I haven't been here really long. So I would like to add to what I have been working on lately. First of all, I finished the temple city for Age of Sigmar. I made it mainly to be playable. The pyramid has a decomposable each floor, so it is completely adaptable. Because I actually play Lizardmen as "villains" from the point of view of other civilizations. Sacrifices of the original inhabitants and especially the brutally aggressive terraformation, where the Lizarmen land with their pyramids. The last post is my version of Quetzoatl aka dread saurian. But this will take a long time. Because I don't use an airbrush. I hope you like the posts and if you have any questions, feel free to write.
You've done incredible work here. The painting and conversions are fantastic and your scenery is amazing! Is that a Lord Mazdamundi model I saw? (Slann on Steg)
That is a shitload of f**king AWESOMENESS!!! So much love for the paintjob on those Stegadons and Trogelodon great highlighting. Also that scenery is amazing!! Such a thematical gaming table/display board. Keep up the great work Grrr, Imrahil
Love your work, especially those giant dinos and your GORGEOUS terrain pieces. All 3D printed? Great idea using the Quetzalcoatl as a Dread Saurian, I like that approach!
Thank you so much for your support. It took me a long time and I'm a really slow painter. I will definitely lose in the future.