Looking for a 3D printed Lizard army

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Overread, May 8, 2021.

  1. Overread

    Overread New Member

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    So having fallen into the trap of 3D printing I've got a bit of an interest in doing something with my printer that isn't just printing one-off dragons and monsters and models for the shelf and I thought one thing I could try is building a whole army from it - and thus I'm here!

    I would thus welcome some input from others who have gone down a similar pathway and might be aware of some great options or some pitfalls to avoid when doing this.

    So far I've found a few designers who appear to have or be doing a full army style approach (not just a one off warband or a few models here and there). Note I'm not limited to these, they are just the ones I've spotted thus far as being potentially suitable:

    Lost Kingdom Miniatures - who did one of the big first Kickstarters for Lizardmen. The only downside to them is that they've "done" their KS a while back and thus the prices for each STL are higher than some of the others. Please don't get me wrong I do not think their prices are bad, nor do I begrudge them charging what they do; I'm simply noting that of the options I've seen they are currently more pricey - that is unless they are known to do regular sales or such?

    Last Kingdom Miniatures - appear to have done a campaign for plastics in the past (which they are still delivering on) but are also now doing lizardmen stls through their patreon and have a few for sale on their website.

    Raven Twin - like Last Kingdom they are also doing them through their patreon and appear to be steadily growing them, though they appear to alternate between difference forces each month as to what they are focusing on.

    What I'm looking for in an "ideal" world from a 3D printed army:
    High grade sculpts - one of my other hobbies is macro photography and thus I'm somewhat of a "pixel peeper". I'm aware that many times a good stl can have what appear to be errors or issues (eg details blending into each other) which are invisible or a non-issue at print size. That said I find that I am "demanding" in what I like in an stl.

    Not GW/TW rip offs. Yeah I know many designs will be inspired by them, but I'm 100% not looking for digital rips or straight copies. If I want a GW model I will buy a GW model. I believe its important to support creators no matter if they are one-man-bands or part of a company.

    Ideally blend well with GW options - OR - are outstanding in detail and sculpting.
    For me either its a case of the alternate designs blowing me away or at the very least blending well with GW's style of designs and plastic sculpting. In part this is avoiding more "chunky/thick designs" that one might more closely consider similar to World of Warcraft or similar design approaches.

    Diversity in the troops is always nice - either as mono-pose variations or as multipart models.

    A complete army under one title or at least the intention to create one. I'm totally open to building a motley from different designers and sources; but at the same time its good to have a core that share the same aesthetics and design ethos as each other.

    I would love to see if anyone has done prints from different designers side by side; what scales with what; what fits; if there are any custom rescales that people recommend. I know there's a long 3D printing thread that I'm slowly reading through, though I thought it worth asking some questions direct and seeing what answers and suggestions (and inspirations) people have
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  2. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Definitely check out https://onepagerules.com/ and their Saurians models. Along with Raven Twin Miniatures, they seem to be the closest to GW's models in terms of quality and range. They're also based off the Total War: Warhammer Lizardmen models, so that's a plus. They're not direct copies, but clearly inspired by them. Very good sculpts from what I've seen, I'm actually having a few done right now.

    Personally I'm not the biggest fan of Lost Kingdom and Last Sword. They have cool models, for sure. But they just look a little *too* fancy and overly detailed, in my opinion. They also appear much more... stylized? For lack of a better term.

    One Page Rules definitely fits the closest with the current GW models, especially since they're based off the Total War models. I would go with them if you want something that actually looks like it might be an official Seraphon model. However, they don't have a proxy for everything yet, so if you wanted to go fully with one manufacturer you'd have to wait until they release more. Right now, they have Carnosaurs, Bastiladons, Saurus Warriors, Guard and Knights, Skinks, a Skink Starpriest, a Slann, an Oldblood on foot and Kroxigors. They're coming out with a Dread Saurian soon.

    Raven Twin's models are a bit more heavy on the stylization and the Aztec/Mayan theme, but not quite as over the top as Lost Kingdom or Last Sword. They still have enough of a resemblance to the GW models that it's easy to tell what each model is supposed to be a proxy for. They also have versions of pretty much everything in our army currently, including some very nice Salamanders and Razordons, Kroxigors, several versions of Slann, a Skink Starseer, all our dinos (including the Dread Saurian) and flyers. So I would go with Raven Twin if you want something that looks a bit different from the GW and Total War versions but could still has direct proxies for the official models. They also have pretty much the entire army range, so that's another plus.
  3. Overread

    Overread New Member

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    And yet I find myself being drawn a touch more toward the Lost Kingdom and Last Sword designs. IT might just be that they look more fancy and fancy high detail can look great in an STL render compared to on the model where it can be a nightmare to paint or functionally limited by the style.

    Onepage I find very hit and miss with their design choices and styles, though their lizards are indeed much more in keeping with GW design styles. Though when they go their own way with their own creative ideas I find I'm not as interested in the style and how they make things.
  4. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Cool. Lost Kingdom does have pretty much every model in the range as well, so they're definitely a good option for a cohesive 3D printed army :)
  5. Overread

    Overread New Member

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    Aye though I'm still really keen to see what others have done with their 3D printed lizards and see examples. As my printer is out of action for a bit I've got time to browse and make a choice
  6. Overread

    Overread New Member

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    Giving this a tiny 1 week bump incase anyone with some 3D printed models stops by and spots it as I'm still very keen to see what real world results people have had
  7. RandomTsar

    RandomTsar Active Member

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    I use the artisan guild models. Male lizard people for guard, female lizard people (non-mammal variety) for the warriors.

    They have a flyer model with multiple heads for rippers/terradons. A variety of mounts among other collections and sources for knights.

    They have a pretty good Kroak model as of late and a cool looking archer that could make for a baller chameleon skink. In that batch some potential for frog skinks and big ol kroxigors.

    Duncan Shadow for the triceratops with Ge32's howdahs.

    Skinks are Nye replicas from a creator on thingiverse pardon the lack of quote. Ge32 decorated them up and reposted them.

    But. Judging by your description and other replies you have already rejected them. But hey, my thoughts anyways.

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  8. Overread

    Overread New Member

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    Thanks RandomTsar!
    It's great to hear your thoughts and see what you've printed. I also really like seeing some of Duncans models in print as I've come across his stuff being sold before; and he's got one of the biggest ranges of dinosaurs
    RandomTsar likes this.

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