8th Ed. The BEST close combat units in all of Warhammer.

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    First off, HOORAY FOR THE MOURNFANGS!!!! Thundercats HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    The Mournfang are starting to show their overall quality, which is pretty decent. If you add in a canny general ensuring that they get their D3 S5 impacts hits for each model (3 if you are sensible) then they become even better.

    I was VERY surprised by the Arachnarok Spider, but then I realized that I've never actually seen one played in real life. My friend who plays O&Gs says that even though the model is amazing, he wouldn't play it for the potential poison liability. The Mournfang also takes away it's ability to Thunderstomp by being Monstrous Cavalry so they ensure their massive victory even without the impact hits.

    I will say that with M7 they are pretty likely to get into a position where they can pull off their devastating charge. I usually get at least one of these per game and it's pretty nasty.

    @NIGHTBRINGER can you post the standings again?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    They have definitely had a bit of a resurgence of late. They do have some tough times ahead of them though, as they still have to face the Destroyer, Skullcrushers and Executioners.

    In game they are a fantastic unit, having very capable offense and defense. The impact hits are a huge factor, they alone can turn the tide of a combat.

    In hindsight (though as they say, "hindsight is 20/20"), I would have liked to have seen a Treeman take the place of the Arachnarok in the tournament. A Treeman isn't too flashy, having only S5, but it has a lot of built in reliability...
    • T6
    • 3+ Scaly Skin
    • 6+ Ward
    • Stubborn leadership 9 (this alone would give it a huge advantage over the Arachnarok in the tournament)
    • WS6
    • A special Tree Whack attack which ideal against low initiative opponents and punches right through toughness and armor

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Game time. Everyone's "favourites" the White Lions of Chrace vs. the big bad Savage Orc Big'uns:

    Key rules in play:
    • White Lions: Martial Prowess, Stubborn, ASF and ASL cancel each other out
    • Savage Orcs: Choppas, Frenzy, Warpaint


    The Savage Orcs are a bit unlucky as they survive with 0.6 too few wounds to claim a Massive Victory. I also tried a narrower frontage for the White Lions to start the match, but just fair worse. Ultimately though, not being able to break the Savage Orcs' Frenzy sealed the doom for the Elves.

    The Savage Orcs continue to hang onto the final spot of the top 8, while the White Lions are now in sole possession of second last place...

    So who is happy about the White Lions being handed another loss? Can the Savage Orcs finish in the top eight? Two more matches to go to finish out round #10!
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    White Lions BOOOOO!!!!

    I don't know exactly why I dislike the High Elves so much. Yes, as @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl has mentioned, they are very arrogant which is a large factor but there's something else about them that I dislike. Probably something also on the fact that I dislike people who take OP armies just so that they can win. Sure, I play each game trying to win but I play with my FRIENDS. I'm trying to have a good time and make sure they have a good time as well. I have made a point of avoiding playing with gamey people, no fun to be had there.

    Quite impressive, but I've always thought that the Savage Orcs are quite a force to be reckoned with. Like the Witch Elves, unless you have a pretty decent armour save (and for the first turn with Choppas they are at S5!!!! so even then it's dangerous) you are going to be properly butchered. Especially, as in this example, if you don't break the Frenzy. With a six model frontage (which isn't even that big) you're getting, what, 3 attacks each with the AHW and Frenzy? So that 24 attacks at S5 for the first turn which is pretty... well... savage.

    I'm happy about the White Lions being taken down another step. Obviously doesn't make them any less formidible considering the company they are keeping as each of the units on this list would make you think twice if your opponent plonked it down during the deployment phase.

    I think the Savage Orcs will still finish in top 8. They are a pretty dangerous unit.

    I'm really enjoying the battle royale here @NIGHTBRINGER ! :D
  5. The Great White Lizard
    Chameleon Skink

    The Great White Lizard Well-Known Member

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    Definitely! This thread is great. I can't really add much input here as I ave played far to few games of 8th to gain a well rounded opinion, but Treemen are definitely forces to be reckoned with. Thanks for putting in all the hard work @NIGHTBRINGER!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    My friend used to take a brick of 50 of these guys, complete with a bunch of character support as his death star. It would buzz saw most units. It did cower before my much smaller unit of 4+ 3++ stubborn Chaos Chosen-Star however (when such a thing was still possible under the 7th edition army book; Orcs & Goblins already had their 8th edition book, but WoC were still on their 7th at the time). That Chosen-star was sooooo broken!!

    Glad you guys are enjoying it!! It's good to know that the work put into it is worthwhile! !.png

    @The Great White Lizard : As for the Treemen... my wife loves them! She usually fields two! They are a sturdy and reliable monster.

    ...we'll see how much she likes them when I get my K'daai Destroyer into them (insert evil Chaos cackle). Up until now I've been terrorizing them with my TK Sepulchral Stalkers.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Second to last match of the round. Hell Pit Abomination vs. Chaos Warriors

    Key rules in play:
    • HPA: Regenerate, Stubborn, Special Close Combat Attacks
    • Chaos Warriors: Mark of Nurgle

    Another victory for the HPA, but not before the CWs are able to take it down below 50%, denying the HPA a Massive Victory. The HPA's S6 is simply too perfect against the CWs, as it wounds them on 2's and cuts through their 4+ armour save. The HPA also has several attacks that hit automatically, thereby bypassing the CW's impressive WS and MoN -1 to hit. Of course, defensively, regeneration saves the day!


    The HPA finds itself tied with the Skullcrushers (who will fight in the final match of the round) for 6th place, and just four points out of 3rd place. A podium finish seems unlikely but it is still within striking range. Thoughts?
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    It is a nasty piece of work... (pun intended).

    No surprise it's been doing well, but I don't see it beating the Beasts or Witch Elves due to it's monster status.

    (which as we know has a disadvantage against larger units when done well.)
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    "due to it's monster status" ... *K'daai Destoryer has entered the room* ;)

    Joking aside, I'm in agreement with you. It would be a pretty big upset if the HPA were able to finish on the podium. The Beasts of Nurgle are a lock for second place. The Witch Elves still have a bit of competition to face, but I don't think it will come from the HPA.

    Also, the HPA is in a similar situation as the Mournfang. The HPA doesn't get to benefit from its D6 impact hits in the tournament. Additionally, the HPA's "Too Horrible to Die" special rule is also not in effect.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    A) Monsters normally suffer heavily in a large infantry match-up.

    B) I think we have conclusively proven that the K'Daai is an exception to the rule (and ridiculously OP!!!! :) )
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  11. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    It sure is, my friend, it sure is!

    I have non experience and I love to chip in, which mostly make non sence :p

    Grrr, Imrahil

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think your contributions to this thread have been fantastic. Its the discussions created from the matchups that makes the whole thing worthwhile!

    I hope to hear even more from you guys.

    @The Great White Lizard : join in on the discussion. It's always more fun when when we have more people participating.
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    It's always good to have fresh viewpoints as well. On a recent rules discussion, I realized that I had missed a key part of protection for characters of a different troop type in infantry units. Definitely going to use this with my cowboys and in my Necrotect/BSB with my Ushabti.
    NIGHTBRINGER and Imrahil like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Lizards of Renown @Killer Angel @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @Imrahil @The Great White Lizard

    We have run into a slight issue... and rather than delay the tourney a couple months like last time :p:p, I figured I'd tackle it right away (with your help and feedback!!).

    The issue arose in the final matchup of this round between the Skullcrushers vs. Soul Grinder. When setting up the contest the points per side were as follows:
    • 1 Soul Grinder 260 points
    • 3 Skullcrushers 244 points
    Seeing that the Skullcrushers were short on points, I dropped in a musician for them bringing them to 254 points (still 6 points below the Soul Grinder). I typically don't give units in the tourney musicians, because it rarely plays a part, however in this case it changes the result of the matchup. I took look back at the Demigryph Knights and they were not given a musician even though they were just as eligible as the Skullcrushers (meaning they were also at a point disadvantage against the Soul Grinder). While I have not redone their calculations, on a quick glance I think a musician would play a huge factor in their matchup and overturn the result.

    So the two options are:
    • strip the musician off the Skullcrushers and leave the Demigryph matchup as it is [i.e. neither unit has a musician]
    • keep the musician in the Skullcrusher matchup and go back and add in the musician for the Demigryphs as well [i.e. both units have a musician]
    What do you think? Which way should we play it?

    While we don't "list build" from one matchup to another, the addition of a musician (and possibly even a champion) seems like a fair way to balance the points between opponents when additional models can't be added because they cost too much (unlike an infantry unit where we can simply add another model).

    One last thing to consider are the Mournfang, who have yet to face the Soul Grinder. Their options would be:
    • 4 Mournfang (no command models) = 280 points
    • 3 Mournfang + full command = 240 points
    As you can see, balancing them vs. the Soul Grinder's 260 points is a difficult task. Keep them in mind when deciding how to proceed with the Demigryphs and Skullcrushers.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    See, see, it’s not just my Dwarfs that are problematic :D

    The Demigryphs certainly have room for a musician for +10 points, as that would take them to 252 points, and the Skullcrushers are 254 with their musician, so it’s not as if the addition of a musician in both units will take them above the cost of the Soul Grinder. On the contrary it’s helping even up the points difference between them, which is what we aim to do in our respective tourneys to ensure a fair contest. What’s more, the units would nearly always have a musician when used in a full-scale battle anyway. I think you should add the musician into both units.

    The Mournfangs are altogether trickier because both options have the same points difference with the Soul Grinder. I’d suggest doing a match with both options, and if the Mournfangs with both, they should win, if the Soul Grinder wins both (somehow) it should win, while if both units win one match it should be a draw.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I agree with @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    to balance the points, both Demigryphs and Skullcrushers should have the upgrade against the Soul Grinder, and the mounrfangs should run double match, with +20 and -20 pts.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I think for the purposes of the exercise, the points should be made as close as possible. If that means including a musician, or a standard bearer and musician, etc. then fine.

    If, as in the case with the Mournfang match-up, it is unable to made as equal as possible, then @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl's work out seems best. It seems that this would be a rare scenario, but I agree averaging out what happens from both of them determines the overall result. That seems the most well-rounded way of looking at it.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
  18. The Great White Lizard
    Chameleon Skink

    The Great White Lizard Well-Known Member

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    I think @Lizards of Renown makes a good point. I think we should try to keep points as close to possible as their totals. I also think if a unit is short on points we should give them first a musician, then a standard bearer, and then finally, if the points still don't add up, a champion. Also that we should only do this in situations where adding extra models would be problematic. I also think that we should only add rank and file if adding them does not bring them above the points total of the other unit. For example, if adding a musician would take a unit's point total from 244 to 254 when fighting a 250 point unit, a musician should not be added, even tough it would bring the points total closer to the unit they are fighting.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl , @Killer Angel , @Lizards of Renown , @The Great White Lizard thank you for the feedback. I shall proceed as advised!
    • I'll keep the musician in the Skullcrusher matchup
    • I'll go back and rework the Demigryph matchup by adding in a musician for them (which will likely change their match result)
    • Mournfang will be run in both configurations and we'll see what we get.

    This is true. I shall cheer against both units in the tournament!

    I should note that a standard bearer has been included in all units that can take one since the start of the tournament. Since it often plays a pivotal part in a matchup (unlike a musician who only comes into play when there is a drawn combat... at least in terms of CC) I included it as part of each units' stock setup.
  20. The Great White Lizard
    Chameleon Skink

    The Great White Lizard Well-Known Member

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