Blog Gauntlet's Lizards

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Gauntlet, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    You and your squares :p
    (Don't be so edgy)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    Oh I both regret and don't regret the round bases. I don't actually play any game system right now, so it was ultimately aesthetics. I feel I can still rank them as round bases in the right trays, so not a huge loss.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  3. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    That is a excellent suggestion. I might be too scared of screwing it up (the model is totally finished now) to try it though... well the magenta... I'll do the eyes blue at some point soon!
    Tyranitar likes this.
  4. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Yeah if it's done it's done, move onto the next project. Maybe try out the magenta on the next big beastie
  5. kroxh
    Temple Guard

    kroxh Well-Known Member

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    I am working on my saurus from raven twin. They are awsome... but i would love if the details on ther scales vas a bitt better
    Imrahil likes this.
  6. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    Nice! I look forward to seeing them. I like their work a lot, but I just didn't feel any love for their Saurus heads. Otherwise they are very Crocodile like with their heavy scales and that's a cool look.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice stuff in this thread! Very unique.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work. :)
  8. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    I'm still deeply mired in painting Saurus Warriors (I'll post when I've got 20+Scar Vet candidate painted... got 7 more to go).

    But in the meantime, there was a sale on One Page Rules minis, and I grabbed some more of their lizard range. Specifically their Carnosaur, Ankylosaur, Geckos and Gators.

    Firstly, let me say, I'm not a huge fan of their Carnosaur (proportions are not great), but it comes with another Saurus head I can use and some good bits from the "Chair" you'll see those being used here.

    Furthermore, their Ankylosaur is... well... I hate it. I hate it a lot. BUT, I wanted the devices that sit on top of it, and the Skink crews (since I do like OPR-M's Skinks just fine and will probably use them for standard).

    But here... are the Gators as well as a new rider for my Dilophosaurus:

    PXL_20210507_194119195.jpg PXL_20210507_194112866.jpg PXL_20210507_194901625.jpg

    The Gators make really great Kroxigor figs... especially if you like the Total War game's version. I already have 4 huge Turtle Warriors for this purpose, but decided some Gators would be nice as well. Thing is though, the original scale is a bit off. These were printed at 110%, and might look perfect if you assume they are on the 50mm base.

    They are not. They were too small to look right on a 50mm base and I used 45mm instead. (no one I play with will be overly concerned).

    So I recommend printing them at 115 or even 120 if you want them to look great on 50mm... on default size, they probably fit well and rank okay on 40mm bases, but will look a bit short compared to other monstrous infantry figs. At 110% these guys are about the same height as my Saurus (who are bigger than standard for sure) but much wider and bulkier, and probably 2-3 times the mass.

    I'm using rimmed bases, I filled the bottom with sand, added some rocks and islands and a log or two, and when painted I'll add some bushes, and fill the base with UV resin to create a river/swamp effect. Bottom of bases have magnetic sheet attached for storage options.

    Additionally, two of the Gators use 80% scaled "Chair" I mentioned from the Carnosaur kit, and some spare bits, to create "Totems". These two represent unit leaders/champions as needed.

    Other less noteworthy WIP, is that I printed another 20 bases for upcoming Temple-Guard.

    Thanks for reading!
  9. kroxh
    Temple Guard

    kroxh Well-Known Member

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    Love the colors on thes guys
  10. lazycaptain35

    lazycaptain35 Member

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    Total war's Kroxigors really set them apart from being just giant saurus, which Im a fan of, later down the line I hope they give kroxigors the long awaited spotlight they deserve
    Tyranitar likes this.
  11. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, I kind of prefer the idea of bigger Saurus-like guys, but GW certainly never executed it well. The Bloodbowl Video Game version is probably my favorite. There are also nice versions from a few different vendors... but Crocodile guys are also cool and I got these files cheap, so why not!

    That being said... if the decorations/iconography were different, I'd be all over the "Sun Bruisers" from Clay Beast Creations. As it stands, I'm thinking of printing one of these guys at a VERY large scale... and possibly mounting some interesting things and using it as a Engine of the Gods type unit.

  12. kroxh
    Temple Guard

    kroxh Well-Known Member

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    Totalt agred with you. Newer imagen kroxigors as walking crocoodiles
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    +1 TBH
  14. kroxh
    Temple Guard

    kroxh Well-Known Member

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    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "to be honest"

  16. MikkelangeloHD

    MikkelangeloHD Member

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    I love your 3d print file kitbashes my man! I did a pretty easy kitbash of the Lost Kingdom Carno and a Kroq Gar file uploaded by Emang on Cults3d. It's not that impressive compared to your epic work. Haven't printed it yet but I'm sure it will make for a menacing Carno on the table :3
  17. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    I'd love to see what you came up with!

    I was working with the LK Dilophosaurus and the Carnosaurus upload on Thingiverse, but decided that for my overall look... it wasn't going to work... it was a close call though. Ultimately the scales of the head just would never have matched the Diloph's body. But the Carn from LK would certainly work. You should post a screen of the render if you get a chance!

    Thank you!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  18. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    Bit of an update... I'm still finishing painting the first 20 Saurus Warriors and a Scar Vet on foot. But in the meantime, I've also gotten a lot of printing and construction done.

    Firstly, as I've posted elsewhere, we have the custom Carnosaur/Tyrannosaur

    PXL_20210522_224125372.jpg PXL_20210522_224108630.jpg

    Torso from Lost Kingdom Dilophosaurus, as well as the arms, but the feet and head are from a T-Rex 3d model I found on (an excellent secondary source to compliment My Mini Factory (and Thingiverse being a tertiary). The tail is scaled up from a Raptor from One Page Rules minis. (I have gotten so much use out of this tail lol)

    Rider is the usual combo for my Saurus, (though he uses the OPR-M Temple Guard head, with a feather crest taken from their Gecko Priest attached).

    The base ruins/plants also were 3d printed. In fact the only thing that wasn't was the base... which while printed bases often have issues, I'm disappointed how flimsy the plastic GW base is as well. I had to put in some mounds of green stuff underneath to try reinforce it from bending/drooping.

    Moving on... 20 printed and primed Temple Guard are now ready.

    PXL_20210527_152050650.jpg PXL_20210527_152103970.jpg

    These guys were all done at 110% of my Saurus Warriors scale. Technically I think that means the Lost Kingdom torsos were printed at 115.5% scale lol. Anywho, they use Raventwin Mini's Temple Guard Weapons, shields, and helmets (with a OPM head inserted into it). I gave a smattering of them spears for fun, I'll probably print another 15-20 one day and have 20 with Maces and 20 with spears. We'll see.

    Alrighty and last but not least, I've begun testing a Terradon.

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    Now this guy is predominantly a Lost Kingdom Miniatures Pterradon. The body is printed at 100%, the head at 90% (except width, which I did at 110% which gives you much more depth to the eyes/face for painting).

    Meanwhile, I don't like the Quadro-Wing impossible-to-land nature of the LKM model, so I took the back wings, scaled them to 130% and used them in front. I then used Dilosphosaurus arms at 60% for feet. The tail is a Saurus Warrior from One Page Rules.

    I'm not certain about the feet... they are not "footy" enough lol. The rider's legs are actually a possible better fit and more closely resemble GW legs for a Terrdon, I'll try them next. I'm also still wondering who to use for riders.

    Ultimately, I think this guy might be a one-off for a mounted Skink Priest or such, whilst I may actually shell out for GW Terradons. Overall, I think they are still the best available model. The dynamic flaming bolas are unique, the proportions are great... the heads are solid and cool... it works. Whereas, these guys have a lot of weirdness that I need to custom build away... and while I very much like Raventwins take on the models, they falter by having full-blown thrones on top of them and not offering Pre-Supports for purchase (you can only get presupports through their patreon and only the month of a release, if you are a current subscriber you get a discount on old stuff, but can't purchase presupports which is... ter-rib-bley).

    Anywho, that is my update... I have to resolve the Great Skink debate and would love your opinion on what would work best for this particular army:

    1) GW Skinks are not an option.
    2) Could double down on Frog Skinks (see Canoes above)
    3) Could use One Page Rules (lack some facial details, but overall solid, and they come with crew for things like Stegs)
    4) Lost Kingdom (No presupports for rank and file)
    5) Something else?
  19. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    PXL_20210602_144828502.jpg PXL_20210602_144841475.jpg

    WIP on my new "Big Chonky Boy"

    the custom howdah I'm constructing is magnetized (though dangerous, because it can't hold the weight of the model if you try to pick him up by the Howdah), and I've pre-ordered the new Lord Kroak who will be designed to sit on top of this boy as well.

    He might be too big lol.

    Printed from LKM, -15% length, -25% height... still too big lol
  20. Gauntlet
    Cold One

    Gauntlet Well-Known Member

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    The Howdah Chronicles continues lol

    Had to buy this guy, in order to get components for the Howdah to work right.


    I'm using the staircase platform at the rear of my Howdah, and not using the giant arch that holds the first ring. Instead, the ring will be attached classic stargate style, and the inner workings from there. They also need to printed at 70%ish to fit. This guy is (at default sizes) even larger than the LKM Triceratops... truly ridiculously large lol. Ultimately, I'm not a huge fan of the dino, but I might use the body at some point... we'll see. In the meantime, the mechanism on top will help with my project and could always be used in other terrain projects as well.

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    The skinks are not permanently attached, and I need a few more... Ultimately I might fit up to 8 on this bad boy. And these are not very small skinks... they are still larger than standard GW skirmishing skink models.

    The four side Skinks are armed with blowpipes, while there will be two armed with proper bows at the front (behind the center horn/structure is 3 bushels of arrows stacked together).

    The middle of the platform will have 1-2 operators who tend to the device that will eventually be added. I'm going to see if I can magnetize the rings and such, so they can all be moved on the fly :)

    Since the Howdah can come off, it's going to be interesting which design I prefer on top when displaying, the giant howdah or Lord Kroak!

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