Hey all I recently assembled my Temple Guard, and found that due to the shield and head position, I couldn't easily reach all the areas to paint. Being a little bummed out because of this, I tried something totally different: ghostly Temple Guard spirits! I decided to base my army as a Sacred Host of Tlax, the City of Ghosts. I quickly wrote some fluff for the army and TG: "Although the temple city of Tlax fell thousands of years ago, a single Slann ventured forth with a small following of Lizardmen to reclaim the City of Ghosts, in the year 1738 on the Imperial Calendar. Over time, the citizens cleared and rebuilt the city, and learned to respect and honour the spirit battles that took place each night. The Slann, Lord Ta'Qupexa, reopened the Star Chamber. Inside, he found a dozen spectral Temple Guardians, who regarded him impassively. He tentatively probed forth with his conscious, and encountered the Saurus' minds. They weren't deceased, neither were they physically alive, but their souls still resided, taking the appearance of their life form. The resolute guardians' spirits hadn't departed the world. They were bound in place by the potent magicks left behind by the long dead Slann Mage-Priest that previously inhabited the ancient Chamber. But this was not the only reason; the Saurus' knew they could further serve the Old Ones' by remaining for millennia to protect a future Slann. The twelve warriors now stand by Lord Ta'Qupexa at all times,marching to war to serve and fight as an unstoppable force." What do you guys think? Advice and criticism welcome . I'm hoping to upload some pictures of the Slann and his Temple Guard soon. Thanks
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Yea that I'll work, a while back somebody had an idea for a ghost saurus army, not sure if he ever finished it though...
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Thanks I'm wondering if I should paint the entire army as ghosts, although I think that would look a little bland, the same colour scheme throughout. Also, I'm looking for suggestions for what colour I should paint my Ancient Stegadon with EoTG. Any suggestions/pictures? Thanks again
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard I must say, n810, that that colour scheme is pretty damn awesome! I just might do that! I'm currently painting my Stegadon a mix of dark blues, washed with Leviathan Purple. I converted my Slann to have the Sun Standard of Chotec, or whatever it's called, and painted it in vibrant reds, oranges and yellows, washed with Baal Red. Still unsure what colour to paint my Carnosaur =P
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Well I f you have all that painted, you should definitely post some pictures
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard I agree, I have been watching this thread eagerly awaiting pics. n810, wow I am tempted to make a saurus like that just for the coolness of it. He looks awesome!
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Ok just one more, a little more realistic this time....
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard I'll hopefully be uploading pics of my Slann, TG, Stegadon(WIP) and Carnoasur(WIP) on the weekend. Where'd you find that pic, n810?
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Damn! That looks good. I have some TG sitting at home primed white (I prime everything white, I can see the detail parts better that way) waiting on a color scheme. That could be it.
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard I Photoshoped over GW default picture for a Spear Saurus... It's not actulay a painted miniture, the origional was GW's default light blue with dark blue scales.
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard So that's your own colour scheme n810? The shield design is fricken' awesome, as are the skeletal markings. I just finished mounting my Carnosaur on an elevated base, which looks pretty cool =P
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard I wish it was, I just thought of it yesterday, While awesome I don't feel like repainting thousands of points worth of my models. Ps. Here's my paint blog if you want to see what my army looks like http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/heres-my-lizardmen-army-so-far-spaming-the-gallery.3032/
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Awesome photoshop skills, I'd love an army painted like that. Its probably more time consuming even than the scheme I already have, which is bad enough. Alright, ready for some real pics now though.
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard God damn it! I forgot my fricken' camera at my mom's house, so I have to use a 2.1 MP phone camera Don't worry, I'll upload better quality pics in time, the bad quality ones'll have to do FOR NOW. In regards to your painting blog, n810, that blue Stegadon really does look amazing! The Slann's colour scheme is so unique! Awesome work
Re: Sacred Host of Tlax: Spectral Temple Guard Ummm, noobish question here, but how do I upload pics?
Got it . Sorry about the bad quality, 2.1MP camera . All, except TG, are WIP: Hope I did this right-ish
Not sure about those painted models. Blame the camera I do know that that scheme looks epic... I've never seen a shield pattern on Lizardmen, it’s such an obvious idea that it is brilliant!