At my gaming club, we have absolutely no river/water terrain. I want my skinks to swim though, so I decided to make some modular river terrain. Here are some pictures (crappy blackberry-sorry). The plasticard before cuts (My wife sometimes gets tons of this stuff FREE!): Next is a river from the edge into an end piece with some trees around it for scale: Now an end piece without the rocks: And one with the rocks/bank:
Looking good so far! I've always thought rivers looked cool on the battlefield, but can be hard to implement unless they are part of the terrain.
This seems to work ok. I will post more pictures later. I finished putting the banks on all but two small pieces tonight. Going to start sanding it down tomorrow. I also made 2 x 45 degree turns and 2 more end pieces (small ones).
Sounds good to me! And you are doing a pretty good job from what it seems And I totally agree with you, why pay the extra points to be aquatic if you never get to use anything with water? I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends up
Here is an update. I have glued all the banks on and trimmed them down to a managable height. I still need to run some caulk around the edges. I plan on placing plsticard on each end and using water effects to fill it in. I have never used the water effects, so it will be interesting. All the pieces (except two small end pieces) More to come...
Here is an update. what I hve done so far is taken really thin plasticard and sealed the ends of each piece. Next, I used caulk to seal the base of each bank of the river. Once that was done, I used sanded grout (the stuff that goes down between floor tiles) to cover the banks leading into eacn side of the river. The last step that I did here is take the caulk and run lines of it in the river to create raised areas that hopefully will suggest current when it is done. Here are more pictures: All the pieces 1 All the pieces 2 End pieces (I put alot of caulk at the ends to make rapids) End pieces with two elbow pieces And Lastly, all pieces on the table Next up, paint the river bed a blue green color. Then mix up the epoxy clear resin to go into the river beds. Static grass for the outside banks.
Another update: I have primed the pieces. I primed them black on the banks and went over the river beds with white. It gives a nice contrast in these pictures. Next up, I will paint the banks brown, then follow that up with the river bed in a blue green before mixing up the epoxy resin for the water itself. All the pieces: An angle on the end pieces (you can see the raised areas that I created with the caulk): This would work as a mote for something: Two middle pieces:
Another update: At this point, I have painted the river banks a watered down graveyard earth (until that ran out) and then used a burnt sienna cheap craft paint. I then drybrushed (heavily on the outsides) the inner and outer banks (static grass will also go on the outside) with a lighter brown (again, the cheap stuff). I also painted the rocks gray. These pictures are from a point in the table where I will be playing the Watchtower scenario with my son tomorrow night (there are no building in these pics because I have not made any as of yet, I am proxying those for this scenario). Here are the pics: The entire river on the table, there are about 5 pieces that I did not use for this game: Angle of end piece 1: Angled of end piece 2: Elbow 1: Elbow 2: Painted end 1: Painted end 2: Next up is painting the water before filling in the epoxy.
Update: Here are the pieces with the river beds painted. Next up is to put grass on the outside banks, then fill in the beds with epoxy resin(picked it up at Home Depot for $25 bucks. I should have enough for several more projects). Here is a picture of all the pieces on the table: Here is the left end with an elbow: Here is the left middle piece: Here is the right middle piece: Here is the right end piece: Here is two end pieces with elbows: Another view on the same: And Lastly, an angle on those two ends with elbows: Enjoy.
Update: I have been busy tonight! I got the static grass on the banks and here are the pictures. Tomorrow night, I will hopefully pour up the resin epoxy for the water. Part of the river (The rest is drying): Same part with a tree: Angle to the right: Angle to the left:
Looks pretty awesome! The only part I didnt really like was the shore/banks but with the static grass it all looks like its coming together really well
It is FINISHED!!!!!! I filled in the epoxy last night after placing some moss shrubs in places along the bank. After pouring up the epoxy, I dropped some glass 'rocks' into the river. Here are some pictures: All of it: Elbows and Ends: Straight pieces: Curving pieces: And some angles to show some reflection (pardon the extremely bright parts): Now, back to painting skinks and Ogres (with a few pieces of scenery...maybe).
Now I see some better pictures, it looks great! Awesome work, you will have a cool looking table now.