AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. ArtoriusaurusRex
    Temple Guard

    ArtoriusaurusRex Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, for sure! I'd love to read it
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Exactly, I thought Gordrakk was the face of Destruction, an AoS Ghazghkull or Azhag the Slaughterer. Including Kragnos as a lone giant Centaur amidst a load of Orcs, Goblins and Ogres makes little sense at all, and I doubt that Gordrakk would bow to Kragnos without a big fight to settle who’s really boss.

    However, I’ve just thought there may be one last hope for the Centaur faction idea - even though the faction hasn’t appeared yet, it could be that GW are saving them to be revealed in the Third Edition boxed game as the antagonist faction as they did with Nighthaunt in Second Edition. Just because they’ve ‘gone’ it doesn't necessarily mean they’re dead - because Centaurs are fast-moving and in Greek myth they were based on nomadic horse-riding tribesmen like the Scythians, they could simply have moved on somewhere else in Ghur, and Kragnos’ return could prompt them to return in force.

    I certainly hope this will be the case anyway - it was such a great idea it would be a real shame if GW didn’t capitalise on it. But then GW have buggered up opportunities big-time before now.
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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  4. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Unfortunatly, most of the current lore takes place outside of our battletome. Which makes us seem rather irrelevant. Especially as in all current lore we tend to consistently get screwed. We weren't relevant in the soul wars. And now against Be'lakor we seem to have just given him what he wants. Sure, giving Be'lakor what he wants angers Archeon, but he didn't need our help to piss of Archeon, so why did we enable him? At least we were relevant in sigmar's initial assault at the start, we actually got some victories there regularly saving SCE hosts from annihilation...

    As for the battles in our own tome:
    Ancient history and at best a succesfull fighting retreat, at worst a hopeless last stand to buy time for civilians to retreat, not a victory.
    Kinband gets murdered regardless by us seemingly on accident, so that was pointless. Still destroyed the skaven army so that's something but unclear if this is important or not in the grand scheme of things.

    Wohoo, an actual major victory. Unfortunatly way in the past. But a victory nonetheless.

    Xen'phantica (or at least his constellation) is stuck in eternal combat with the daemons he banished (minus skarbrand? no idea where skarbrand is). At best this is a draw.
    Wohoo, second victory.

    Two whole victories in our own tome. Also1 draw, a succesfull fighting retreat and a random battle we won where some skaven and aelves where murdered that appears of no relevance to anything bigger than just that local battle.

    It's not exactly impressive score, even within our own tome...
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Yes...:shifty: More sisters of battle...

    Grrr, Imrahil
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    huh. ok it's not SM so we good
    JakeusMaxemus likes this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    SoB got new models and a new codex, the "old" one was still recent, their army is already very strong.
    In the meantime, tyranids, tau, orks, eldars are waiting since aeons.
    The chaos marines are stuck with 1 wound because apparently a friggin faq is too difficult.

    Really, GW? Better if i censor myself
  8. ArtoriusaurusRex
    Temple Guard

    ArtoriusaurusRex Well-Known Member

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    I think it's funny how GW decided to complete their transformation into female Space Marines by giving them lieutenants, dreadnoughts, ancients, predators, and bladeguard veterans lol

    Honestly though, I expect this codex to be an overall nerf like the Space Marine one was.
  9. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    And grey knights and CSM still enjoy single wound while being about the same cost as 2-wound vanilla guys. While new part of campaign brings even more rules to IK and SoB.

    9th absolutely terrible in terms of updating old stuff. 8 did a great job, but 9th...

    I understand, there are delays connected to lockdowns, but this doesn't explain the release of two parts of the campaign, dedicated to the same factions, who already have codexes, while other armies struggle with outdated rules.

    Screw 40k. Long live AoS!
  10. ArtoriusaurusRex
    Temple Guard

    ArtoriusaurusRex Well-Known Member

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    They wasted ungodly amounts of time releasing space marine supplements. That should've been last priority after other army books

    We've literally only had 4 Codices since 9th came out.
  11. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I think if anything this conversation shows a lot of these things is just a matter of framing. We get these tiny little snapshots of stuff from the lore and depending on how you interpret that or what lens you view that through is gonna affect whether it's "a victory" or a "hopeless last stand."

    I also think there's something to be said about battles and war having ambiguous victories. It's war, i think that's a perpetual storyline throughout a lot of fiction. War doesn't have any winners. And the warhammer lore has always been set up as a plane of constant strife, to facilitate all the tabletop games. If there were clear winners and clear losers all the time, it would quickly become problematic for that unit. I know the argument will instantly be "look how often x y and z army "clearly" wins all the time." And that could very well be the case. I just don't know if that's a scenario i'd prefer.

    Anyways, it's obvious we unfortunately get less love from a lore standpoint. We are side, side players at best and kind of always have been. We may "lose" more than we win. But whether or not that's a good thing depends entirely on the story you are trying to tell or the background you are trying to create.

    I'm excited to see how it all ends up in this last broken realms book and how it flows into 3.0. It's kind of cool that we are starting to actually show up and through our weight around a little bit more. I'm hoping it means we are main players in the larger 3.0 storyline.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    To be fair, AoS is not doing that better. We are now with a new codex, but for how long we struggled? new elves received a new codex after a few months from the "old" one, while there are armies that are still waiting and are in much more need.

    But yes, 40k is the first offender.
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well Orks will probably be next because of all the new models for them being gradually previewed, including these guys on Monday:

    Tyranids and Genestealer Cults will both be sometime soon because they’ve both had Rumour engines showcasing new models. Also I think recently there was a Craftworld Eldar Rumour Engine.

    But yeah, sod Sisters of Battle, I hate how GW are giving them this much special treatment and turning them into female Marines. I sincerely hope they’ll give this much love to Bretonnia, Tomb Kings and Chaos Dwarfs when TOW arrives.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    True, but even in those cases, i love how the previews and the leaks last for months, while for certain Imperium armies... BAM! Here you are!

    To the point it's even irksome.
    I've buyed the "old" (ahahah) SM codex with a couple of supplements, in the last period of 8th. In less than 6 months GW basically decided that those money went into obsolete manuals.
    since the beginning of 9th edition, i stopped buying anything SM related.
  15. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    With GW having releases pushed forward there really isn't any way to extrapolate when any more news regarding Kroak could be arriving, is there? At least with Warhammer Fest going on it's safe to assume it won't be this week. For Be'lakor it took 34 days from the New Model Monday on March 13th until the statline and an ability was revealed on April 16th.

    (Waiting is hard!) :oldman:
  16. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah... I may sound like a broken record on this, but this is more or less the reason why I'm more apt to play Horus Heresy over the current edition of 40k. It may be a more expensive game overall, especially when it comes to requiring more models and the inclusion of resin kits, but I find there's more than just an artisan pride involved with collecting and playing an army that would otherwise be seen as generic in the base game.
    Killer Angel and Nart like this.
  17. ArtoriusaurusRex
    Temple Guard

    ArtoriusaurusRex Well-Known Member

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    There's no more news about him, but he probably comes this month... I would have to guess?
    Sebbs likes this.
  18. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    The biggest issue here is that every faction is a "main" faction in the universe according to the lore. And on top of that there's no small kingdoms, or zones of influence that factions focus on, not caring about a war elsewhere. In AoS everything consists of massive realm-spanning conflicts that should involve basically every single faction.

    It worked better in the old world, where say a waagh rampaging through the empire would naturally only involve orcs and the empire because why would anyone else care about that? It's a local affair specific to that area. Similar in 40K, a war on a single planet is only going to involve the couple of factions present on that one planet. It's easy to write a story for these where a different faction shines simply by moving to another part of the universe. And with a billion planets in 40K, or 100's of smaller local wars that cover maybe a country in fantasy, it's easy enough to give everyone at least some spotlight in their own tomes and the occasional few lines of fluff in a white dwarf and such. But in AoS we really only have realm-spanning conflicts. Logically speaking, everyone should be involved cuz the war is taking place right next door (if not outright in their territory). Yet AoS stories consistently focus on the same factions, who also weirdly tend to play the same roles over and over. Not just seraphon suffer from this.

    The end result is rather odd..
    Last edited: May 5, 2021
  19. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    My prediction is AdMech codex, then Soulblight, then BR4. Some boxed game stuff may get in between of these.
    Sebbs likes this.
  20. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    My wallet is running from me with this announcement FB_IMG_1620241732881.jpg

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