8th Ed. my 2.5k list against WOC advice needed

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by xisor, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. xisor
    Cold One

    xisor New Member

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    ok heres my list, any advice would be great.

    Slann - BSB, rumination, mystery, becalming, cupped hands (lore of light)
    16 Temple guard - command, champion

    Skink Chief - Warspear, Stegadon

    Skink Priest - lvl 2, dispel scroll, plaque of tepok
    10 Skink skirmishers

    10 Skink skirmishers

    26 Cohorts , kroxigor, full command

    26 Cohorts, Kroxigor, full command

    Old Blood - GW, Light armour
    19 Saurus - command

    25 Cohorts

    6 Chameleons

    6 Chameleons



    As i said any feedback would be great as i play this game in a couple of hours so need to change it fast if im missing something. My basic plan is to try and get my units of cohorts around his flank or if possible to his rear and use the saurus and TG units to try and hold his main units in place for skinks to flank.
  2. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Salamanders are good to burn through their army so be sure to bring those. Also consider Lore of Metal on the Slann. WoC tends to have a high armor save and the Lore of Metal really punishes that. The worst things you have to look after are the Chaos knights. I also would take less skink cohorts as they dont have the punching power to get through the armor of WoC. Perhaps drop the cohorts, get some more Saurus warriors. What banner are you putting on the Slann? The razor standard (armour piercing) is also useful to get through the hard WoC armor.

    Good luck with the battle!
  3. xisor
    Cold One

    xisor New Member

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    dont have my book, the razor banner is 25 points if memory serves, is that right? i could drop the unit of 25 cohorts and take an extra krox in each unit for more high str attacks and then take razor banner on my slann
  4. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Razor is 45 ;)
  5. Chaq Mundi

    Chaq Mundi New Member

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    In my experience against WoC you will need a lot more saurus; skinks just don't cut it. Also, take more salamanders, the -3 really helps against Warriors.
  6. Wolfun

    Wolfun New Member

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    My CoC with Razor standard really helped. Charging a unit of WoC that had been effected by Iceshard Blizzard, they fled combat, and were cut down.

    But like what most other people say - More Saurus, less Skinks.

    Though Skinks are useful (I took out an entire unit of Chaos Ogres by fleeing their charges and luring them into where both my Skinks and Skink skirmishers could shoot them. I took them all out by my second turn. <3 Poisoned weapons.) they can't hold up in CC like the Saurus can.
  7. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Have you thought about scraping some points for the Burning Blade on your oldblood instead of a GW? Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't LoLight have the spell that makes you I10 in it? If so that plus the burning blade gives the equivilant to a S7 hit at I10 instead of straight S7 hitting last.

    It also means that most times you can safely decline any challenges from flaming-immune or flame-resistant characters and let your I10 Saurus bash his skull in for you. Against regular RnF warriors, the olblood's number of attacks should allow him to cut down at least two or three on his own, and with the I10 buff you're doing this before any warriors can even strike back. It also allow you to drop the light armour and pick up an enchanted shield, giving you a 2+ AS for 1 pt less than buying light armour and a mundane shield which would've put you over your Lord's allowance (assuming i've tallied up your Slann correctly).

    I also agree about saurus>skinks against WoC. The only thing skinks can do is thin a few khornate GW marauders, where armour is rarely taken and any poisoned hits will kill. Cohorts suck against WoC, they're useless in combat, and often cost more than the unit they're tarpitting. I'd only use them with a LoLife Slann who can boost their toughness and make them more of a roadblock. I'd look into getting 1 or 2 more sallies and some more saurus, possibly a second steg if you can scrape the points together.

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