8th Ed. 3000 pts vs OnGs

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Cptn Timmy, Apr 18, 2021.

  1. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    All the talk of lizards vs orcs and goblins has inspired me to post my last battle vs them. I only have a few pictures of the initial set up and I will be reciting from memory so it might not be the most in depth report.
    Some preface:
    It was dawn attack and my opponent ended up having to deploy most his army on the right flank. He did seize the initiative which gave him the opportunity to fix his deployment slightly. I had tailored my list to fight vampire counts so unfortunately had no war machine hunters, but I did have vast magical superiority with a tricked out slaan and 2 lvl 1 skink priests vs two lvl 3 orc shamans and 2 lvl 1 gobbos. 3 of My opponents 5 war machines blew up thanks to their shoddy construction and my slaan ran roughshod over the enemies wizards generating a minimum of 1 extra power dice every phase.
    I will break down the battle according to the three sections of deployment because I dont think ill remember what happened each turn individually.

    My two-four of saurus stared down a horde of night goblin archers. My bastiladon wisely waited for the saurus to advance and moved behind them and across the battlefield to support the middle of the battle.
    My slaan vaulted the saurus up the flank with a walk between worlds which simultaneously pressured the gobbos and triggered their fanatics resulting in the fanatics not doing any damage. (A trick my opponent was not aware of but I'm sure will be prepared for from this point on.) The saurus foolishly left themselves in range of the bane stone giving the goblins +1 to wound but a well cast wyssans from the skink priests with them let them win the fight eventually. They then turned and killed a spear chukka or 2 by the end of the game.

    Right flank
    My skinks ran in to
    the middle of the fight to be a distraction. My cold one riders (shout out @Lizards of Renown ) shifted slightly up and down the flank to threaten 6 river trolls. They effectively removed that unit from the game with out losing any VP. They failed one stupid check throughout the game but did not end up too far out of position.

    Now for the meat and potatoes of the battle.
    His giant charged in to my temple guard unit and although won the first round of combat by crying was cut down shortly after with a support charge from the bastiladon. My slaan peppered his unit of squigs with various magic missiles and basically turned them into a non-factor.
    My ancient stegadon got spooked after gork picked up a whole unit of black orcs and placed them behind my lines. He foolishly charged them and inflicted some damage but ultimately his thick skin was no match for the great weapons.
    My skinks were unfortunately no match for His wolf riders but they did succeed in holding off the savage orc horde for a turn.
    The largest combat of the game begun when his savage orks charged my saurus horde. There was lots of death on either side but the orks handily won the combat. Fortunately my saurus backed up by light of battle were not going anywhere. My slaan had light of battle, speed of light, bironas time warp, hand of glory, and 2 instances of wyssans. The next turn the black orks charged the rear of my saurus but they held again with light of battle. On my turn my opponent put all his dice into stopping light of battle which gave me free reign for spells. Unfortunately my slaan failed to cast a 12+ bironas time warp on 3 dice and I was not able to buff them at all. The saurus were defeated. This i think was bottom of turn 5 and with his remaining wolf riders blocking my temple guard from joining the fray and there being no more points left for him to get (he didn't want to engage the templeguard) we called the battle at the top of 6.
    Lizardmen victory by a few hundred points.
    Some thoughts
    I thought I had lost this battle and was very frustrated I wasn't able to get my temple guards in to battle. Turns out that with me being able to kill his characters in the savage orc units and the rest of the field I had enough points to secure the victory.
    Some mistakes I made:
    - trading out all my magic missiles which left me no option to kill his 1 or 2 left over wolf riders
    - not enough skinks
    -xharging his gw unit with my stegadon

    Some luck i had
    - his bad deployment rolls
    -his artillery blowing itself up
    - me getting light of battle when trading in to light magic. ( I switched 3 spells in to light and when I initially rolled LoB I didn't want to keep it, I ended up keeping it because I know its valuable to have a spell because when you roll again if you roll that spell then you get a choice, which is what ended up happening.)

    Some things I learned:
    -Always keep track of points, I very much thought I was losing for most of the game but I was actually in a position of strength.
    -Light of battle is amazing
    -Your temple guard dont need to fight. (My opponent actually said he'd have much rather been able to engage the temple guard because he knows without killing the slaan he could not defeat the lizards.
    Next time I will take pictures so I can provide a much better write up.
    Thanks for reading! Any advice would be appreciated.
    20210327_145607.jpg 20210327_142426.jpg View attachment 90724
  2. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Looks like this was a pretty fun battle!

    I really LOVE when I can get a HUGE battle on. Really makes me happy, especially when the troops are all arrayed at the start.
    Cptn Timmy likes this.
  4. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    The battle was lots of fun, it was my first W of the 3 game series. We got in 3x3000 pt battles -woc vs high elves - ogres vs orks and gobbos ( my first loss with the ogres) so only my trusty lizards were able to secure a victory. I do think I got quite lucky with the dice in this game though. I can't emphasize enough how much my slaan killed it this battle. Switching in to light from FoM and getting every spell I needed. It was peculiar because I threw an extra die than average at every spell and rolled the minimum casting value probablyv80% of the time.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Nice! Sounds fun!

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