AoS Two trogs 2k TL

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Panama, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Panama
    Jungle Swarm

    Panama New Member

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    So I had a post a while back where I asked for list help using the models I had since my army was built under aos2 but covid and the Navy never allowed for me to give it a chance on the table. I got some good advice, switched my direction towards Thunder lizards, went down to my local shop and picked up a skink starting collection, the only Seraphon lot in the shop at the time.

    A bit of bit bashing and with a bit more time in going to have a command entourage composing of:

    2 trogs
    A scar vet on carno w/spear
    A slann
    2 star priests
    A priest

    2x 5 knights w/lances
    10 warriors w/spears
    10 skinks w/ Haven't decided yet

    A Bastiladon w/ solar eng

    The idea is to run the carno with two screens of Knights and a star priest

    The slann with a trog and a screen of warriors

    And lastly a trog, bast, priest, star priest and a screen of 10 skinks

    I'm still thinking on spells and artifacts, general and commanders and the such. Any input would be much appreciated, but keep it dumbed down because I'm a new player.

    Unused models I have are 10 proxy skinks with javelins, 3 proxy krox, the 3 flyers from the skink starting box, 5 knights w/spears, a sunblood and 10 warriors with spears.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  2. xoid

    xoid Well-Known Member

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    You have 7 leaders, and you can only take 6 at 2000 points. Personally I'd do the Trog you plan to keep near the Slann, as it's ability to be used for channeling spells serves less purpose then the one farther away.

    I'd add in another units of knights with the points saved from removing the extra Trog.

    Also depending on how proxy friendly your play area is I'd run 5 Saurus Guard instead of 10 warriors. Same number of wounds and attacks, just giving up bodies to gain bodyguards for your Slann.
  3. Panama
    Jungle Swarm

    Panama New Member

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    So I believe the area is not too against 3d printed models which my proxys are,
    I don't know how they feel about straight up calling a unit something it's not.
    But if I'm taking it the second trog, I could run the last 5 knights and the other 10 warriors rather than proxy guards. Are the warriors less efficient at screening the slann?
  4. Panama
    Jungle Swarm

    Panama New Member

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    So I believe the area is not too against 3d printed models which my proxys are,
    I don't know how they feel about straight up calling a unit something it's not.
    But if I'm not taking it the second trog, I could run the last 5 knights and the other 10 warriors rather than proxy guards, are the warriors not able to guard the slann?

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