AoS 1500 pt Thunder Lizards

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Doc_Octorok, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Doc_Octorok
    Jungle Swarm

    Doc_Octorok New Member

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    Hello folks,

    I have been in the process of building a new 1500 pt force. I only have 2 matches under my belt (one 1000 pt, one 1500 but with a different build) and I thought I would come here for your feedback. I am copying the list straight from the new AoS app but abridging all the details.

    --in the past I used a Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur as my general. For this list I downgraded him to a Scar-veteran on Carnosaur and made the Engine of the Gods my general
    --by reducing Carnosaur to Scar-veteran I had enough points to add Ripperdactyls. Are they worth it?
    --I gave the Engine the new Mount Trait (from White Dwarf 469)
    --With Warlord I took an extra Artefact (Blade of Realities) and gave him to my Carnosaur to give him a bit of an edge. I am interested in feedback on this--should I give him Amulet of Destiny instead? Or go in different direction entirely?
    --I also have a Skink Oracle on Troglodon. I used him in my previous 1500 force but removed him when I got the Engine.

    Thunder Lizard (1500 pts)
    Core Battalions
    -- Magnificent Bonus: Artefacts of Power (Blade of Realities)
    Saurus Warriors
    --Points Cost: 105 pts
    Skink Starpriest
    --Spells: Hand of Glory
    --Points Cost: 130 pts
    Skink Priest
    --Prayers: Guidance
    --Points Cost: 80 pts
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    --Artefacts of Power: Blade of Realities (from Warlord)
    --Points Cost: 215 pts
    Battle Regiment
    Bastiladon with Solar Engine
    --Points Cost: 235 pts
    Engine of the Gods (General)
    --Command Traits: Prime Warbeast
    --Artefacts of Power: Fusil of Conflagration
    --Mount Trait: Beastmaster
    --Prayers: Guidance
    --Points Cost: 265 pts
    Saurus Knights
    --Points Cost: 110 pts
    --Reinforced: Once
    --Points Cost: 150 pts
    Terradon Riders
    --Points Cost: 115 pts
    Ripperdactyl Riders
    --Points Cost: 95 pts
    Faction Terrain
    --Realmshaper Engine
    Total Points: 1500 pts

    Thank you!
    --Doc Oc
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  2. Schneelachs

    Schneelachs Member

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    Hey Mate,

    first of all its a solid list.

    I like the Scar Vet in general more than the Oldblood so the switch is fine.

    If I understand correct, the Mount Trait will use the Magnificent Bonus to use so you have maybe to drop the Artefact or the Mount trait, but maybe someone here will clarify this.

    In your list you have a lack of creating Commandpoints so maybe its not a bad Idea to add an Slann also for chip damage and some anti magic.
    The reinforced Skins and the Terradonst will make up the Points fot him.

    With this list I would go Amulet on EOTG, turtle up and send units out if necessary. EOTG has 14 wounds with 5+ Ward and you have the posibilitiy to heal 4 d3 in your round. Prist on EOTG / Prist / Slann with Heal Spell / Command Ability. Also EOTG could hit Heal on the Ability list ;)
  3. Doc_Octorok
    Jungle Swarm

    Doc_Octorok New Member

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    I was very curious about this too. Both the AOS core rulebook and the White Dwarf issue itself seem to suggest that any Seraphon force can take one Mount Trait automatically. But the AOS app will only allow me to take it with the Magnificent Bonus. I welcome any clarification on this.

    This is a nice idea. It would just mean I need to fork up the cash for the Slann :greedy: Any chance that the Starpriest's Astral Herald ability and giving both my priest and EOTG priest the Guidance prayer it would suffice?

    --Doc Oc
  4. t4tcliff

    t4tcliff Member

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    Each set of allegiance abilities includes a number of enhancements that are given to specific units in an army. Enhancements are divided into command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, prayer scriptures, mount traits, triumphs and one or more sets of unique enhancements.

    Enhancements are picked after you have chosen the battalions for your army (see 26.0). You can always take 1 enhancement of each type for your army, and the battalions or battlepack you are using may allow you to take additional enhancements for your army
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
    Doc_Octorok likes this.

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