AoS Lumineth strat

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Kakalou1, Jun 20, 2021.

  1. Kakalou1

    Kakalou1 Member

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    Hi everybody,

    I will play a last final battle to end the V2 with two friend and one is playing Lumineth. I though that open this thread to share différent strat & list against this army coud be usefull specially with the V3 coming which will make Lumineth stronger.

    I want to go Thunderlezard but bastilladon is not that usefull against this shining compagnie and I am always disapointed by the EotG so maybe a final baroud for KC bevore the mourning of this constellation.

    So we will play :
    30 Sentinels
    10x2 warden
    2 big cow, one with an artefact to ameliore the rend
    a stone mage
    5 Cavalry
    Coq & twinstone
    The Syar allegiance I guess

    What do you think when you see ? What are our better tool to face it ?
    With all the new rules I think our better option is to go full leader behemot (steg chef, carno, steg & maybe the trog ?) but I am insteressed by the opinion of experience player
    And in V2, when you see this opponent what do you want to do and with what allegiance ? I guess depend on people, I am very curious

    Thank you for your reading
  2. ArtoriusaurusRex
    Temple Guard

    ArtoriusaurusRex Well-Known Member

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    I think the 30 blob of sentinels are asking to be Stellar Tempested.

    But also note that the big cows can't take relics. They aren't heroes, except the named one.
    Kakalou1 likes this.
  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    You throw +1 to hit from priest on the bastiladon and double-tap it. To-hit barrier maybe unpleasant, but actual hit are easy converted to damage after that.

    Since your friend doesn't bring Telics, you should have an easy time, honestly. If you bring Kroak, you will have decent chances to unbind twinstones and Power of Hysh. Without power of hysh 30 sentinels should deal like 5 mw's per turn. They don't have teclis for +1 and rely heavily on Twinstones. Without 5+ ward, Sentinels will easily go down.

    Cows may be not that easy to remove, but they don't deal much damge to coalesced either.

    I would just focus on killing sentinels, their scoring and stopping cows with bastiladons.

    If you are not impressed by engine, try giving it Cloak of feathers and run+charge from the priest. I never get disappointed.
    Kakalou1 likes this.

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