8th Ed. my army list (incomplete)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by tetto eko, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    As of yet I won't be able to use this army in any kind of battle/tornement. I would just like an idea of what I should get next.


    Umm... None, I don't think


    2x Skink priest

    1x Skink Chieftain


    2x Saurus Warriors in units of 12, all of them spears (I think)

    2x Skink skirmishers, again, in units of 12


    3x Charmeleon Skinks*

    1x Terradon Rider*

    1x Temple guard in a unit of 10

    1x Cold one Cavalry in a unit of 8


    1x Ancient Stegadon, haven't attached any weapons to it yet, will prob put the Engine of the Gods on it.

    I'm open to any suggestions, I know a Slann Mage-Priest is needed, and I will prob get one soon.

    *I don't have a full unit as of yet for these.

    EDIT: Just realised I got a skink Chieftain and a skink priest with the Stegadon, not sure if they count as other heroes or if they should go with the Stegadon, but I'll add them to the list anyway.
  2. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    Well, I don't know much in the way of tactics, but there were a few things that stood out for me with this list.

    One, You're going to be very liable to Panic Tests. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that your opponent only has to inflict 4 casaulties to your 12 strong blocks of Saurus to enforce a Panic Test. With Ld 8, the chances are that you will be fine, but there's still a chance that 2 of your main units will be running. And with only Ld 7 max with your characters, they don't help either. I'd definitely get more Saurus and maybe another box of Temple Guard for your incoming Slann. Once you've got those I might be inclined to make the Terradons and Camo Skinks legal, just so that you have that option, or possibly a Saurus Hero. You probably wouldn't field these selections of units in one army, but it's always nice to have choices.
  3. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the actual battle rules, but I see what you mean by needing more Saurus warriors. But right now I can get either the slann, a regiment of Sarus or another box of temple guard. I don't have enough money for 2 of them. :(
  4. Yanko

    Yanko New Member

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    Until you get more sauruses field them as one unit of 20. I have been playing with limited number of models and small units are just not worth it.
  5. vapor

    vapor New Member

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    Since you'll be playing smaller games at first, get the box of Saurus. You can convert two of your TG, one to be a scar veteran/old blood general and one to be a scar vet BSB, which will help with leadership and combat ability. (It's as simple as painting them a different color so they're easy to pick out of the crowd).

    Slann and TG are very expensive and hard to really justify at under 1750+ points, so you can wait a bit before buying them.

    Don't build the howdah on the steg yet, use the body as a proxy for EOTG/ Steg/Ancient steg for a few games to see which version you like best. You can also bump down your skirimishers to units of 10 and use the remaining 4 as chameleon skink proxies (or convert them if you feel up to trying it).

    Until you get a feel for what you like and don't like, most people you play against won't mind if you use a few proxies before dropping a lot of money into the army. Stick to low point games (1000-1500) and build your army up with the things you've enjoyed using.
  6. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    Ok then. I'll think about this. Also, when I go down to Games Workshop, I may be able to get some more money. If I can go past Game, I can sell my Wii, my Wii GH guitar and some games. The Wii alone could get me £65, so, if I can find them, I could also get a slann and maybe more Temple guards as well as more Saurus. But maybe I should just get the Sarus and save up some money for the TG and Slann another time, as well as more Charmeleon Skinks and Terradons. What do you think I should do? o_O

    I might, if I can get enough money, just get the above all at once... But then again, I need to buy that really big book about how to play Warhammer.

    I'm getting the Saurus, but what else should I get (asuming I get the extra money)?

    1. Slann Mage-Priest
    2. Temple Guard
    3. 2+ Charmeleon Skinks
    4. 2+ Terradon Riders
    5. The massively huge (Rule?) book

    ... You guys prob gonna sat the Rule book. And def not the Terradons... :p
  7. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    Well don't sell your Wii just for Lizardmen. There's one thing putting a bit into a hobby, but then it's completely diffirent selling out all your other hobbies to invest in this one. I obviously don't know how much you like the Wii, but don't feel like you have to if you don't want to. Those box sets are still going to be there for you in a couple of months time or however long when you've saved up for them.

    I would say the Rulebook, I got one and it's really inspired me to paint my army so I can be proud of it and reconstruct battles. Once you have that - and although it may not feel like you're getting anywhere at first - you will have more ideas as to what type of Lizardmen Army you want.

    And then it's also a matter of what you can legally play with in your current army. When you get a new unit, you're gonna want to play with it in some battles, so it's pointless getting an expensive unit that you wont be able to play with with your current army.

    Army Selection Rules

    Lords - Up to 25%
    Heroes - Up to 25%
    Core - 25% or more
    Special - Up to 50%
    Rare - Up to 25%

    Your army must have at least 3 Units in addition to any Lords or Heroes.

    There's the rules for what you can have in your army list.
  8. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    I'm not just selling my Wii for Lizardmen, I don't play it any more and have been thinking about getting rid of it for a month now and thought this would be a good time to sell it. :p I guess I'll only get the Saurus and the Rule book for now. :) Like you said, the box sets are still gonna be there in a few months.
  9. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    for the rulebook, you can wait a month or 2 or so untill the Isle of Blood comes out (HE vs Skaven). That box will contain a smaller version of the rulebook. If you have a friend that buys the box but is willing to sell you the rulebook for like 5$ or something you might be in for a good deal =).
  10. vapor

    vapor New Member

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    Comes out Saturday in the US.
  11. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    Well, heres the thing, the rule book alone costs £45 and the Island of Blood box set cost £65. True, the Island of Blood comes with the 2 small armies, but I don't know anything about either army, and have never really considered buying them. o_O
  12. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    You might be able to sell both the armies on eBay or something like that, just sell them as new from the box set on their sprues, and you should be able to make more than £20 easily.

    However, the thing I said about me being inspired by the rulebook just doesn't stand with the mini book. There isn't any fluff in the small book, and reading loads of small writing about how to play the game is hardly inspiring.
  13. Nuclear

    Nuclear New Member

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    Buy just the Island of Blood rulebook online. I bet you can find it on ebay going for 15-20 USD.

    Or if you have friends or people in your gaming group getting the starter, see if anyone has 2 and is willing to part with the 2nd book.

    On an unrelated note, anyone else notice how many people misspell chameleon "charmeleon? People playing too much pokemon....
  14. tetto eko

    tetto eko New Member

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    I could do that, but Idk.

    Unfortunately, I live in an area where there are no gaming groups close by, and all my firends seem to agree tht this hobbies gay. :(

    Lol nah, just thought thats how its spelt... o_O

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