Hello all! I'm painting a lot of scaley bois and looking for some advice. What I am painting: 1 x Starting Seraphon box 1x 2003 Lizardmen Battallion box 1 x Temple Guard box So that is: 15 x temple guards 16 x saurus knights 36 x saurus warriors 1 x carnosaur 0 x skinks (there are sprues to make 24 in the old box but I don't really like skinks so will try to sell/trade those). My plan is to paint the saurus in a fairly traditional way. For the scales I did kantor blue->nuln oil wash> lothern blue drybrush, and then for the fleshy bits did sotek green>greenshade wash> temple guard blue highlights. Painted a couple saurus test models and was really happy with how these turned out. BUT I didn't love the red shield paint scheme. The carnosaur will ideally have scales layered black and then grey, with blue drybrushing (not sure how this will work yet), then a fleshy white underbelly. Cold ones will be black scales and white/fleshy belly but skipping the grey. What I would really like is for the saurus shields to be a similar (simplified) version of the mounts paint scheme. Has anyone used a black with shades of blue colour scheme for any models (on shields or scales preferably) that they have been happy with? And if so, what were the steps/colours/techniques you used? Really excited to have such a good project on the go and looking forward to sharing the results with you!
Unfortunately I am a fledgling painter as well, so can't offer any suggestions. But welcome to the forum! And definitely post some pictures of your work so far and as you finish models!
Thanks! I've had an account here for a while and lurked for years, but finally committing to painting my lizardmen and seraphon crew . Just finished assembling all of the saurus, cold ones, and cold one riders - its kind of neat how the same models/sprues are different colours (dark grey and light) for the different period of time when I got them!
Personally I haven't painted the black-blue yet, but first what springs ro mind is Russ Grey, this in itself is a little blue-grey color. But even more in your alley @Y'ttar Scaletail has done some black-blue stonework, take a look at his blog for inspiration. Grrr, Imrahil
I don't know how interested you are in GW's contrast paints, but you could possibly test a model with a base of something like Temple Guard Blue and wash it with Black Templar or Basilicanum Grey contrast?
Even though im not the best painter i could suggest you trying out something like theese (of course wihout the galaxy pattern) that i found when looking for a potential color scheme for my starpriest (let me know if I need to find the link for theese since I didin't make them)
@Noxolotl those skink shields are exactly what I was looking for! I did a reverse image search and they are from a reddit post, i'll message that redditor to ask this was perfect. Also god damn @Y'ttar Scaletail 's stonework is ridiculously good
In case anyone else was curious about the source of the galaxy skinks linked above, they were painted by colorclick_minis on instagram. He replied very quickly and politely with a great step by step. Chucked him a follow, he has some really creative seraphon colour schemes (though for all I know he is already a member of this board)!