Showcase your Underworlds Warband models here! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please only post images of completed models. In the event you have a WIP thread on the model/s, please post the link to it as well. Note: If you want to post a WIP (Work In Progress) image, please start a thread in the main forum for this and then post an image here when you have completed the model/s.
This is just simply stunning! Your work inspires me to improve, I always look forward to seeing more!
Holy cow... The detail on this one is amazing. RUSHED?!?!?! I wish my paint jobs that TOOK TIME looked half as good as this...
I've just gotta say i love the way you paint your skinks and it's a big inspiration.(even though it's going to be ages before i'll get this good) Can't wait to see the rest of them
I usually paint Chameleon Skinks to blend in. Not this one. Based on a panther chameleon, I chickened out on doing red stripes on the limbs.