Hi I don't have the new Stegadons yet. Just one old one, with a missing howdah. A question: Is it possible to assemble the howdahs (by magnets or something) so that you can swap howdah depending on whether you use the engine of the gods, blowpipes or just the regular bow?
It is possible. However, I think that it is easier to do with the new Steg versus the older one. I have an older one and a newer one. The plastic one is just easier to deal with. You may be able to find the bits for an old howdah on ebay. If not the old one, you may be able to get the newer (plastic Howdah). It could be put on the old steg (although it would be kind of large in comparison). I haven't seen any tutorials on magnatizing the howdah, but there should be something out there somewhere about it.
Drill into the model, fill the hole with putty and then push a mini magnet into it. That's the only way I know how to do it, and it would only work with the plastic model. With the metal one, I recommend converting its back out of putty and sticking mini magnets in there and then using a plastic kit howda. Either way, it will be difficult.
Thanks guys I think I have the old Stegadon crew incl. the stegadon and the wooden planks is on the model where the howdah stand. So for this one I will convert it using maybe the new giant bow (buy on ebay or convert). Maybe add a few items from the new howdah like the back platform. I am still interested in hearing more about the new Stegadon. I guess the question boils down to if I buy a new one can I easily use all the platform types or is it too much work and better to buy one for each use?
You could use Green stuff to flatten out the back of the metal steg and then push the magnets into the green stuff. Once that is done, take the new plastic howdah and put plasticard on the bottom and embed magnets into that. Just a thought.
Great idea. But I think the total price of getting all the bits for the new howdah is as much as a whole new Stegadon set. I may just built with what I have for now. The old crew is tiny though!
Probaly for the best, it gets real crowed in that howda real fast... Ps. I magnitezed my steg allready, I have pictures in my painting blog if you are interested....
Wondering if anything further happened with this. I am trying to assemble the new plastic steg crew into the old metal howdah and have come to the conclusions that it's impossible to do, so a custom howdah and a mixture of old and new figures is going to be my next step. Has anyone ever done this before with acceptable results? P.S., I own both the old model and the new one. The new one is as of yet unassembled. The old steg is assembled and 90% painted, and I really want to use it, but want to update it's look to fit in better with the newer Lizardman figures. FYI, I also have some extra plastic steg skinks from eBay.
I have a different problem. I bought my new steg from ebay without the crew. I use the metal crew from my old steg as the crew on my new steg. I just set them up there and pull them off as they die. It actually works pretty well. I still have not bought the plastic skinks for the 'new' steg. As far as the hero (priest or chief) go, I just put one of my pirests or chief on the platform with them. There is just enough room for them. I do have the giant blowpipes magnatized to fit on there easily. I never, ever take the giant bow. So, I never fit it out for that anyway.
Well, if you like, I have all the metal shortbow armed skinks from the original Steg model set aside and have no plans to use them. I'll be posting some photos in my blog about this soon - my plan has proven to be very challenging, but workable with a few modifications to the howdah...