Finished the Saurus and sprayed about 3/4 of the jungle ruins. I managed to paint all of the stone and the seat on the Kroak model but then family showed up and I haven't painted since last week.
I mean it was mostly building what is effectively push fit models...that I now have to store and paint... It also helped i've had a long Christmas holiday this year and was able to escape into my hobby room/hole/lair and went crazy building things. In addition it helped that I was motivated to paint the Gobbo and the ancient skellie (even if doing each individual metal stud on his cloak almost killed me.) And for the record, your Hierotitan thus far looks great, take your time if it means it will be the best it can be. Last thing you want to do is do a rush job or suck up all your free time.
Well I finished my last two Reiver marines, bringing 2021 to a close. In total I finished 93 models this year, which is a far cry from the 347 I pulled off last year! Spoiler: 2021 progress I was bad this year and ended up buying lots more models that I haven't finished painting, including lots of stuff I didn't quite get to last year either! That being said I am looking forward to next year, hope to keep pushing through my Deathwatch and maybe getting back to some other projects too!
Since it was the holiday season I didin't have much time to paint, but I still managed to assamble the nighthaunts and stormcasts from the underworlds starter set and almost fully painted my skinks, they need some small details now.
I finished the model, albeit not quite as quickly as I would have liked. As always, a photo is in our gallery.