AoS Kroak and Eternity Warden: 1K, 1.5K and beyond

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Kaughnor, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    (Sorry, messed up and originally posted this in the kings of war part of forum, I've cut and pasted my post to here.)

    Hi all, it has been a long long time since I've been active on this forum. New AOS 3.0 has my creative juices flowing though (not to mention the wicked awesome new Kroak plastic model). So I have little to no experience with aos except for loving the models and playing fantasy back in 8th edition. I still am a 40k player mostly. That said, I love saurus guard and the eternity warden models.

    This is a list I came up with after reading the new rules. Is it any good? At 1K it goes as follows:


    Eternity Warden - amulet of destiny, thickly scaled hide

    Scar - Vet on Carni - Arcane Tome, Spear - Also this model takes the spell lore enhancement flaming weapon.

    Battle Line:
    2 x 5 Saurus Guard

    Total: 1k points
    The idea I have behind this core 1k points to build from is this, I want to throw kroak into the mix/middle of the board to fight, cast spells, and win games for me. 2 groups of guard and a eternity warden to pass wounds onto. The scarvet moves about either casting flaming weapon to give his 6 attack spear 3 damage on the charge, or casting shield on the eternity warden if kroak needs to be casting other spells.

    The idea I have all revolves around the eternity warden. 7 wounds with a 3+ save and 5++ ward save seems top shelf. That along with the multiple ways to heal him up every round in 3.0. I figure with shield cast on him he has a rerollable 2+ save along with a 5++ ward save to help keep him going. I can also use the new defence command to give him +2 save to maintain the 2+ reroll-able should -1 rend hit him.

    Am I out to lunch trying to build a list around Kroak and Eternity Warden to muck about in the middle of the board rather than staying in the back? To be fair the scar vet is there for the fact I love the model.

    Going up to 1.5K: I'm, thinking this:

    Add in:
    Astrolith Bearer
    5 Saurus knights
    2 salamander units

    I have really no experience with AOS, but with Kroaks new model, I want to build a list around him where he really shines, both in combat clearing out melee and flinging spells about.

    So there ya all have it, is the above idea('s) any good and viable?

    Thanks all if you made it this far!


    Damn, I posted in wrong forum, Ill sort it out now.
    Carnikang and Tyranitar like this.
  2. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I'd say give it a go and play it often. 3.0 is still not even out and lists have to be flexed to really feel them out.

    The Astro is really good for Kroak in general.
  3. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I don't think you can go wrong with Kroak, he was very strong in 2nd edition and I don't think that'll be different now. I guess gw tried to balance him by adding a random chance he just dies sometimes which will undoubtedly affect his top tier tournament performance, but for the most part he'll dish out plenty of mortal wounds and that'll usually be good enough. I also found the eternity warden intriguing with the 5+ ward item, easy access to 2+ save, and heroic recovery. I want to test it out in place of temple guard. It looks like you are moving toward a Koatl's claw list which I think made out pretty poorly with the core rules changes but it's hard to say without playing any games.
  4. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Thanks for replies. I was not planning on taking a constellation at all. I want to be free to give celestial guardian the reroll 1 armour save trait and the 5+ ward save. Also I just realised at 1k I cannot take carnasaur and warlord battalion. So... at 1k replace the scarvet with astro bearer, and perhaps the healing endless spell. Would leave me at 995 points, to build up from. Would give second artifact to astro bearer and perhaps that new universal spell that blocks line of site.
  5. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Interesting, I feel like our subfactions are generally really good. If you go thunder lizard you could still give the warden that trait since he isn't mounted. You lose one artifact but you gain the extra wounds on big dinos and the command ability is very good
  6. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Amulet of destiny+Thickly scaled hide is a bit of overkill, IMO. And you have plenty places where you can use better traits.
  7. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Is it a gimmick building around the eternity warden? I really have know idea how aos plays out or what type of damage he would face. That said, I just read about the new spell that turns a character into a monster this season. So taking that idea forward, we have a 3+,5++ 7 wound model that from I can tell get a +3 to armour saves through spells and command abilities giving him a 2+ rerolable save on up to -3 rend. Plus the ward save. He can be healed a number of ways as well. With the new spell he goes up to 9 wounds.

    Could this warden and kroak be a tough nut to crack if pushed to middle of table?
    Tyranitar likes this.
  8. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I planned on testing out the eternity warden myself. I won't be using the saurus command trait because I'm starting with DT and I'll have a slann general, I'll see if he's tanky enough without it

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