
    Killing a large monster

    The character lost 1 xp for:
    Refusing a challenge (Skaven and Goblin can refuse without -1)
    Getting slain
    Fleeing the battle
    Fleeing a charge (Skaven and Goblin OK)
    Miscast (no -1 if you nullified it with something like Cupped Hands)

    It cost 5 xp to roll on the Level Up chart, and you either got a stat increase, an item to purchase, or chose a special ability from a list. The abilities were pretty neat, with things like letting the character fire shots equal to his # of attacks (the Wood Elf player got this of course).

    If the character was slain you also had to roll on a chart; he could be dead, crippled, out of action for a certain # of games, or he could have full recovery.

    If he was out of action, you had to leave his spot vacant in the army; i.e. your Lord choice was used up even though he wasn't participating in the battle.

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