Hey everyone I am new to the Lustria group and have been diligently putting my lizardmen models together. I started with the plastic models first and am moving on to my pewter models, one of which is the carnosaur. I wanted to give him a more themed base by placing him on some form of stone, but was unsure of how to do this. I usually pin my pewter models to their bases but didn't know if you could pin certain stone or if I would have to customzie a rock out of greenstuff/other. Any help that you all might have would be greatly appreciated.
Creen stuff rock would be a good bet, or if you can get some Chemiwood is good for that too. As for superglue, even pinned it can tend to be too brittle; I would suggest 2-part epoxy to really stick the dino down...
For the stone they have a thing called Kneadatite or 'Brown Stuff' as I like to call it. It hardens a lot better than Green Stuff and can still be sanded and drilled with ease. As for Pinning the model and using super glue, I would have to agree that it will still be a bit brittle on a larger model like the Carnosaur. You might try piecing them together with Green Stuff and that way you can also smooth out the gaps that show where you glue the model
I've put my Carnosaur on a stone, it was just a basic rock found somewhere in the garden (or somewhere else, I can't really remember ) I'll post a picture tomorrow. @ asrodig: that would be the Carnosaur I completed for the painting challenge for which I haven't been rewarded with a '1' next to my name yet
Thanks everyone for the great tips and I think I know how I will go about creating this base. Will most likely use the green stuff or brown stuff and just take my time sculpting. I really appreciate all of the comments.