AoS Help vs Fyreslayers 3.0

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Tilorn91, Sep 14, 2021.

  1. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Hello everyone! After a series of somewhat competitive matches in the past month or two, there is a calm before the storm in the shape of friendly matches between random folks before the next league format. Long story short, I am playing versus a good friend of mine, a Fyreslayer. Traditionally I lost every single match versus him in 2.0, though I was not only a worse player than I am now (or so I think) but I also played Warriors almost entirely.

    This time around, I have somewhat expanded my repertoire of models and lists I like to play, though I still heavily dislike FoS lists if I can help it. Sadly, I only got the EotG model that I use sometimes as a Chad Chief, can't field 3 stegs like the meta suggests.

    So, what list can I make to do well versus strike first Hearthguards? Even a double shooting Bastiladon with all the buffs we have does 6 or so damage versus them. Sniping heroes is even harder with look out sir. Magic also kinda doesn't work with the Nulsidian Icon. All in all, I see no light at the end of the tunnel for me here, morale is broken in advance. Whatever I charge into them will die before activation, and the shooting I can realistically field does little versus the short gingers.

    30 skinks do even less damage versus a block of 15 HG. I am legit lost at how to approach this matchup, as strike first doesn't really have counterplay that I can see to utilize. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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  2. Treetrick

    Treetrick New Member

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    Would you be able to post the list that you use (subfaction, leaders, battle line, points, etc?) This should let the experienced players on the forum better help you strategize.

    By magic, do you mean a slann's magic spells? What buffs are you adding to your warriors typically? The more we know, the better the advice. :)
  3. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Having only played KC lists in 2.0 (40/40/10 warriors or 10/10/5 knights with a Oldblood etc) I have branched into some TL and even some FoS. I got 70ish skinks at my disposal, tons of warriors and knights, one Basti, one EotG / Chief, 3 sally's, 6 Terradons, a Slann, Kroak, and all the heroes. Just one Carno too, a Trog, some Guard, all the Endless Spells, and even a Dread Saurian.

    As for spells, I mean that the usual Kroak spam doesn't really work against the Nulsidian Icon, while Slann offers just Comet Call with some buffs and a lore spell. The obvious strategy I can come up with is to simply ignore the objective where the buffed Hearthguard are, but that doesn't seem like something I can win with.
  4. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Fyreslayers are an interesting matchup. 4+ save and 4+ dpr is hard to crack and with the auric and the icon, it's hard to ping off the heroes.

    It comes down to battleplans and trying to take advantage of their relatively limited threat ranges. You can contest objectives with throw away units to keep things interesting in the first few rounds. you're just looking to keep the game close or even as you use your superior range and damage to start to chunk out their bodies. Basically their threat range is exclusively melee, so you're trying to force them to you/fight off objectives while you do damage relatively safely.

    its a hard situation to describe in text, but basically you don't want to just blindly be throwing bodies into their meat grinder while they sit on objectives. Force them to pile models off the objective and get a unit in around them. You should have more units and more damage, which should help you win the game in turns 4 and 5. Fyreslayers are basically sitting on probably two 15 man hearthguard units, so you gotta think those 2 squads are only ever going to be on 2 objectives. Use that to your advantage. Also, keep an eye out for when he might get his units a little too far from a hero. The aftersave dropping to a 6+ is HUGE.

    Biggest issue i see with people playing seraphon is they just get everything stuck in too fast. Our units do a lot of damage, but they are fragile. its easy for tougher units to be able to trade up if we let them by putting too many of our units into dangerous positions too early in the game.

    Sorry if thats a little all over the place, its hard for me to describe the thought process without a visual to help illustrate it.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
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  5. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    I guess I kinda get what you are saying. Obviously I can't go toe to toe with 15 buffed up HGs, so there needs to be some tricks and strategy applied. Hence my asking, since I am actually kinda bad at the game, using rather normal, already seen stuff. Thanks for the info!
  6. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    No problem. Do you have TTS?
  7. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    I do actually, we could take this to DMs if you wish for a game to happen, though I haven't used it in months.
  8. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    Thunder Lizard is the way to go against them in my recent experience, they have little mortal wound output and by taking TL you pretty much half the armies damage output.

    There's no way to play against them but to try and grind them down, I would look at going for a list with some priests, a slann and emerald lifeswarm to heal your units and chip away at them. Try to pin his units with the bastiladons and then chip away at the heroes to make the after damage save worse
  9. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    All hearthguard should be rocking polearms which do 2 mortals on 6s.
  10. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    My friend is playing them wrong then!
  11. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Axes aren't bad, but polearma are probably the better choice into most things
  12. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Just a carefree update, just came back from the game. I ran a cheese fun list of 9 Salamanders and Kroak in DT. Long story short, the damage swings are wild. Sometimes I pull off 9 mortals and some damage, sometimes 1 damage. Overall it was fun, Kroak died from 3 damage and a roll of 6 6 5 on his mechanic, so that was super sad. Without something silly such as my list, I truly feel as though I lack both the skill and the models to beat even a subpar list of just one unit of 15 Hearthguards and two Magmadroths, let alone something serious. Who knows, time will tell.
    LordRibbit likes this.

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