Looking at getting a 3D printer

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by little-myth, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Well as title says and the idea is on the table.
    I'm always seeing amazing miniatures but only being able as a STL and many not having that option for people to sell printed copies, so some I can't find on Etsy and such unless I buy the file so I can print myself. Yet I don't have one.

    Now can't get one just yet as there are a few options and still need to save up.
    Some recommend Creality, especially their Ender 3 series. Cheaper than some that does it's job when the plate is correct and doesn't decide to make nests. One downfall is the size, surprisingly large for something mainly made up of frames but then it does do larger prints but will it be a thing that I will?
    Creality also has the resume function, which is useful as I am prone to power cuts where I live. Don't think it will be that important for smaller miniatures but sitting there and having lights flicker makes me think otherwise.

    Another recommended to me is a Prusa Mini, much smaller. Makes it a tad easier to make space for. A higher price but convenient for it's size, still researching to whether it has a resume function same as Creality.

    Now the last option, Elegoo Mars series. Perfect for miniatures compared to the last two options as the two are mostly PLA based, the Mars series is resin.
    Issues is that having to get the curing/cleaning machine also, you can get a wash-based resin but the curing is still required apparently. Have yet to check sizes but it's fumes the concern part, they come with filters but does some still leak through? Room is not that suited at the moment to ventilate through windows. My dad offered his shed but I don't he realised permanent residence for them as I guess constantly carting them will be a bit unhealthy for them.
    So depending on size of both machines if required and how much ventilation is needed, Elegoo is the last option.

    Now what do you all think?
    You think I can get away with PLA printed miniatures? I read PLA is more brittle but many seem to use it for miniature prints.
    Or is resin a better option for a more detailed print? When considering the situation and I am new to printing as Resin is said to be the more 'experienced' printer.

    Thank you for your time
  2. exwhyzero

    exwhyzero Member

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    If your getting a printer for minis you'll want a resin (sla) printer. The FDM one just wont give the level of detail for minis.

    The downside of resin printing is the smell / fumes. If your planning on putting it in a shed the ambient temperature will need be above 20°c or you will struggle.

    There are plenty of good sub reddits on printing so I'd recommend checking them out as there are lots of people in the same boat as you.

    I'd also weigh up how much you plan on printing , if it's the occasional model you would be better off finding a printing commissioner, they will print your files for you.

    I have a mars 2 pro and I unplugged the filter and covered the vent as it must extracted the smell into the room. I still have to heavily ventilate the room after, some people do use growing tents for their printers though.

    Hope this helps.
    little-myth likes this.
  3. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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    I have an elegoo mars for my printing. I haven't used an fdm before, but it is clear that it doesn't have as good detail for miniatures compared to resin printing. With a bunch of dialing it in, I've seen the ender 3 do some great things, but it does have a lot more manual components to check. Lots of testing and dialing in components of your printer to get clean prints, and a ton of clipping plastic off at the end depending on the direction you are printing from. Also one good aspect of the ender 3 is it is one of the most popular 3d fdm printers out there, so if nearly anything goes technically wrong with it there will be guides how to fix or adjust it along with lots of help from forums. I'm not too familiar with the Prusa Mini, but it is also a good brand name as far as I know for printers. There is very little assembly involved with my resin printer, and very few moving components to mess up. Some of my first prints were already amazing looking, while this isn't the experience I've heard of with fdm. I've put some links down at the bottom of my post for fdm and resin comparisons, and some of the comments on those threads are handy advice.

    The trade-off is definitely working with potentially hazardous chemicals in the form of the resin. Most people prefer to put it in a storage building, garage, or some enclosed space where the smell won't go to commonly used rooms. Nitrile gloves are a must with resin as you don't want to touch it with your bare skin. I've had my gloves break a few times and simply washing hands thoroughly with soap and water works though. My most hated part of resin printing is what to do with the leftover resin from cleaning the vat or disposing of liquid waste. None of it can go down your drain, and it takes quite a while to evaporate or harden into relatively safe solid waste to throw away via the garbage.

    About a curing and cleaning machine, I make due without any curing device. I just put my minis in a clear tupperware container (mostly to keep all the pieces together) and put it out in the sun for a while. I'll flip them at some point and let them cure that way as well. Some people say over-curing a miniature makes it brittle and more likely to crack but while mine do get tougher, I haven't noticed any real repercussions from long sun-curing. For a long time I didn't have a cleaning machine either. Just some more clear tupperware I would put alcohol in and an old toothbrush. I've since moved onto water washable resin which is a bit more expensive, but doesn't require buying alcohol. A dip and scrub in about 2 different baths, then drying them on paper towels and moving the whole batch out into the sun was fine. After around 20-30 miniatures I'd put one tub of alcohol or water out to evaporate/clump up into solid resin bits out in the sun, and use my secondary tub as an initial dip instead. The smell doesn't especially bother me, but I wouldn't want it constantly in a used room. The fumes are also bad for you and a respirator style mask is advised, though studies aren't sure of how bad home 3d printing is health-wise and many people keep their resin printers in their bedrooms based on forums I visit. I am thrilled with my resin printer, but I should go back to the topic at hand.

    Anyways, FDM printers lack detail, but they can work at larger sizes than resin printers, so if you also end up wanting to make scenery pieces that would work well. No matter the device it will likely take hours to work on miniatures of certain scales, so if power outages are a worry, look into getting one of those battery packs that is a go-between for your device and your outlet that makes sure you can keep power running continuously.

    I now look at r/printedminis daily, and while there is some fdm stuff, they are the outliers. But you do you, both types have their specialty. Hopefully this is coherent, typed it up all at once late at night.



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  4. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Thank you @exwhyzero and @Croco Guard

    Since writing the thread I have been looking more into it, resin does seem the better option.
    And it is true on how much I will print, hard to tell really as space is an issue but working towards thinning collections. Got my eyes on some files including the new collection Archvillain games have. That big zombie dragon (If the wings can fit the plate). I do also want to print my own work down the line.

    Seems like the shed is not an option then as it is slowly falling down so it will be cold cause lovely British weather, it's on the list to save up for a shed to pad out an everything just for the miniature hobby but it's a long time for that to happen.

    Printer is aimed to be kept in a spare room which is where my miniature work is, need to sort the windows out as there is one large and one small.

    Got gloves already and I do have a spill mat written down if I do order a printer. Nice to know also that models can be cured normally without a machine, depends on the weather as always, I did read some people make their own set ups using UV lights and a box.
    Mask I will double check as I have one I used to use when I worked with horses (hay dust is not fun) use it for when I prime now. But it mostly blocks particles. I notice one make provides a mask and it's just a normal blue mask.
    I will look into the battery packs, never heard of them before. I just get flashbacks from the power outage we had that lasted months, street was put on a generator but it kept running out of fuel or broke down.

    I do have someone I usually buy from on Etsy, it was planned for me to PM him as GW decided to slap him with the hammer because he was selling stuff remotely similar, could be the situation he used the brands as a keyword. If it results in me not getting one in the end I can ask if he does the one offs. I was getting the Archvillain The Affliction miniatures and of course not available now from him.
    To think I believe he leaves them in the sun also, keeps the printers in a case like a terrarium looking one. So maybe a terrarium to keep them in? Well have to be sure to get something correct so I can get he printer case off and everything. Can't really ask the guy cause it's feels rude as it's his business :bag:

    Edit: Just did a double check and it's a custom made cabinet he made, wood with UV proof doors on the front.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021

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