AoS Seraphon colour palettes and lore

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by pawl, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. pawl

    pawl Active Member

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    So I'm tinkering with the idea of a Seraphon army (good idea really, considering I bought the Start Collecting box!), but I'm struggling with colours a little.

    In short I want to go orange and teal, but the placement is driving me mad! Before I begin with the questions, here's the two vague schemes I'm considering:
    Screenshot_20220105-144814.png Screenshot_20220105-144822.png

    In one I'm trying to use a deeper orange for the Saurus scales, so that the shield is the second colour focal point. The blue-green scales would have come from something more dangerous, like a Carnosaur, indicating the warrior's prowess.
    In the other the blue-green is used for basically all scales - this looks better I think, but I don't know if it's a bit 'busy'.

    Onto the rambling questions!
    Is there any lore-confirmed sources for where the shield-scales come from?
    Are skinks, Terradons, Carnosaurs etc also considered to be of the same species as Saurus? Which leads on to whether or not they should or could be the same colours.

    Basically I'm trying to work out, for example, if my Carnosaur should be in the same colour scheme as my Saurus warriors. If so then I run the risk of things looking boring. If not where do shield scales come from (other Saurus?!), and what on earth am I going to pair with orange and teal for mounts that doesn't look ridiculous?!

    (sorry for the lack of structure here - I'm sure it'll get worse!)

    Edit: "purple and teal" to "orange and teal"
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
    Imrahil and Just A Skink like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    im a bad painter but im very good at rambly questions and lore so lets do this
    yes they use stegadons and bastiladons mostly

    from left to right. sort of, no, and no. skinks are lizardmen and are spawned in the same way but from different pools so they would be a separate strain of lizard men. the other two are native lustrian creatures that the lizardmen tame.

    they can! the coloration is based on several things but mostly it's the temple ship/city they spawned from and their patron old one.

    general practice is that the foot troops and heroes shar a colour scheme and dinosaurs are what ever you want. things that would pair well would be reds and browns or green if you want to lean into the teal royal blue red or even gold.
    Cuetzpal Pilli, pawl and Imrahil like this.
  3. pawl

    pawl Active Member

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    Hi Erta, and thanks! =]

    So Steg/Bast would need to have the teal scales. Gotcha! This is almost a shame, as I kinda like the orange skin/teal scale combo. Maybe I could go for more of a black tone for the Lizardmen scales to still give a little contrast.

    It would appear that I need to do a little wiki-reading before I carry on with my planning. My Old World/AoS knowledge is practically zero, unfortunately!
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    it does look great. and our dinosaurs are a bunch of diferent colours so they don't have to match

    if you have any more questions be sure to ask.
    Cuetzpal Pilli and Imrahil like this.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    To your color choices; I like the teal scales and orange body. It will be a bit more complex to paint, but I like the look. I know you're interested in keeping with certain colors based on scales/monsters/etc., but I think one more color could help give the model a bit more visual interest. I was thinking maybe a green shield or even bring over the black from the weapon and make a black shield?

    Orange is the color of the Old One, Chotec, the sun god. You might consider adding sun motifs to the shield or on the Saurus.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
    Cuetzpal Pilli, pawl and Imrahil like this.
  6. pawl

    pawl Active Member

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    The multicoloured dinosaurs will likely drive me mad until I actually paint them, but I'm sure it will be fine once I get over myself!

    Chotec I will look into, thanks! =]

    Black and green would give schemes more like this... Screenshot_20220105-201532.png Screenshot_20220105-201550.png
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I do like the orange skin with teal scales a lot.
    The black shield is the best pairing, in my opinion.

    The green is fine to use for your mounts though.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  8. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    @pawl I kind of like either one, but I lean a little more towards the green actually. On the color wheel, green is in between orange and blue (as you already know) and I think it gives the model a nice "bridging" accent color. But, as @Imrahil said, the black shield is cool. If you went that way, it would allow you to use the green as a color for mounts or other accents.

    Of course, in the end it depends on what speaks to you. I suggest you go away from it for the day, or "sleep on it", and take a look at it again. See which one feels coolest to you, even if you go back to the teal shield. There's nothing wrong with a "limited" palette.

    Here is Warhammer Wiki info on Chotec.
    Teal/sea-green color could be associated with the aquatic Old One, Tzunki.
    pawl and Imrahil like this.
  9. pawl

    pawl Active Member

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    So I've slept on it. I've also put all four images up in a couple of other places to see what people think.
    Typically responses are the same as here: divided between the black and green shields!

    I think I'm going green though. The black is just a little too dark for me - if it were the Saurus scales it might help the orange pop a little more, but as more of an 'accent' colour I think it would bring the tone down rather than highlight it. Plus the black on his club was just a filler colour, rather than a thought-out choice! Combined with the swamp bases I'm planning I think it will work rather well, and it lets units without shields keep the orange/teal contrast.

    Fortunately I'm still in the pre-building phase (waiting one some things to arrive from GreenStuffWorld) so if I have a change of heart it's not too late!
    Thanks again though guys, appreciate your help! The lore rabbit hole too, as it happens =D
  10. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Good luck! As you get your lizards painted, please feel free to post them in the Painting forums on the site. We'd love to see them :)
    pawl, Cuetzpal Pilli and Imrahil like this.
  11. Djh331
    Jungle Swarm

    Djh331 New Member

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    I know this post was from a while ago, but what app are you using, I'd really like to try to use it for making my own colour scheme.

    Side note, do you have pictures of what your minis look like?
  12. pawl

    pawl Active Member

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    This shows all =D

    Unfortunately life got right in the way of me this year, and I've spent almost zero time at the hobby desk =[ I'm hoping for some significant changes in the new year though, so hopefully watch this space!
    Imrahil likes this.

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