7th Ed. 2250 w/ 2nd Gen Slann

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by El_Collyero, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    Trophy Points:
    2nd Gen Mage-Priest
    Plaque of Dominion & Tepok
    Bane Head & BSB
    565 Points

    Great Weapon, Shield & Light Armour
    Spawnings of Sotek & Tepok
    153 Points

    Lvl 2 Skink Priest
    Diadem of Power
    135 Points

    16 Temple Guard
    Full Command & Shields
    323 Points

    4 Units of 10 Skinks
    Hand Weapons & Blowpipes
    240 Points

    10 Skink Scouts
    Hand Weapons & Blowpipes
    70 Points

    2 Units of 4 Kroxs
    464 Points

    3 Terrys
    105 Points

    3 Salamanders
    195 Total Points

    2250 Total Points

    I'm looking to play rather defensively with this army.

    My Slann will almost always take the Rule of Burning Iron & Steed of Shadows and two magic missiles as 4 of his 5 spells. I'd also really like to take either Walking Death, Shades of Death, or Unseen Lurker with this list. This spell pool means I wouldn't be taking any of the more potent destruction spells. Mistake?

    I strongly considered dropping one unit of skinks for another krox & playing with 3 units of 3. Advice? Fitting one more Terry into the army is also very appealing.

    Lastly, I hated not taking a dispel scroll. I added the Spawning of Tepoc to the JSOD to compensate. I know I have the dispel magic spell at my disposal. Am I being to paranoid about my magic defense?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Old_Foggy
    Jungle Swarm

    Old_Foggy New Member

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    I don't have any experience playing WHFB outside of reading through army books, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

    The thing about a JSOD is that it will die eventually, so counting on it bolster your magic defense might not be the best choice. In doing so, your putting it in a position where it needs to fulfill two very different roles. On one hand, it is meant to charge into the thick of things and deliver several high powered attacks. Obviously this means that it will take quote a few hits in the process and with only two wounds it's survival is highly suspect. Since it's death would also mean a weakening in your magic defense, you might be inclined to be much more reserved in how you use it. There isn't anything wrong with multi-tasking the unit, but the joy of the JSOD build is that you aren't terribly affected by it's loss.

    The only thing that jumps out at me is the lack of rank and file troops. Again, take what I say with a grain of salt, but skinks (especially with blow guns) will not stick around long under enemy fire. This might hamper your defensive strategy since you wont be able to count on your skinks for every long. The small unit of terradons is another thing I'm a bit iffy about, since their small numbers might hamper their effectiveness.
  3. tenehuine

    tenehuine New Member

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    Looks like a strong army, I would advise dropping the spawning of tepok in favor of Quetzl, the extra dice wont likely be missed and the spawning of Quetzl will help keep you JSoD alive alot longer. As far as dropping some skink to add another kroxigor, I have found that 4 really is the magic number for kroxigors (or minotaurs, ogres or any similar troops) so I wouldnt advise the swap. Another terradon wouldnt hurt, but 2 would be much better, this gives them the ability to negate ranks and seriously threaten even ranked up units, with poor or no armor saves. With just three they still work great for taking out war machines, light calv, and for assissinating poorly armed characters from units (usually wizards and BSB)

    Looks like a solid list, just watch your flanks.

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