Scum and Villany on the Road

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by SaurusWarrior, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Sir Zantos

    Sir Zantos New Member

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    While trying to watch and keep up with Hellbreaker's skinning lesson, Sir Zantos can't help but be distracted but the raucous tale Darian spins.

    Occasionally asking questions, he slowly but surely becomes completely engrossed in the tale.

    As the tale draws to a close Sir Zantos appluads loudly

    "By the Lady, Darian. Are you some form of playwright, you spin a yarn better than court minstrel"
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "Thank yee' sir, I don' know if'n its a tale fit fer a stage, but when you spend yer life soldierin' ya tend to pick up a few stories." he gives a slight wink.

    "Some of the stories're a bit... ahh... explisit shall we say? For gentle company at any rate, but all in all, if yer after a rousin' tale, none tell 'em better or truer than a lad from the ranks!"
  3. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    Day Two

    In the night, there were two high-pitched shrieks of terror and pain. Dreadgrass and novatomato were both found dead. Dreadgrass was found to have been strangled to death by rope. Novatomato was found to have been stabbed multiple times in a rather brutal fashion.

    With the discovery of the murders, the entire camp goes into an uproar, who did it? And why did the person do it?

    As day breaks, debate breaks out in the camp.

    novatomato- assassainated Day Two
    Dreadgrass- assassainated Day Two

    Remember to all survivors, look for the subtle clues that show who the assassain(s) are. Have fun, and remember, you need a majority vote to execute xomeone. Which, ight now, you need four votes for execution at the end of this day.
  4. Sir Zantos

    Sir Zantos New Member

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    "This is madness! We should of set up a watch, tonight we definately should"

    With sorrowfull eyes, Sir Zantos makes his way over to the dead and offers up a prayer "Lady watch over their souls, may their sins be forgiven and their happiness be eternal"
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm. Lost in a dark forest with all the perils that accompany it normally, and now we must also watch our backs from traitors in our midst?!? I agree with Sir Zantos, this is madness!

    A close eye I have kept on every man in this camp yesterday and during the night, but the identity of the killer seems to have evaded me well, they are clearly askilled in their trade.

    With two dead, both murdered in different ways (may the gods have mercy upon them) I conclude there must be two killers among us, and with only 6 people now in camp that leaves us with little room for error. Though I be far from one to make rash decisions, we must oust these foul traitors and continue our search for the treasure as soon as possible.

    Here are my observations;
    Firstly, and most suspiciously, novatomato was brutally stabbed. Whom has a knife among us? Well, novatomato did earlier yesterday, but he gave it to hellbreaker. Be there blood on your hands, hellbreaker?

    And secondly.... *With a pause, Arutha reconsiders* I have spoken much this morning, my other suspect is a long shot, I will wait to see what others have to say before commiting my thoughts further.
  6. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    Larinus had decided to keep himself to himself today. Who knew who the murderers could have been, but if anyone happens to be on the right track, then they are sure to be the next victims.

    He did find it suspicious that one murder was comitted with a rope though... Don't some snares have ropes involved?
  7. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    "Strewart, apart from the blood of yesterday's skinning, no. And the only way I could've have killed anyone tonight would've been if the deer had eaten something poisonous and I accidentally cut its stomach open, which, judging by the lack of food poisoning I didn't.
    I don't know about any soar throats or stomach aches though, but if there are any I apologies thoroughly, and will hope that Sir Zantos learnt more than I'm capable of." Hellbreaker said.

    He started looking at the ground, finding a suitable rock and picked it up.
    "On the other hand, is there anyone else who had anything capable of stabbing with at hand though? I can see myself being a suspect, but unlike skinning you can stab with a lot of things. Like this rock. Can we be sure that Novatomato's wounds are knife wounds?" he said and dropped the rock.
  8. Sir Zantos

    Sir Zantos New Member

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    Stepping forward Sir Zantos unsheaths his sword and plants it tip down into the forest
    "I am happy to admit that i carry a blade, however i assure you that my worst crime has been cheating in Joust, i have never spilt the blood of a man i was not at war with or in a duel with."

    "This act of murder can not go unpunished though, i had thought highly of Darian and his oratory skills and i do not like to think his murder will go unavenged"

    He casts his eye around the assembled group

    "Firslty i believe we should try and lcoate proof of guilt, i leave my sword here for examination of whoever feels it neccessary"

    With this he stands back from his sword and waits to see the groups reaction
  9. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    It be quite a devilish thing to murder with another man's weapon, but one that I suspect our comrade hellbreaker may have commited. A murderer would surely hope to divert suspicion from hisself by disguisin' his handiwork, no?
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    He eyes me and speaks of cutting stomachs open just as he eyed novatomato as he took his knife from him. In fact, just he mentioned a knife three times

    Our fallen comrade was stabbed 3 times clearly. I cannot say this is conclusive evidence, but it is certainly suspicious.

    OOC: How long do we have until the next night falls? SaurusWarrior give it as a number of days from when you reply, as for example, your thursday may be my friday etc.
  11. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    It wwill be roughly 7 days from my thursday, but I might end it erly if I can't post the next day. I will try to warn you one day in advance.
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    So what, 3 days from now or 10 days from now?
  13. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    "I cannot come to any conclusions yet. I do not want to accuse any who may be innoncent. However, Strewart has a point. Let me take some time to decide," finished Xlcontiqu. "Let me go look for some game." Xlcontiqu bowed his head and moved out of the camp. Loping through the woods, Xlcontiqu spotted some game not too far from the camp. Notching an arrow to his bow, he took aim and fired. A clean hit! He walked towards the rabbit and bowed his head in a revered prayer to the gods.

    Returning to camp, he announced, "I will be guardian first tonight, everyone else should get some sleep after dinner."
  14. Sir Zantos

    Sir Zantos New Member

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    "While I agree with friend Xlcontiqu in not wanting to accuse the innocent, I also do not feel comfortable sleeping in camp and waiting for a knife between my shoulders"
  15. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree with Sir Zantos I'm afraid. As I mentioned, I do not think my evidence is conclusive, but no one else seems to have come up with anything. There be 6 of us left, and 2 killers, if they both strike again tonight the odds are not looking very good.

    Edit: My apologies I think there may be 7 still alive, I was counting off the day 2 list and it seems Sir Zantos isn't on it.
  16. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    "Strewart, I won't deny that I may or may not have been the only one to mention a knife. On the one hand I am also the only one who offered to skin yesterday's catch." Hellbreaker said as he raised his head and stretched his back. "But I won't hold it against you to suspect me, I believe I said earlier that I can see that myself so. If the others in our little camp stands by your opinion, so be it. But may the gods bless you if our knight didn't learn, trust me you don't want the runs in the middle of a forest like this one."

    He took a deep breath and glanced at the sword Sir Zantos put down.
    "Sir, a bird whispered in my ear that our good elf caught today's meal for us. Would you try your hand at it? Fur doesn't taste any good I tell you, especially not the cooked or roasted kind." he said and while waiting for a reply he took a look at the trees around him. 'Strange that, I feel no wind but leaves are still moving, hanging there on their branches in a way that rocks do not. Maybe the elf knows about it, I should ask him later' he thought.
  17. Sir Zantos

    Sir Zantos New Member

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    "Dinner may be a fine idea, but i'm not sure i could keep it down after seeing those bodies this morning, seeing war dead is one thing but seeing someone murdered in cold blood is quite another"

    Sir Zantos sighs and looks around the camp "we need this resolved one way or another, that stabbing was brutal, no doubt about it. Must of been a lot of blood, so who's got blood on their hands, cause i didnt see a stream round here when i went hunting yesterday"

    "and mother always told me to watch the quiet ones" his eyes meet Von Shlek and Brother Scamp "any thoughts on that gentlemen
  18. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm I tend to agree with you about Von Schlek, but I must say Scamp doesn't have the look of a killer in my eyes.

    Hellbreaker, for my own reasons I no longer suspect you, however, in this crazy camp we must be wary not to trust any among us. Do you have any insights into suspicious behaviour?
  19. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    I agree that we should not sleep under one man watching, for it could be he that turns the blade in our chests tonight. However, if three people watched at a time, they could watch each other as well as us. We could swap halfway through the night if you want.
  20. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    "Actually I do not, Strewart. I may be a traveller, and we all know a traveller should be wary of his surroundings, but I don't know of anyone else than Novatomato who owns a dagger, or is skilled with rope."

    Turning to Sir Zantos Hellbreaker smirks. "Fair enough, I'll skin the meal unless anyone else takes the offer. But I respect the dead and their belongings, so I'd need a new knife." looking out across the camp he raises his voice a bit, so to be heard by everyone. "Does anyone have a knife to offer, or are you afraid of ending up like our comrade Novatomato? I'd like him to keep his knife with him in death, I only burrowed it after all." and turning back to Sir Zantos he said "So, did you learn enough from yesterday to apply your learnings to smaller animals?".

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