Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Lizards of Renown, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    I would say that sounds like a pretty good duo. If you don't want to trick out a combat character. Without knowing the rules of the campaign I would say that of course you'll need a lore of the great maw caster. And a firebelly is a character I find to always be useful because of the extra arcane item slot, and they really shine in low points games because of the st4 breath weapon and the lore of fire is actually pretty good in lower point games. I will also add that combat characters can be a tonne of fun, while not necessarily being the most useful. If you can elaborate on the rules of the campaign a little, i.e. battle point sizes, general goals, and permanence of characters and whether you're allowed to take multiple chars in a list or you're stuck with who you got, I could probably be of more use. Good luck!
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    The thing about Ogres is you can actually deck out your Butcher into a combat fighter pretty easily, since they are able to take magic armour (they have the option to take an ironfist, so per the rules can therefore take magic armour).

    Otherwise, I think it depends on what you have as a strategy and what the rest of your army therefore looks like. Ogres have flaws but have major pluses too. It depends how you want to play them based on who you're fighting. You'll need to make them pretty well rounded as WoC, Wood Elves and Skaven all have different strengths.
    Cptn Timmy likes this.
  3. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    @Cptn Timmy so the final goal of the map campaign is to take the chaos dwarf city but the dwarves are so well fortified we can’t attack them yet.

    You can take heroes/lords normally but you have to take one of the two characters you start with in each game. You have to give them a little bit of fluff and set equipment. Also they get to roll on a table in the blood and the badlands book after each game.

    There is not a standard size to the games you just decide with your opponent before playing. We have some new players and some players who have been collecting for years so some can barely reach 2k and other like me have 8k in ogres.

    That’s what has me tripped up. I’ve been playing 6th edition ogres for the last 2-3 years at 2-3k points each game. I could always default to a slaughter master with Glittering scales and fencers blades but that doesn’t seem like much fun in the long run
  4. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hey @Charlemagne
    That sounds like a lot of fun, I think I would suggest, that if you are not worried about being too competitive or if you have a varied amount of skill level in opponents than I would go with maybe one standard usual choice character and one fun/fluffy character that way you can switch out depending on the match you're in.
    I do see why you think taking the standard slaughtermaster would not be so fun and I agree with you especially since you will be able to add that character in whenever needed with your standard list building.
    I might suggest as a fairly competitive choice:
    A standard load out bsb- these will always be useful regardless of how competitive the match is


    Lvl 1 or 2 butcher/firebelly with a dispel scroll and a small amount of fighting set up. That way you leave room to pick a good arcane item for your slayghtermaster if required.

    Now for the fun part.
    Create a character with a clear goal that you think will be fun to play
    Maybe something like:
    Big Lug the Wizard puncher:

    Butcher with the greedy fist, heavy Armour, enchanted shield, and the rock eye.
    He has a 3+ 6++ t5 for defense and every time he *hits* not wounds a wizard they lose a spell and a wizard level. His 6+ ward also has a fun attribute. Is he a competitive choice? Absolutely not, is he a fun choice? I think so. Line him up directly across from an enemy wizard and send him chugging full speed across the table. If he hits, he will give you a strong advantage in the magic phase. If he doesn't hit. Well he can hold his own against other moderate characters.
    Strike fear in the heart of every wizard among the lands of your campaign who will tremble at the thought of Big Lugs brick fist.
    Could also be upgraded to a tyrant and kitted out however offensive or defensive you prefer. ( or on a carpet)

    Smoke mouth the insane
    Firebelly with a hell heart. Kamikaze him into the middle of the other army and break that heart open.
    Never deploy him in a unit and just try to dodge dip duck and dofge through terrain until he gets in the middle of the enemy lines.

    I would also think a hunter could be a lot of fun especially if you kit him out to kill monsters and only try to succeed at that with him, adding a skull to his base with each successful kill through out the campaign. That way, even if you lose the battle you can find solace in the fact that at least you killed a monster.

    I dont known if any of those ideas suit your fancy but Hopefully I conveyed the idea of what I was trying to accomplish. Also the wizard puncher has always been a character I wanted to try out.
    I also think I should ask whether you play 25% lords and heroes or 50% because 25 might make running a fun character slightly unfeasible.
    Good luck!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
  5. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    I love that greedy fist build. Big lug will get his debut this weekend against lizardmen. I’m not in a great position on this map and have some tough battles in the future. Should be a fun time and with any luck he will be able to punch a Slann(old ones forgive me).

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Praise Hashut!
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    But did you note one of the armies in the melee is Tomb Kings? :D


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    A matchup against the Chaos Dwarfs is an extremely tall order for the Tomb Kings. That is definitely an uphill struggle.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    But let's face it, most armies will be an uphill struggle.

    I'm back to preparing for my WoC match-up... since we might be looking at lessened restrictions in the UK shortly... (fingers crossed)
  10. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Thats awesome. !! Let me know how it goes, although getting your hands on a slaan will probably be quite the tall task.

    Looks like you are connecting with almost every other race on that map, good luck!
    Imrahil likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This is true... but the matchup against the CD has to be one of the very worst for them.

    Good stuff. That spawned some great discussion in the past!
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  12. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    Played my first campaign game against lizardmen today. This was my first time playing against lizardmen. I got destroyed.

    how it started.

    how it ended


    I got double charged by sharpened horned stegodons. He ended up rolling a 5+6 for impact hits and wounded on all but one. Killing 6 iron guts and a slaughter master. It was a total blood bath.
  13. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    Also I’d like to turn this into like a blog thing as I wanna share my adventure. The old ogre kingdoms webpage had a blog section called gnoblogs which I loved reading through. Is there somewhere on here I could do that? I’ve looked around but didn’t see a good spot.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Right here in the Other Armies Discussion sub-forum is the perfect place. Startup a new thread, it will be a welcome addition to our many great WFB topics!!!
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Exactly as @NIGHTBRINGER says! Right here!

    We campaigned for this subforum so that we could get more 8th edition dialogue and discussions going and what you are talking about sounds perfect. To be honest, you could even just post in this thread, since I created it with this purpose in mind to be able to discuss all things Ogrey! :D
    Imrahil, Charlemagne and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  16. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hey @Charlemagne those pictures look great! What an amazing looking battlefield! It looks like that terrain did you no favours! Any chance you could elaborate on the battle a little bit? The ogre player in me can feel the pain of that charge but the lizardmen in me can feel the joy. Lol.
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  17. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    @Cptn Timmy
    It was a 2k game.
    I ran a slaughtermaster, bruiser (big lug), 8bulls, 7 guts, 4 mournfang, gorger, 12 gnoblar trappers, 4 leadbelchers, cannon

    He ran a skink priest lvl2 on stegadon, scar vet on foot, stegadon, 10 spear warriorsx2, 20 blowpipe skinks, 20 javelin with a krox, 10 cold ones, bastilidon, trogladon

    Yeah the terrain was a big factor in this game. I didn’t look ahead to see what gaps my mournfang could fit through and well they ended up having to go around to try to get in position to get to anything. So almost 400 points of my army didn’t get to factor in. I tried to circle them around but by the time we got to the fourth turn I only had the gorger and my mournfang left.

    I had him on the ropes for the first two turns, he wasn’t able to deal more than a couple wounds on my unit of iron guts with the slaughter master Peariant I finished his warriors unit with the scar veteran.

    Funny thing that happened is the guy didn’t realize the engine of the gods on the stegodon gave a 6+ Ward save so when I killed his character on the ancient stegodons turn one with a cannonball he was rightfully saddened but the next turn when he was reading what the engine of the gods did we did a little bit of time travel and he made that save.

    Turn four is when he charged in with the two stegadons utterly destroying the unit and one go.

    my bruiser and bull unit got charged on the flank by a unit of skinks with a kroxigor. I had my bruiser make way and he totally whiffed only killing one skink and the other two ogres killing 3 more. But with static combat rez and the krox dealing 2 wounds. I broke and he ran me down.
    All in the same turn. I called it then.

    I mean I could of had the mournfang come in to claim more points for the campaign but it was the guys second ever game of Warhammer fantasy and I didn’t wanna drag it out.

    The best part of this campaign is other than me and the guy running it nobody’s really had a Warhammer fantasy army before. They are mostly converts from 40k or AoS.
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well sounds like you guys had fun anyways :)

    One comment on the terrain: I would definitely advise following the rulebook and rolling for the types of scenery (then taking it in turns to place it on the board). From the picture I saw, the terrain would HEAVILY favour Lizardmen as they excel at getting up close to the enemy (Skinks with Javelins, obviously the Steg's impact hits (ouch, I felt that when I was reading it) and such).
    Imrahil likes this.
  19. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hey! Sounds like a good game both lists look really fun to play. Did the stegadon also make the 6++? Also in regards to terrain I totally agree with @Lizards of Renown in using the rule book, or alternatively @Scalenex made some awesome terrain generators that are army and area specific.

    I can't really tell from the pictures but might it have been viable to reform your mournfang 2x2 so they didn't have to go around?

    The campaign sounds like loads of fun, I think that when you are first learning how the game works is when the game is most fun because battles won't really play out "as expected" keep on with the updates we'll be rooting for you. (And possibly the lizardmen player, cause you know lol. )
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Take a look at some of the old White Dwarf issues and see how they did their terrain. Will give you some good ideas.

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