Hey. Looks like it's time for me to venture on another one of my crazy logs, only this time, one I intend to finish! So far, no pictures. I have managed to decide on a scheme of purple skin with yellow scales for most, with reversed colouring for skinks. More importantly, I want to base the whole army on scenic temple bases, complete with vine overgrowth! So far I'm afraid no pictures. I currently have on order a battalion, an oldblood and a crapload of Milliput. I should get the milliput tomorrow, and the lizardmen on friday (unless the luck of friday the 13th kicks in!) So I should be able to give you some pictures of prototype bases tomorrow Anyway, that's all for now, but enjoy the text Any comments on colour scheme/basing welcome //Spammie//
Hey hey. The purple and yellow turned out kinda badly. If forgot i can't paint yellow I do have a new scheme though, which I will leave as a secret 'till tomorrow For now, Here's the bases. I'll be basing the whole army in this kind of style, hopefully getting better as I go along though (1 pixel wide? what's that all about? here's a link anyway) C&C greatly appreciated
Your bases are nice and all, but you should consider putting models on them. On a slightly more serious note, the bases are nice. I suppose you're going to paint them, no? Some moss would fit in just perfectly! Cheers!
I'll have you know I have models on them now My plan is to paint them that kinda yellowed stone like you see most temples made of, green vines obviously, and moss and weathering in the cracks hopefully. Thanks for the reply
They will be cool looking bases, nice work. I look forward to seeing some models on them. Hmmm with true line of sight now in WHFB, will we be seeing a few more built up temple style bases as people seek that extra few mm of sight?
Great Scott, we set the machine for 2009 on accident! Haha The base looks great. In the last photo, the leaf is aligned just right with the width of the vine and is brighter, giving the effect that it's actually a cut in the vine... If that tickles your fancy like it did mine, perhaps you might try a few bases with some 'fresh cut' damage. Perhaps even an arrow or two piercing the vines As far as critiquing, I really think you could benefit from painting the bottom of the putty in a uniform line so it doesn't seem to be sitting uneven atop the base, but that's minor and I'd only ever notice it personally if i I was looking at closeups Good work.