8th Ed. What would YOU like to see in the next army book?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Tlaloc of Xhotl, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. kamikazi180

    kamikazi180 New Member

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    Although our current army book is mostly consistent, there are some pressing concerns that need to be changed. Here are some changes I'd like to see:

    1.Strength and Toughness 5 Kroxigor.

    2.Cheaper special characters.

    3.Lord Kroak should be more like in the last army book.He should also know more than one spell.He's a bit of a one trick pony at the moment.

    4.Will of the Old Ones-This would represent the Lizardmen's unflinching devotion to the Old One's Great Plan. Something like WoC's Will of Chaos, maybe allowing re-rolls on Panic Tests.

    5.Skink Skirmishers should get the Scout special rule again.

    6.Razordon misfires have to be re-evaluated and changed.

    7.Saurus Warriors, Temple Guard, Oldbloods and Scar-Veterans should have +1 Initiative. Also, +1 Weapon Skill. I think with those bonuses they could be put back to 12pts. After all, the Saurus were spawned for war; it is their reason for being, so they should definitely have a higher WS. I think all Saurus, TG, SV and OB mundane hand weapons should have the Armour Piercing special rule to represent the viscous barbs that rip through armour.

    8.Sacred Spawnings should be brought back! How come WoC get marks and we don't, eh?

    That's all for now, would love to see some of those wishes fulfilled in the next book :D
  2. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    Honestly I think that besides many of the great posts (spawnings, krox, lores) that the only issue lizards really have is dealing with siege weapons wielded by a decent general. With the new rules for cannons, and with no guessing or LOS needed on throwers, it just gets ridiculous. Our big cool dinos stand little chance against those tings. I would say adding something similar to a storm banner would fix us pretty well. That combined with spawnings and letting skink priests take lores other than heavens would make it so a slann doesn't need to appear, and then the list can be played how it used to be or even in more diverse ways now.
    When 8th dropped the hero number choice and switched to percentages again, I thought that there would be far greater diversity in tourney lists. This is true of some armies, but not lizards or a few others with "need to take" lords that cost a ton.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Take 2 units of chameleons and a unit of terradons (headed by a chief). I played HE and took out a Balista the first round and finished a second on the second round. Then he wasted some movement on my chameleons.

    Have not faced a cannon yet.
  4. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    The elven bolt throwers were terribly nerfed in this edition, due to their reduction in wounds and no longer being immune to poison. I do run chameleons and they are awesome. Cannons, however, if deployed within the enemies units and not out to the side where chameleons can pick them off, are absolutely brutal. Some scouts may be able to drop them if you get first turn, otherwise there is nothing you can do but run forward and keep your head low.
    I think General's will start realizing that with the true LOS rules they no longer need to put siege weapons on hills or off to the side, and will start turtling them worse than ever on the back edge of the board.
  5. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    the enemy will have to move, and cannons are rather long, you might get a shot at them arround flanking units. also, use wind blast from the skinks rpeist to push them back and then shoot them in the shooting phase
  6. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    Four things, really.

    1) Saurus Warriors. Ignoring even the (awesome) fluff for a moment and looking solely at their stats, they are lacking. Taking casualties from the rear instead of the front and the new Parry save has massively improved their standing, but WS3 is simply a joke. Honestly, I'm willing to over look the whole initiative thing, but lets look at what other core choices are WS3: Ungors, Harpies, Clanrats and men. And Saurus Warriors are lumped in the same bracket. Admittedly, Orcs are also WS3 - but they are a mere 5 points. Talking points cost, Saurus are one of the most expensive core units, yet their closest equivalents - Elves - are WS4. And have better initiative.

    2) Kroxigors. Str5 is a no-brainer.

    3) Diversity and variety. I'd like to see a couple more units added in, preferably one for every category (core, special and rare) just to offer a little more choice to LIzardmen armies.

    4) Lord and Hero models. I don't know what it is, but GW seemed to have had a real lack of creativity when it came to Lizardmen, but nowhere is this more evident than the Lords and Heroes. THere just seems to be something really uninspired about them, when compared to most of the other stuff out there (I'm looking specifically at Chaos, Dark Elf sorceresses, High Elves and Wood Elves - who imo have the best looking hero models in the game). And speaking of Dark Elves, why does it always seem that new Cold One models seem to come out for them first?
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I'm not concerned with the low WS or initiative at all. Saurus are menat to be a bit slow and dim-witted. We trade that off for strength and toughness, which we have at 4 while the elves only have 3, and that makes our attacks a lot better and unit a lot more survivable. In fact, before 8th ed WS and I were pretty much useless stats for the vast majority of matchups so we had the very good end of the stick, now they are both actually useful to some degree (arguably stepping up reduces the use of initiative most of the time) the game is a little more balanced.
  8. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    how did WS become more important?
  9. Ilnar3
    Chameleon Skink

    Ilnar3 New Member

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    I find it amusing hearing all of you saying saurus need a boost,
    I was talking to Nick Bayton the other day, and he said that at HQ all core troops are currently compared to saurus warriors as they are currently considered the most balanced infantry model,

    S4 T4 at least a 4+, LD 8 w/cold blooded and 2A are all well above average
    average WS and M
    Low I to compensate

    All for 11 points,
    It's an awsome deal considering,

    As for what I'd like to see in the new book?
    I'd love to have sacred spawnings back,
    Even just as an option for heroes as in the WOC book,

    Salamanders template weapons reduced to 1 shot per salamander per game,
    I mean,,, they broken,
    And even with just the one shot they are still a fair close combat unit,

    2A at S5 is a good deal specially with 3W at T4 and a 5+

    Would love to see some new cold ones too
  10. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    You know, that's actually a pretty compelling argument. So much so that I'm inclined to retract my WS rant.
  11. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    i think sallies are 2W, and also, if their attacks becomes a breath weapon, the point cost should be lowered. lets not forget there is a 1/6 chance they don't fire, then get to roll on teh monster reaction chart when skinks die and if you have a sucky roll with the art. dice you might not shoot far enough, overshoot, or jsut kill 1 model. while thats enough for a panic test, wich is their main role, if it was 1 shot per game nobody would take them anymore. i mean they cost quite a lot of points, and those can be spent somewhere else easly
  12. Ilnar3
    Chameleon Skink

    Ilnar3 New Member

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    Make it a bog standard breath weapon then,
    50 points,

    D6 HITS per phase.
    2D6 as a stand and shoot,
  13. wolfmage
    Temple Guard

    wolfmage New Member

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    No breath weapon for sallies.
    str5 kroxigor
    give Slann more spells and cross lore the Slann are meant to be the best spellcasters yet they cannot touch fateweaver or that DE super sorceress character
    can someone explain what sacred spawnings is
    we need some sort of proper siege engine like a magic cannon or something
  14. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Aren't Giant hot-tempered dinosaurs hellbent on crushing you enough!?

    Jokes aside I believe that Razordons more than anything should be more CC-orientated. Maybe have them do something similar to what the Skaven Doomflayer does?
    Keep the artillery dice for shooting and give them d6/2d6 attacks in combat? And something akin to the 'The best defence...' rule of Doomflayers, a 5+ ward maybe?

  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I would like to see more basic weapon options for our troops,
    likee Saurus wariors with the option to take an aditional hand weapon
    or a great weapon, or Kroxigors with the option to take halbreds,
    and skinks with the option for spears or short bows. :smug:
  16. draccan

    draccan New Member

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    I would like to see:

    1. Carnosaurs with handlers
    2. Giant blowpipes teams with a reach of 16-18" (one skink with a stick to hold, one to blow).
    3. Saurus'es should cost less or be more effective (+1 WS, regeneration maybe).
    4. GW generally to address how a Lizardmen army is supposed to survive against an Empire or Dwarf gunline. 4 mortars could wreak havoc on a Lizzie army for first two rounds before they get to cause a casualty in return.
    5. Make Salamanders more dependable, hit everything in its path as the template move for example.
    6. Huge Thunderlizard
    7. Slann should have increased their survivability, immunity to miscasts and be unbreakable even.
    8. Skinks with short bows
    9. Skink cold one riders (like Tuchi Huichi Raiders).
    10. Lizardmen fast cavalry. Maybe some new Raptor-style lizzies would be great. Function a bit like Hellhounds..
  17. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    Something that functions a bit like a daemonhost from Daemonhunters would be nice - add a sense of randomness to a battle.

    More flying stuff and being able to buy a box of plastic Kroxigors.

    Rules for Daemonhost -

    Roll a D6 for each Daemonhost at the beginning of every Daemonhunter turn to determine which psychic power it will manifest until the beginning of its next turn, at which point the effects end and a new power is rolled.

    D6 - Result

    1 - Terrify: All enemy units within 12" of the Daemonhost must immediately take a Terror test.
    2 - Re-Knit Host Form: The Daemonhost immediately recovers all wounds suffered.
    3 - Teleport: The Daemonhost may immediately move anywhere on the table, as long as it isn't within 1" of an enemy model or within impassable terrain. You scatter as with the Deep Strike rules and can charge that turn.
    4 - Bloodboil: In the Daemonhunters' Shooting Phase, place a large blast over the Daemonhost. All enemy models hit by the blast take a S4 hit with no armour saves allowed.
    5 - Timeshift: The Daemonhost can move 12" and/or charge 12", and doubles the number of attacks it has.
    6 - Warp Strength: Add +D3 to both the Daemonhost's Strength and Toughness characteristics.

    May need to be modified to fit the rules of Fantasy, but I think it's pretty cool.

    WS 4, BS 4, S 6, T 4, W 4, I 4, A D6, Ld 9, all for only 85 points.

    Armour Save - 4+

    Ward Save - 4+
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea probaly have to modify those stats a LOT for WHFB,
    it would have to be a special character and throw a
    couple hundred more points onto their cost. ;)

    Considering comst of those stats are better that our combat lord.
  19. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    A few things I would like to see:
    -Make CoC cheaper, like 30 points instead of 35 that helps
    -Skinks should be able to use more lores, I think light(they work for the good) adn beasts(with all the jungle beasts this doesn't seem strange in my opinion) suit them.
    -Perhaps a Lore of the Old Ones
    -Give kroxigor S5 again, now they've got the same muscle power as normal saurus, the only thign that gives them more S is the great weapon, but kroxigors should have more muscle power the saurus, that seems more than logic
    -More dinosaurs, and give those monsters some better WS
    and more smaller beasties, i want 1 extra big monster adn some kind of smaller beasties, the size of juggernauts, that seems a good size.
    -Perhaps some wooden warmachine, just a simple warmachine the skinks will understand and man, something like a catapult, but a simple one, no complicated thing, that doesn't suit them.
    -More weapon options
    -And I want the spawnings back, I miss tepok, 1 extra DD for every unit with that mark is awesome, think of it, a saurus heavy force with barely or no magic and maximum DD every enemy magic phase.
  20. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Great idea, for the background, it's summoned by a mage priest adn represents an old one, they are the things that are the closest to the old ones, and are rarely seen except in dire times, well I'm not good at thinking up background but you can get the idea, they take a rare slot, are strong but they need to be more expensive.

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