7th Ed. JSoD

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Phoenix, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Phoenix
    Jungle Swarm

    Phoenix New Member

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    Well i thought id start up the first Lizzie based thread here, and the first thing that came to mind... JSoD setup!

    Just wondering what configiurations people use. Ill have a look and a think and edit mine in.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I don't like to spend too much on my JSoD as he's usually going to be operating without the support of the rest of the army.

    For this reason he is almost always a scar-vet for me. Keeping him as cheap as possible I give him the humble great weapon, s7 is awesome for busting chariots and knights.

    BSoSotek almost always finds it's way in there somewhere - the difference between 4 and 5 attacks is actually quite a lot, esp when you have to kill those stubborn dwarf war machine crew! >.<

    This is my preferred setup atm

    Scar-vet - GW, LA, shield, Jaguar charm, Sotek

    Comes in at 133. Not too much of a loss if (usually when) he dies, and packs a real punch!
  3. Spector
    Jungle Swarm

    Spector New Member

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    I'll go even cheaper than that.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran - 131 points
    - Great Weapon, Light Armor
    - Blessed Spawning of Sotek, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    But basically the same thing.
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Aye, the shield can be lost if I really want to fit a couple of points in somewhere else
  5. Phoenix
    Jungle Swarm

    Phoenix New Member

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    JSoD - 172pts
    Scar Vet
    BSo Sotek
    BSo Quetzl
    Sword of Might
    Enchanted Shield
    Charm of the Jaguar

    A little more expensive than previous ones, but with a 1+Save who can blame him :) Only S6 though unfortunately.

    In addition, how would you equip an Oldblood for this role? Not that you would ever waste your Lord for this, but IF you did, what would you give him..?
  6. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I've actually seen a lot of people stick a jaguar charm on an oldblood, especially in MSU lists or quick lists without (m)any saurus.

    Personally it's not for me, I always play with it in mind that, sooner or later, the jaguar saurus is going to die. Sometimes he'll smash a chariot, kill a war machine or muller a unit of knights befor being shot or charged on his own. Other times he'll cause absolute havoc the whole game. Other times he won't make his points back, and will be killed with a stone thrower before he even gets to wield that great weapon of his.

    The oldblood setups usually are a little different. Maximised attacks, sometimes with the scimitar and maiming shield. With BSoSotek this guy packs 9 s5 attacks on the charge. If you combine this with a charge from a steg or a unit of krox and well...you can see what kind of damage he would do.

    It depends on the role you want your JSoD to have really, they're a bit like cream eggs - How do you eat yours? :)
  7. Kai-Itza
    Jungle Swarm

    Kai-Itza New Member

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    Woot! First Post! :)

    My setup is usually,

    Scar-Vet. with LA, GW, CotJW and Enchanted Shield.

    He is basically a very felxible character who could hold his own pretty darn well since every turn I could choose to use the GW or, when he finally finds himself facing a full on unit of his own (or getting shot at etc.) I could choose the 1+ armour save mode. Obviously not both of them at once!

    I flicked through the BRB several times looking for any flaws to the setup, but it doesn't say anything against swapping armanents. Only with the exception of magic weapons, with have to stay armed all the time, though it doesn't say anything about Magic Armour so I guessed it's okay.

    It's true that the issue brought itself up during games but I pointed out to players that I played against that this setup, and usage of my JSoD, is in fact within the boundaries of the rules. Besides, I've been using this setup for a little over a year now yet, no problems :)
    Plus, at 121 points, he's cheap enough to not make much of an impact in VPs when he does bite the dust!

  8. Binz
    Jungle Swarm

    Binz New Member

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    Hey guys! First post woot :D

    I currently have a hordes of chaos WFB army, and im thinking of starting a lizardman army as my second one. Ive heard the term JSoD being thrown around here and on LO, but i dont know what its referring to? can someone tell me what it stands for and why its called that?


    Binz :D
  9. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Hi Binz, welcome to the site :)

    JSoD is short for 'jaguar saurus of doom'. There are many different setups and builds (hence this thread) but the skeletal structure, if you like, is a saurus character with the charm of the jaguar warrior. This gives him a lovely 18" charge range and lots of tactical options.

    Give a scar-vet a GW and watch him take out chariots and knights, give an oldblood lots of attacks and watch him support other units. A lot of players like the BSoSotek on him. It's 20pts for another attack but I have found the difference between 4 and 5 attacks when trying to kill ear machine crew and knights invaluable. :)

    Hopefully you will choose the lizardmen as your next army! :)
  10. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    First post for me as well..
    As far as JSoD I like to kit out my Oldblood max attack style (8 attacks, 9 w/ Sotek) I also give him Quetzl and he winds up with 2+ A/S. He's costly at 283 points but packs a huge punch and is very nice for accompanying Kroxys or CoK. I bounce him around like a pinball and if my opponent wants to take him out they will have to devote a lot of points to do so.
    The cheaper scar-vet / gw combo may be more cost effective but there is something that is very comforting when I'm bringing 9 attacks into someone's flank.

    I find the extra attacks really nice for that one lucky set of rolls your gonna get per game!
  11. Binz
    Jungle Swarm

    Binz New Member

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    Ah i understand it now :D thanks for the quick explanation. Yeah im thinking of grabbing the army battalion box or whatever its called, (the one with a few cold one riders in it).

    From what ive read, its a good base to start off with. Anyone care to hazard a guess about how many points worth is in that box? .... i should really start a new thread for this rather than hijack yours :D
  12. Keith

    Keith New Member

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    About 7 or 8 hundred. If I remember correctly stonehambey bought a battalion, a skink priest and a box of saurus warriors which was easily enough to play 1000 point games when we were both starting out.
  13. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Back to the subject off JSoD he does work very nicely but for a couple of games now ive been feilding a FSoD. He works very nicely againt armies like orcs seeing as the skink can actualy pack allot of punch if he strikes first which against orcs he probably will i managed to take out a black orc hero with him. First i shot him up a bit and ran if he got too close. than i charged him and while 5 str 4 attacks isnt incredible it did manage to finish him off. My friends force started to suffer from animosity i then used my FSoD against his units to rear attack them while my saurus ripped them up from infront. He can also be used in combination with JSoD but this is a little risky.
  14. Geoff
    Jungle Swarm

    Geoff New Member

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    Well, as a new player, I feel bolstered in my army building thought process, as I immediately thought that a Scar Vet or Old Blood with the Jaguar charm was a must have for any army. Good to know that I am gauging these things in a relatively competent fashion. I was thinking that I would give one BSo Quetzl and Huanchi because I tend to favor survivability and versatility, but a lot of these builds seem to be focusing on offense, perhaps to the point of making him a torpedo. Am I understanding this correctly?
  15. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Pretty much. When I run a JSoD I have one thing on my mind - as much destruction as possible. I throw him into units of knights, chariots and war machines with devastating effect. That's his job for me, I'm not too bothered about whether he's alive at the end of the game or not. You could kit him out for survivability, but if he's alive at the end of the game but hasn't killed anything then for me he hasn't done his job. I think s7 is the key.
  16. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    If a JSoD does not get in at least 3 combats (unless he dies) then I haven't used him properly. Against rank and file troops he gets 4 (or 5) attacks at strength 7. This means he usually hits on 3s and wounds on 2s with -4 armour save. He can kill just about anything, even knights an characters.
  17. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    On the topic of the JSoD, has anyone tried the Oldblood combo of maiming shield, jaguar totem, SoSR, and Sotek Spawning? If a portent of far is cast upon him, he would seem to be unstoppable, but otherwise im unsure whether he would make back his high points cost (the attractiveness of the JSoD is its cheap cost usually)
  18. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    The good thing about having such a massive old blood is that you can have a scar vet and make HIM your general. This means you have a killing machine that when he eventually dies does not give away extra victory points.

    I personally think that a JSoD should be a Scar Vet just because he IS going to die so dont give the opponent too many VPs.
  19. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    I used to run mine like that but found that he rarely came close to earning back points and couldn't deliver enough kills regularly from the flank to assist vs. large blocks of rank and file. S7 is so much more effective than S5 even if you have 3-4 less attacks. I have just found that the scar vet w/ great wep will do as much damage and cost half the points as a decked out oldblood. Guess it depends how lucky you think you will be with the dice, a fully loaded oldblood like you describe can almost take 2 ranks of troops by himself if he gets lucky!
  20. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    I have been having success with this set up:

    Oldblood - CotJW, GW, Shield, LA, BSo the Old Ones, BSo Sotek, Aura of Quetzl
    267 points

    Very expensive but rock hard. Most things struggle wounding his toughness of 5 and those few things that can wound him bring the Aura of Quetzl into play.

    He has D3 rerolls per game that can turn a round of fluffed attacks (which is the number one cause of death for a JSoD) into a devastating route or save him from a cannon ball.

    Of course he also has 6 S7 attacks on the charge, a 3+ save from shooting, a 4+ or 2+ save in combat and enough charge range to reach out and touch most units before they can react (which is important for my MSU army as cavalry and other manoeuvrable yet hard hitting units can cause havoc in my lines it they are left unopposed, the JSoD, with his reach and hitting power, can eliminate these units early and save me a lot of pain)

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