JamJar's Roaring Carnosaur

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by JamJar, May 28, 2017.

  1. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    *Looks at date of comment*
    My goodness has it really been 3 years??!! :eek: I wasn't actually being serious about years. I dreaded for ages that maybe my account got deleted from lack of activity but here we are:happy:

    Quite a lot has happened these last couple of years including moving a couple of times, watching the world go into a pandemic, getting married, gaining much experience my job of rock licking (geotechnical engineering) :D In all that chaos called life, I did work on the roaring boy but did not take many photos, probably because my undiagnosed ADHD doesn't like to stop when hyperfocused :rolleyes:

    Here is the progress I did happen to keep record of:
    In the last post I was trying to make the base look nice with some textured sand to give a cliff-like appearance. Needless to say, the current base didn't turn out as nice as the text base (which was a little too small). The ferns on the base are simply to give some body to the cliff to allow overhang. I was trying to get a sandstone appearance. Being a geotech, I see sandstone most days of the week, BUT FOR SOME REASON COULD NOT SCULPT IT FROM SCRATCH AND WAS OVERTHINKING IT.

    Still looks like a box tbh. I was trying to incorporate joints (cracks in rock) at the rear of the housing compartment. I struggled to get a natural aesthetic happening.

    Quick digression:
    My job here was to assess the safety of this cliffline for someone to rebuild the house near the top.
    Sandstone naturally forms joints & partings (cracks you might call them) within the rock mass, often from changes in stresses or release of pressure. A joint is a type of 'defect', other defects include clay seams, and shear zones. Not promoting anything but if you have insta and would like to learn more about my work as a geotech then check out the_rocklicker for funny and informative content. It's a little side thingy that makes fun of the usual insta influencer stuff you usually see.

    Base still looks like my disappointing thesis. I did add a button to trigger the roaring sound. An Elven scenery piece I dug out of my bits box. Very pleasing to my eyes. I also caught up with a family friend who is amazing a model railway scenery. I replaced the blue speaker with a tiny train speaker, which happened to be louder :cool: Still echoes a bit with the plastic model but that's a problem that can wait for later.

    Side view of the base. Some sandstone 'sedimentary layering' appearance happening but still not quite right...yuck in fact... like biting into an onion :vomit: Sounds harsh but like I said, my job involves observing, sketching rocks and knowing how they form. The dino also got a paint when I had a go at family friend's air brush. Was nice using it but started to miss the authenticity of hand painting. Didn't take a photo painting but this is when I put it away for about a year :meh:

    There was ample opportunity to work on this dino but decided that I needed to bulid/repair/paint a bunch or Skinks & Saurus :wtf:

    I also procrastinated by making this modular hill with sandstone cliffline that look nicer than the dino base wtf:hilarious: I can't explain it - it's like that one fork in your kitchen drawer that you frown at when you accidentally grab it. I just don't want to work on the base:argh:

    Another view of the modular hill, this time connected on the long edge. Oh and there's a kitten...and the model with it's depressing looking base :hurting:

    Oh yes I nearly forgot to show the compartment lid. Other nice hill in view.

    Thanks for making it this far! I hope the next update isn't too far away. I would post a nice video but it is getting late and the batteries are dead. See ya'll later, chat soon!


    Noxolotl, Imrahil, Aginor and 4 others like this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great work on this thread!
    JamJar likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yay, more progress!
    JamJar likes this.
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Good work, I like the Idea a lot.

    Keep up the work.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    JamJar likes this.
  5. Noxolotl
    Cold One

    Noxolotl Well-Known Member

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    Great project, I've seen people make their miniatures light up, but never ones that make sounds. Good job, will watch the progress with great interest.
    JamJar and Imrahil like this.

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