well i got all my skinks now im just waiting on my sauruses and my kroxigor to get here so i can build and paint them!!!!! oh and i undercoated them white, used washes on the skin and scales, metallics on the metal and normal paints on the shoulders. first attempt with washes tell me what you think.... http://s508.photobucket.com/albums/s327/ssj_brolly499/Lizardmen/?action=view¤t=team1.jpg
Looking good. I'm a NFL fan who paints Warhammer so BloodBowl is perfection for me. Very similar to my Lizardmen colour scheme except the scales on mine are green. Should be awesome when you get them all painted and ready to play with.
i got the temple guard for my sauruses and they r on their way here and the hell dorado mini for my kroxigor will keep updating pics. thanks for the great comments
I thought about doing a Blood bowl lizardmen team. The name was gonna be the Lustra Longhorns (like the Texas Longhorns) In the off colour orange and white scheme for the uniforms. What do you think?
I've always found taking inspiration for BB teams from NFL (or in this case, NCAA) teams is by far the best way to do things. Other than your Lustria typo, the Longhorns name fits nicely with the idea of Stegadons and other dinosaurs.
my team is the Jurrasic Smash....... and their home field is jurrasic park.....lol i thought it would be kinda funny
i got my temple guard for my sauruses, but i am short one set of large jaw bones if any one can help me out please shoot me and email or some thing ssj_brolly499@yahoo.com thanx much appreciated
Which Hell Dorado mini are you using, and where did you buy it from? I am having a hell of a time finding Hell Dorado mini's in North America. Also, the tyranid carapaces as shoulder pads are AWESOME. I'm going to steal that for my regular skins units to differentiate them!
the hell durado mini was great but took up too much room on the board. looking into using chakax as my kroxigor because i dont think any of the GW kroxi's work for blood bowl let me know what you guys think, please