Hi all, I'm Didymus. I used to play Lizardmen a few years back, and i'm now regaining interest, so I decided to register here. I'm also registered at the Pyramid Vault, but this forum seemed, quite frankly, better. A little about me: my real name is Tom, I'm 20 years old, male and from Belgium. I started playing Warhammer when I was about 11-12 years old. I started with Lizardmen, which remained my main army, and I've experimented a bit with Chaos (mortal, don't know why that didn't work out), Bretonnia (hated painting the horses) and Orcs and Goblins (funny guys, suck pretty hard though). I also have a small Tau force and way too many Lord of the Rings models (which are only good for dioramas ) Anyway, once I started going to an "art school" (GameDesign) I didn't feel like painting models after a day of drawing so my interest in playing Warhammer declined. it got completely shattered around the time of the new Vampire Counts, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves,.. all the powerplay armies. I felt like GW had destroyed their own game (everything for money), and I stopped. Now, after watching 2 friends have a match and meanwhile reading through the new rulebook, i regained interest and want to pick up my Lizzies again. It will take some time though, since I don't want to repaint the models i already have for the 5th time (i painted and converted a lot. result: the models look like crap now) and thus have to buy a lot of new stuff, and I'm short on money. I'm also a BIG fan of the warhammer fluff. in fact, I love the fluff more than the game itself (another reason why i quit: no more bloodlines, freely mixing chaos gods, bloodletters with swords,.. and i'm still not over that ), i sometimes buy a armybook just for the fluff and i love reading warhammer novels. I'm also not a man of few words, as you might have noticed . IF i speak, i like to explain myself decently ^^ I'm curious about the things I'll learn and see on these forums I'll probably post something in the painting section too (been pondering about a color scheme for weeks...) <end of wall of text>
hey Didymus - welcome! good luck with painting your new guys, don't forget to post some pics so we can all see! any colours/ideas for the scheme you have yet?
G'day mate, welcome to Lustria! Enjoy the board and the army and feel free to ask as much as you like.
right now i'm going with a Shadow Grey skin, Codex Grey scales, the spikes on the back are painted like horns (Bleached Bone etc) and the shield will be a dark green - khaki (ofcourse all with highlights and/or washes). Armor will be bronze and decoration gold. I'll try to make a pic today (i'm lazy) And thanks for the welcome