AoS Errata 02.07. - Endless Questions

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by LuckyKalle, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. LuckyKalle
    Jungle Swarm

    LuckyKalle New Member

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    Hey there,

    the new Erratas from today sadly didn´t clearified our handling with endless spells. At least not mine. Maybe some of you could see the great Plan.

    As stated, "endless spells summoned by seraphon Wizards ar bonded ..." regardless if it is predatory or not (?). So every Wizard is limited to only have one endless spell in use even if it is not predatory because, " A Modell... cannot attempt to summon other endless spells while it is bonded."

    In this reading, you cant set up (with one Wizard) e.g., Cogs in your first turn and then use your second turn to cast a lifswarm (or anything else) while benefiting from cogs beside your mage.
    Your also no able to create "wild" endless spells by casting a second one when you don´want to use the first one casted or it is more than 30" away form your Mage.

    They also didn´t clearify if "bonded" is the same as "bounded" wich had an Impact on the Slann-lore-spell "Drain Magic". RAW this spell now dispells every endlesspell, bonded or not. But I guess it should just work as before and only affects non bonded? At least I whish so.

    My second mystery is how i can use the spell "Bind endless spells".
    As far as I understand, it is only handy for catching wild endless spells. You cant "steal" your opponets controlled ones. With this limitation it is very unlikely it is ever be used because it shoud be easy to avoid by your opponent having wild ones. So it would be more than a gamble to choose this spell for beeing the lorespell for one of your Skink wizzards.

    So these are my takes on the Endless erratas. Maybe I don´t get the whole picture and you could enlighten me.
    I would be very thankfull.
    Dread Saurian likes this.
  2. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    So if you summon Cogs with your slann that endless is bound to him so you don't need bind endless on it. Your second slann runs lifeswarm. Your 3rd slann runs gemnids. Your 4th runs pendulum. 5th runs bound endless for those wild lads about. Kroak does what he wants so cool. Profit
  3. Dire Distortion

    Dire Distortion New Member

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    It is what it is. We don’t have faction endless spells. Now we just have to same old spells as everyone else. Nothing special. One day when we get redone at we might get them. I feel we should of had them before. I kinda figured they had to redo the aging book and the new spell sculpts would of delayed the release of the current book at the time.
    I feel we are a along way away from a new book though.

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