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AoS Endless Spell Point Costs

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by ComdrPancake, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. ComdrPancake
    Jungle Swarm

    ComdrPancake New Member

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    After a bit of research in 3.0 rules on endless spells, I noticed from making a list in battlescribe that the points have mostly gone up but does this affect the bound versions of the spells? are they the 2.0 cost or should I add 10 points to the new 3.0 costs? cheers
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    First of all, welcome to Lustria!

    Bound spells, as explained in our 2.0 battletome, are no more a thing, as the rules for the control of endless spells have changed : "when an Endless Spell is cast it is under the control of the Wizard who cast it, and remains that way until either the Wizard dies, the wizard casts a second predatory spell (they can only ever maintain control of one) or the spell moves more than 30″ from the caster"

    The endless spells we cast are no more increased in price, and our rule is now:
    "endless spells summoned by Seraphon Wizards are bonded to the model that summoned them. A bonded endless spell is always controlled by the model to which it is bonded"

    we fear not the 30".
    Useful for predatory spells, because, if i'm not wrong, previously they were moved at the top of the round, and now they are moved in both players hero phases
    xoid likes this.
  3. ComdrPancake
    Jungle Swarm

    ComdrPancake New Member

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    ok, thanks mate! until we finally get our 3.0 battletome, im going to continue being confused in the moments I need to remember this most. Thanks for the reply!
    Killer Angel likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm glad to be of help!
    For any other question you may have, just ask ;)

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