Very few warning labels were created without a preceding event... The last year my parents and I tried a garden (I was adult living with my parents, but I did work). Anyway, we spent a lot of time and money on the garden and we got a couple flowers and one nice sized pumpkin. Mom: "You want to make a jack-O'lantern" Me: "No, we are going to eat it!" I made five pumpkin pies. My sole contribution to Thanksgiving (though I made a test pie before Thanksgiving and two pies after) People spoke well of the pumpkin pies. The process of making a pumpkin into a pumpkin is time consuming. You have to slice a pumpkin up into pieces small enough to go in boiling water to soften the pumpkin then use a spoon to scoop up the orange goop on the inside. All the work in garden, plus two hours in the kitchen, slicing, boiling, and scooping pumpkin goo to get the equivalent of five small cans of pumpkin. About $10. The problem is, I made pumpkin pies before and since. I cannot taste the difference between garden pumpkin pie and canned pumpkin pie....