8th Ed. [8th Ed.] 2x 2k Lists

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Khakorlot, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Now, some of you may have seen my other [7th Ed.] thread and thought "Hang on, he just said his club are sticking with 7th, why is he now making 8th lists?" but I assure you not everyone has stayed with 8th, and I do want to have lists I can use in case anyone says "You know what, let's try out 8th anyway."

    So, without further ado:

    List 1 - <Insert funky army name here>

    Slaan Mage-Priest w/ Lore of Life, Focus of Mystery, The Focussed Rumination, Higher State, BSB, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones and Bane head – 460pts

    Skink Priest w/ Level 2 Wizard, Curse-Charm of Tepok, Dispel Scroll and EotG - 435pts

    24 Saurus Warriors w/ Spears, Musician and Standard Bearer - 306pts
    18 Saurus Warriors w/ Spears, Musician and Standard Bearer - 234pts
    15 Saurus Warriors w/ Musician and Standard Bearer - 183pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers w/ Javs and Shields – 80pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers w/ Javs and Shields – 80pts

    5 Chameleon Skinks – 60pts

    Salamander w/ Extra Handler – 80pts
    Salamander w/ Extra Handler – 80pts

    Total - 1998pts

    460pts might be quite a lot for a lone Slann, but it's all gone to a good cause, Bane Head might be a bit wasted but for 15pts... It's also my basic set-up alongside list 2's for any general lore, so I can try out a different lore in a few different games and not have to fiddle with the set-up.

    EotG - Model is cool, never really had a chance to shine in 7th edition games so i'm giving it a chance in 8th. Curse-charm is there to take advantage of enemy mis-casts, hence why the Slann hasn't got Becalming. Dispel scroll because it's bloody handy just to have around.

    Saurus are self-explanitory; spear formations go 6x4 and 6x3 respectively, sword and board go 5x3.

    Skinks i'm trying out javs. I tried them in 7th and found them to pale in comparison to pipes, but people have claimed that they've made a comeback in 8th... We'll see...

    Chameleons because scouts are almost mandatory now. Used to have 2 units but cut one loose to afford some stuffs.

    Sallies again because they're almost mandatory, extra handler because knowing me, 1st time they shoot will misfire and they'll eat all their handlers. Nice to have something to fall back on if it does happen.

    List 2 - <Insert another funky name here>

    Slaan Mage-Priest w/ Lore of Life, Focus of Mystery, The Focussed Rumination, Becalming Cogitation, BSB, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Divine Plaque of Protection and Bane head – 490pts

    Skink Priest w/ Level 2 Wizard, Dispel Scroll and EotG - 415pts

    24 Saurus Warriors w/ Spears, Musician and Standard Bearer - 306pts
    18 Saurus Warriors w/ Spears, Musician and Standard Bearer - 234pts
    15 Saurus Warriors w/ Musician and Standard Bearer - 183pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers w/ Javs and Shields – 80pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers – 70pts

    5 Chameleon Skinks – 60pts

    Salamander w/ Extra Handler – 80pts
    Salamander w/ Extra Handler – 80pts

    Total - 1998pts

    Basically the same, 'cept the toad got a bit more bloated (lost higher state in favour of becalming, gained the plaque).

    EotG lost the curse charm because the important wizards will have been becalmed, so won't miscast. Knowing my luck, a second or third wizard will get Pit of Shades or Purple Sun etc. and will IF my SLann to buggery, but on the off chance that doesn't happen...

    Saurus - Same

    Skinks - 1 unit returned to pipes for points reasons, and because I can have a comparison of effectiveness (though mostly points).

    Chams and Sallies - Same

    What do you think? Would they do well in 8th? I'm not looking for power-house lists, just one where I can have a decent game against most opponents.
  2. Tubbe

    Tubbe New Member

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    Both lists seems pretty balanced, and could imo do well against most armies. Though personally, i'd do a few changes, take the advice or leave it. Either way you seem to know what you're doing :).

    18 and 15 Saurus aren't going to help much, i'd rather skip one of the units, and then run 2 units of 25-30.
    - This should help you get that steadfast you need against armies like WoC and the like :).

    A lone life slann has very little isue wih miscasts (Since you will regain a wound when casting life spell, only the "- wizard level" and "utterly detroyed" ones are any threat at all) So going Cupped hands is a bit of an overkill imo. could consider the Feedback scroll/Bane Head combo, or the +d6 PD OUO instead :).

    Only bringing one unit of Chams might give you unnececary problems against gunlines. Personally i never leave home without atleasts 2x6. could get the points for these by skipping some regular skink skirmishers, it should be worth it.

    Other than that, i like the 2nd list.

    EDIT: Oh, and i forgot, the EoTG isn't that good anymore, not negating ranks, and more often than not dead by 1st turn against cannons means.. well, i'd rather have some vets in my saurus for those points, but that's just me. maybe a regular baby steg even.
  3. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Thanks for your reply :)

    The saurus numbers were based off points, I could dump the sword and board saurus to bump the 18 spears up to 24, as 30 in each seem unnecessarily large (25 also isn't the best for spears, as running 6x_ give you more attacks against most enemies than running them 5x_, which is best used for sword and board units).

    You say the Slann has little issue with miscasts, but you've never seen my Slann :( He's played 5 games in total (all 7th editon), miscast 4 times (one in each game bar 1 game) all 4 rolls on the table were snake eyes, 1st time the internet was down in-store, so my opponent thought I was bullcrudding about the cupped hands being FAQed to allow use against 2 on the table, 2nd and 4th time he failed the cupped hands roll and blew up, 3rd time he made the roll (on a 2). He needs all the protection he can get... plus if I do miscast and manage to make the cupped hands roll, I can pass it on to an enemy wizard to get rid of a level 1-4 thorn in my side.

    If I do cut the 15 saurus and bump the 18 to 24, I should be able to afford a second chams unit.

    No matter what, the EotG stays. It's the only working steg i've got (the other needs crew on it) and the model is fething great. The EotG is the only thing that is completely set in stone.

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