AoS New List for AoS 3.0 need suggestions on artifacts and other additions.

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Chris Davies, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Chris Davies

    Chris Davies New Member

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    Seraphon 2k
    Fangs of Sotek

    Warlord battalion

    Engine of the Gods (265)
    - Amulet of Destiny

    Skink Starpriest (130)
    - Hand of Glory

    Skink Priest (80)
    - Heal

    Saurus Guard (115)

    Battle Regiment: (One drop)

    Lord Kroak (430)
    - General

    Astrolith Bearer (150)
    - Serpent God Dagger

    30x Skinks (225)
    - Boltspitters

    30x Skinks (225)
    - Boltspitters

    10x Skinks (75)
    - Boltspitters

    1x Salamander Hunting Pack (120)

    1x Salamander Hunting Pack (120)

    Endless Spell: Chronomantic Cogs (65)

    Total: 1995pts

    Just looking as to what to give my commanders artifacts, spells etc.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  2. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Hey, here's my thoughts. The EotG can't take the old and grizzled trait, that's a saurus only trait. If you want access to that you could just make the Astrolith Bearer the general. In starborne it is worth considering having kroak as the general to generate an extra d3 summoning points though. I think having guard and the warden could be excessive. I haven't tested it out yet but I want to try a warden with the amulet of destiny in place of a guard unit, I think the warden might be able to soak more damage with the better save, ward save, and heroic recovery. Then replace the guard with 10 skinks and you have a few extra points to either grab a cheap endless spell, prob burning head, or go for a triumph. I think the spells are fine. It's possible that pending the faq kroak will get to choose a generic spell from the core rules as well, which should be either ghostmist or flaming weapon
    Nart likes this.
  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Ditch warden and take one priest. You really want to of them with two blocks of skinks, unless their ability becomes a prayer. Even so, never hurts to have a backup. Second starpriest is also very good for two envenomed units. You just don't need more than 5 guard against 90% armies. Unite salamanders into a single pack, so it will be easier for them to get buffs. Absolutely make kroak the general for additional d3 CCP. Nothing beats that in starborne. I would exchange EotG for Troglodon just for 5 points. It is a monster/hero/caster which is the perfect combo in the new edition. Give him Flaming Weapons, so he can actually do damage.

    I wouldn't bother with low drops either. Try to get two Warlord Battalions for two enhancements. You do not have access to Amulet of Destiny in this build at all - Battle Regiments gives only one drop, not an artefact. Also try to find place for cogs - Kroak and starpriest would love it.
    Tyranitar likes this.
  4. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I'm looking forward to trying out the trog alongside kroak in the new edition. Do you think flaming weapon is worth it on the oracle? I think hand of glory is probably better, stacking reroll 1's with +1 to hit from either priest CA or all out attack seems pretty solid. Doubling up might be OK, it could free up the starpriest to cast its warscroll spell. Depending on how the meta shakes out, bind endless spell might be OK for a Skink wizard too. The oracle is prob just going to be generating extra ccp most of the time anyway
  5. Chris Davies

    Chris Davies New Member

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    Thanks for this unfortunately I can't put both salamanders together as I've used 4 reinforcement points on the Skinks. Thank you for your thoughts about another Star priest and Kroak being the general. I have put the engine and the 2 skink heroes in to that warlord battalion, and yeah I'll remove saurus guard and put in cogs
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
    Tyranitar likes this.
  6. Chris Davies

    Chris Davies New Member

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    Thanks for your help guys, really appreciated. Can't fit cogs in, maybe remove a salamander and put one in and get s triumph, afraid I don't have an oracle's
    Tyranitar likes this.

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