AoS Possible Draco's Tail 2K List

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Shuzakku, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Shuzakku
    Jungle Swarm

    Shuzakku New Member

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    Hi, this is my first post on the forums so here it goes.

    I'm trying to create a list that is semi-competitive to competitive using some of my favorite models. I'm thinking of using Draco's tail because I feel like it has a lot of potential and fexablity. I want to include the troglodon since he is one of my favorite models, salamanders cause they are just busted, normal slann since I don't have the money to buy kroak, and some rippers (even though I know they are straight trash, although maybe with new MSU changes they can be good at killing off stranglers and scoring objectives + dracos tail deep strike to get important models off the board?). Of course, skinks are a no-brainer and some room for endless spells would be an added bonus. I just got back into aos after a year so I'm still trying to get my head around the meta, what's viable, and new 3.0 rules.

    So, what's your guy's opinions on draco's tail and the units I mentioned, are they at all viable in a semi to full competitive game?
  2. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Welcome! I think DT made out pretty well for 3rd edition, pending errata. The only thing that may change drastically for us is if the summoning table changes values. I'm personally going to be starting with DT and this is what I was thinking:

    Eternity warden (I want to test one out with the 5+ ward generic artifact. I think between that, heroic recovery, and their 3+ save they might be able to soak more damage than guard over a game with healing)
    10 skinks
    10 skinks
    10 skinks
    2 sallies
    2 sallies

    Chronomantic cogs

    This is 1985. I never played DT in 2nd edition so I'm excited to try it out. I think you could start here, just replace Kroak with some extra sallies or maybe bulk up one of the skink units to 30 and add a starpriest and priest. I don't think I'd use rippers, the scroll is just so bad unfortunately and they still went up in points o_O
  3. NecridHydra
    Temple Guard

    NecridHydra Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to the forum and welcome back to AoS, hope you enjoy your games.

    About the topic. I don't think Dracothion's Tail (DT) is worth anymore. Anything DT can do, Fangs of Sotek (FoS) do it better.

    Deep Strike is wholly whitin your Slann/Kroak, not anywhere in the battlefield. I've used DT Saurus army before and it worked pretty good thanks to Sunclaw Battalion, but with battalions gone, I just don't see a reason you'd take DT over FoS.

    I agree with you about Rippers but I do think Terradons are better because of their movement and they can shoot, although 6" range.

    Troglodon+Slann is not a good combo since the only thing worth casting thought him was Stellar Tempest (but is anti-horde) and his Fiery Invlcation/Tide of Serpents. Kroak+Troglodon is another matter.
  4. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I don't think DT can be written off that easily. The ability to hold units in reserve is extremely powerful, and while you have to deep strike ww 18 of a slann, consider that we can LoSaT a slann or Kroak anywhere in the board, appear on command the reserve sallies or whichever unit, and then even summon a screen to protect the slann or sallies. Also the command trait and artifact for DT are far more useful than FoS.
    Nart likes this.
  5. Shuzakku
    Jungle Swarm

    Shuzakku New Member

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    Thanks for the replies! I'm super sad about rippers cause I was really excited to paint them and field them but with their new warscroll changes and considering I already have them almost entirely built there's not much I can do. Guess I'll just have to save them for friendly games. I would love to field lord kroak with trog but i don't have the model, but I could probably write the slann off as him in a local game. We shall see where any FAQ's take us.

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