Blog Togetic's Beginner Bin

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Togetic, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    i really like this.
    cannot wait to see it painted. ;)
    Togetic likes this.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Very nice conversion. I like the bad boy look on his face.

    Oooh, nice! I have still some Dark Eldar stuff lying around... that may come in handy.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Noxolotl and Togetic like this.
  3. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the kind words! I've enjoyed playing around with the aesthetic enought that I might have to shove myself into making a boat stegadon proxy for him... Maybe the spare Stegadon head I have as the figurehead, on a small scale pirate ship? That one might do a number on my wallet
    Thanks! The shoulderpads are the Dark Eldar bits involved there, but some of his crew are using their (and harlequin) swords, since they fit the same aesthetic as the back ark corsair ones. Really the arms are the almost exact same size as the skink's ones, so you can do a metric ton with them

    No update on Kap'ten since he's a bit of a timesink to get painted, but here's a progress shot on the Eternity Warden (Or saurus guard alpha, depends on which is better for warcry) I made out of Saurus + blood bowl bits

    Might go for a bright red loincloth there to make him pop a little, since all my hero skinks are red
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That would look nice. He definitely looks like an Alpha of some kind.
    With the loincloth still white it looks more like a diaper, lol :p

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Togetic likes this.
  5. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Just one this time, the secretlly-namarti Soulscryer i play in AoS: Soulbound. The scryfish are all being painted up as Clownfish, but I haven't entierly decided on a colour scheme for the rest of it. Maybe the normal blue steel for the metal and pale skin, but with a Visarch colour scheme for the rest of it?
  6. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Turns out I really enjoy painting dwarves! Some great practice on blending with these two and their beards, and I fell in love with that awful helmeted fyreslayer from the moment i realized creating him was possible.

    I've already ordered a couple more single figures to play around with the fusion aesthetic more (though longbeards seem sold out basically everywhere, unfortunately) it's pretty fun to think up the background that'd lead to this kind of cultural exchange!
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That left dude looks so badass!!!
    Amazingly done.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Togetic likes this.
  8. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    I've been finishing a load of stuff lately without getting many shots of them, but lately my brain has been stuck on Idoneth after getting close to finishing that Soulscryer, and getting my hands on their new underworlds warband for cheap.

    This is my kitbashing output so far: a stabbier crabbier, and a male Tidecaster with a little more of a martial bent to him. The entire warband except the Namarti had some level of conversion (unfortunately he's very fiddly in pose, very hard to do anything but a head swap, and I don't have any spare that would've fit) but these are the products of it that i'm happiest with so far
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like the dwarf's red beard!
    Imrahil likes this.
  10. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! They’re my first attempts at wet blending, though I think it’s kind of cheating since it’s with a trio of contrast paints
    Warden, Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  11. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Two little updates on lizards I’m working on, the Animosity III campaign has kicked off and I’ve used the opportunity to just start going ham on projects I’ve been putting off for ages.

    So far I’ve gone for a skink priest with a little firey flare whos just started getting his paint, and initial work on an Engine of the Gods that I’m hoping goes better in painting than it has so far in preliminary modeling (who knew trying to superglue a marble to plastic, specifically plastic that was the most spindly bit of the terradon bola possible, would be really hard??).

    I’m hoping to alter it more so the marble attaches better to the thicker flame and then make the stegadon itself modular, modifying each weapon choice so magnetizing them isn’t hell like it is with the default kit (and.. also learning how to magnetize things). I want to do the same with the starseer riding it just because I love the model, being able to run him as a Starpriest, Engine of the God and Starseer depending on what base I throw him on sounds and what I need his stegadon or chair to be is great (though I am a little worried I’ll just have to shove a magnet/metal behind his crossed legs rather than hide it in his actual body, because very little of the model actually touches the ground). So, some decent progress for one night of work I’d say.
  12. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Progress shot for the Animosity campaign,really kicking me into gear with painting this big girl. I managed to (in a pretty janky way) get the entire thing magentized, the Engine of the Gods + Throne + Crossbow + Starseer now all have magnets or metal attached to allow swapping the parts in and out without issue.

    I found the new center of the engine while digging through old childhood toys to find magnets (rather than just buying appropirately sized ones like i probably should have) and painted some of it with the bronze metal i'm way too into. It's a little skewed on the engine in the picture because it's just tacked on for now, but I really like the look of it sitting in the center!

    The stegadon herself is pretty early goings and a little messy, just one coat of paint + a drybrush, and a contrast paint on the scales, but i think once i darken the skin down with a wash and another drybrush it'll feel more cohesive. Then with the warmer tones of the howdah parts I think it'll come together decently. Overally happy with it all so far! Excited to finally do another big model after I traumatized myself by going straight from test saurus to a carnosaur when i started all the way at the beginning of the thread lol
    Noxolotl, Imrahil, Warden and 2 others like this.
  13. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Looking good so far, I like the piece you added in the middle of the engine
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    +1 for me on this @Togetic looks great.
    Warden and Togetic like this.
  15. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Thank you both! It's apparently a piece from an old lego set that i just cut the connector off and painted over the metallics in my usual bronze.

    While looking for it I also found a handful of old plastic bats that I had to use, once I thought of my pirate skinks from a little ago. I don't know if they'd be actually legal because of their size being like, half that of a terradon, but I like the test enough that I think Keptan is getting a little airforce of his own.

    Obviously a little cleanup needed, but I think it's fun! I hardened them from the floppy plastic they started as by using them as test cases for the whole "gap fill by using supeglue and bicarb soda" thing, basically giving them a stronger and less flexible layer underneath the wings that reinforces the actual bits of the model you'll want to see
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2021
  16. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Another Animosity submission, Yukana'zeeme the Chameleon Skink, built from a normal skink's blowpipe on a blood bowl Chameleon (minus the goofy headress and giant football tongue). Oxyotl in Total Warhammer got me the moivation to go in and finish him off after getting the bits all together ages ago. I think I want to eventually base him on some kind of terrarium plant, maybe threadding the stem through his tail and positioning his flat foot against it so he's hanging instead of... running with his hands flailng, i guess, but for now I love him.

    Go forth and Sever the Red Hand, little man

    Noxolotl, Aginor, Warden and 2 others like this.
  17. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Another Animosity III submission, and another Chameleon Skink! I've been kind of dragging my feet on the starblood stalkers because their poses don't lend themselves to conversions or kitbashes super well, and I really like to do that with all my models to give them some little bits of flair. In this case though the quality more than makes up for it!

    I struggled a lot with finding a colour for the eyes before I just decided to slap the same green wash on them as the skin, and I think it turned out ok?

    Noxolotl, kroxh, Warden and 3 others like this.
  18. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Another animosity submission- Finished painting up the minor conversion of the Skink Priest from the stegadon kit that i showed off primed a while ago, and i'm pretty happy with it! Flames are from the fireleech bola and the dagger is an Idoneth knife i had laying around from the Reaver kit.

    No name for this little guy yet, but he's only newly spawned so there's always time to find one
    Noxolotl, kroxh, Imrahil and 4 others like this.
  19. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    My final Animosity III submission, for the final turn, some Saurus heroes! I'd probably run them both as oldbloods with spears on their own, but stealing an idea from our own Sudsinabucket i'd like to magnetize their feet, and use them as Carnosaur riders that're positioned on the base, sort of hunting alongside their companion. Partly because it's cool imagery, partly because it's the easiest way to magnetize the two Saurus options they represent ;)

    One is the Saurus Oldblood from the Starblood Stalkers with minor alterations, like replacing his sword with the Carnosaur rider spear (because it's the better solo kit of the hero) and turning some of the paintful gaps on the chest from being push-to-fit into open wounds (though i think the shadows cover it in the image). The other is just the Sunbolt gauntlet option for the on-foot saurus from the Carnosaur kit, without much fanfare. I figure it's no different from giving him the shield when he's on foot, since it's the same arm and nothing else could be held in it (Plus I can imagine using a big unbreakable prosthetic arm as a shield pretty easily, it's about as wide anyway).

    I'm very greatful to the animosity team overall, beyond the campaign just being fun the amount of hobby progess i've blown through in the last couple weeks has been ridicilous, the gameification of stuff i already enjoy has been blowing my executive dysfunction out of the water. i've even been painting half a dozen Duardin on the side just because I have the energy to, without them being anything related to the campaign! It's a lot of fun, and i'd recommend it to everyone for next year[​IMG]
  20. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Some Sylvaneth for a change, I gave making a mini-drycha Kurnoth Hunter a shot in my burst of Outcast related sylvaneth work and i'm really happy about how the body turned out (Below are both dry fitted, though I went with the pose on the right when sticking it together). The head is something i'm a little iffy on, though. I've somehow lost both spite-revanent heads I have so the best options out of bits i have spare are the head of a Namarti and the head of the Yncarne from 40k- the latter is a little long in the horn but carries the kind of mutated look i like in Outcasts, and the former is a lot simpler but gels better with the spirit body.

    Not too sure which to go with overall so any opinions appreciated there, but i'm happy enough having the body nailed down
    Noxolotl, Aginor, Imrahil and 2 others like this.

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