I've been searching the web for top-down, RPG token-style Lizardmen/Seraphon art with no success. I just thought I'd ask around to see if anyone has ever come across such tokens or possibly even made some yourself. I want to add Warhammer-esque Lizardmen to my Pathfinder campaign and it would be nice to have some tokens to use, or even just suitable art as most of the pictures I find are the typical GW mass-battle format with little to no good options for cutting out individuals for token-making.
Are you looking for physical or digital? Regardless, this has something close to what you're looking for. I think Ulisses North America has the physical product for sale as well. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/312652
I'm looking for digital art/tokens, mostly because I play over Roll20 a lot. Thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out!
You could alternatively just make your own on Microsoft Word - create different shapes which you can fill in with appropriate colours and text boxes denoting each token, print them out, stick the sheet onto thick card, cut the tokens out and laminate them. May not look as super-duper professional as purchased ones, but they'd be free to make and would have your own unique design on them.