They are actually things I got from the craft area at wal-mart. it is like fake grass stuff to decorate with or something.
I added [pic] tags around all your links to make them show up.. It looks good, however, if I were to make a couple of suggestions... Maybe more pink eyes would look good rather than the dark red? Albinos typically have pink/light red eyes. I think it could also use a little bit more definition, maybe another wash or ink to darken the deeper areas then a light drybrush of white to rebrighten the upper areas. It also may look good if you make the scales a little darker, or even just put a couple of stripes through them. They just seem to give me a more 'undercoat' impression than 'albino'.
Keep em coming! This looks truly amazing, the purple tounge looks reeeaally good Only 17 left then ^^
Thanks! Unfortunately I only have 2 more of the 7th ed. They look so much more BA than the others. I like the 5th ed ones quite a bit too, but pretty much hate the 6th ed ones and unfortunately that is what I have the most of.