AoS Starborn or Coalesced

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Skinki Winki, May 9, 2021.

  1. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Hi to all Lustria

    I am preparing for a game in a couple of weeks when we come out of lockdown in the UK. It will be 2000 points against Kharadron Overlords which I have never played before.

    I have two options and I would welcome any comments.

    Coalesced - Koatl's Claw

    Oldblood on Carnosaur 230
    Oracle on Troglodon 220
    Scar Veteran on Cold One 110
    Starpriest x 2 240
    10 Knights 200
    20 Warriors 180
    2x 10 Skinks 120
    6 Terradon Riders 180
    2 Salamander Hunting Packs 220
    Bastiladon 220
    Bound Gnashing Jaws 40
    Bound Burning Head 40

    Total 2000

    Starborn - Fangs Of Sotek

    Slann 260
    Astrolith Bearer 140
    Oracle on Trogolodon 220
    Oldblood on Carnosaur 230
    5 Sarus Guard 100
    20 Warriors 180
    2 x 10 Skinks 120
    2 Salamanders 220
    2 Bastiladons 440
    Bound Gnashing Jaws 40
    Bound Burning Head 40

    Total 1990

    I am restricted by the models I have painted and pretty much all my painted models are represented in one army or the other, I can swap units around if it will improve one of the armies.

    Please comment what is the best option and would you make any changes.

    Thank you
  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Neither list is particulary competitive, unfortunately, since they are a mixed bag of units, which are not do not have good synergies.

    I'd take secon list and go for dracothion tail - you don't have large skink blobs/chemelons, which benifit from Fang's CA. Oracle won't do you much favor, since you don't have Kroak, and both warriors and oldblood won't benifit from fangs. You also don't have models to fill any battalion.

    You also can take second list and go thunderlizard, so your bastiladons have dual shooting and all big mosnters gain +2 wounds. Take prime warbeast on Carnosaur, so he can deal some good damage. Drop Gnashing jaws and replace 20 warriors with 10 knights and maybe change astrolith for starpriest to give them poison. They can deal some mortal wounds with tons of attacks. Probably, I'd shift trog for 6 terradons too.

    I don't know, if you opponents brings a competitive list, but kharadron can make a very strong alphastrike lists they also can drop bombs onto charging units, so be careful.
    Tyranitar and Skinki Winki like this.
  3. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Thank you for the advice, much appreciated.

    There is a lot to think about there, will let you know what I go with and how I did after the game.

    I have 40 unpainted skinks that I need to paint, but that is going to take me a while.
    Nart likes this.
  4. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    yeah i would also recommend thunder lizard with what you have.
    slann for CP, 2 bastiladons with bound burning head, taking 2 5s of knights and 2 10s of skinks is also useful just to push out board space.
    even a unit of terradons could be very useful to chase down any arknaughts on objectives
    Tyranitar, Skinki Winki and Nart like this.
  5. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Thanks for your feedback Tav.

    I've got what you are saying.

    I'll let you know how I get on.
    Tyranitar likes this.
  6. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Nart & Tav

    Thanks for your help.

    In the end I went for the following list:

    Thunder Lizard

    Slann 260
    6 Terradons 180
    Oldblood on carnosaur 230
    10 Knights 200
    10 warriors 90
    2 x 10 Skinks 120
    2 Salamanders 220
    2 Bastiladons 440
    Skink Priest 70
    Geminids 70

    All as you said except I added a skink priest (which you have recommended in other threads) and I swapped the 5 Sarus Guard for 10 Sarus Warriors just to get the total points down by 10 to 2000 (probably an OK move as my Slann was alive at the end of the game).

    My opponent went for Nighthaunt in the end, not Kharadron as I told you, but I thought I would stick with the same army..

    I didn't win, but my army put up a good fight and If my Carnasour had not failed a 5" charge twice I am sure thing would have been very different.

    It was a really enjoyable game and I am looking forward to the next one, I think I am going to go for Dracotheon's Tail.

    Again, thanks for your help.
    Tav and Nart like this.

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