This is correct, I am a board game enthusiast. 14 counting games,far more if an expansion counts as a separate game. Yahtzee, Chess, Monopoly Scrabble, Risk, Lord of the Rings Risk, Settlers of Catan, Pandemic, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Sentinels Tactics, Small World, Seven Wonders Dominion, Bang, Red November, Dead Panic, Betrayal on the House on the Hill. With expansions Iook crazier. I have Dominion Seaside, Dominion Intrigue, Dominon Alchemy (meh), Dominion Hinterlands (ick), Dominion Cornacopia, Dominion Prosperity, two Seven Wonders expansions, one Sentinels Tactics Expansion, who knows how many Sentinels of the Multiverse expansions, Two expansions to Seven Wonders, five expansions to Sentinels plus a bunch of mini-expansions, an expansion to Sentinels Tactics, six expansions to Dominion, one expansion to Pandemic, two Small World expansions and a promo game piece. 90% of the time "I'm playing a board game" and it is one of mine it's either Sentinels of the Multiverse or Dominion. Sentinels Tactics was a huge disappointment but I haven't sold or thrown it away. I am tempted to throw away my set of Monopoly. I use Settlers of Catan as training wheels to get normies used to the idea of playing a game other than Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue, Sorry, Risk, Yahtzee or Uno. I use the selling point for Settlers of Catan "It's like Monopoly but it is much faster." Note in my opinion. Sentinels of the Multiverse is the best card game every made, at least for me. But the creators are not Midas touched. Sentinels Tactics, their second creation was lousy. I bought it out of loyalty and regretted it. They halted all their planned expansions for the game. They are working on a tabletop RPG which I'm curious about. I would always rather play a tabletop RPG but that takes planning and playing with the same people over and over again. I can play Sentinels of the Multiverse or Dominion with strangers. The games have good training wheel mode to let newbies in gently. @Imrahil , Lord of the Rings is by far superior to normal Risk. Not just for the art and fandom, but it's a better designed game with more built in a balance and a time limit which forces us to avoid periods of long boring build up. But the fun thing about the time limit is it is a variable time limit based on how many obstacles Frodo faces. I like Bang! a lot, but you must have 5-7 players to play it properly. I like Betrayal on the House on the Hill but you need at least three players and probably should have 4-6.
I'd rather be a dwarf anyway. They get to make the fun toys, dig holes in the ground looking for shiny rocks, and sing drinking songs along with everyone else.
Yeah... the wife and I might fit under "obsessed." Admittedly, we didn't BUY most of our board game collection - my board game obsessed father-in-law was culling his collections and gave us, like, 50 games, but we do have a lot... and we do play a lot of them... plus if you want to be technical, Warhammer/Age of Sigmar is a board game...