8th Ed. Kroxigor discussion

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Hellfoot, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Hellfoot
    Jungle Swarm

    Hellfoot New Member

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    Hey guys,
    I'm quite new to Lizardmen, and after literally becoming one with the army book and viewing a few lists I have a question. Why do people use Kroxigors? With a toughness of 4...why waste points like that?

    I still need to play with lizardmen cause my main army is dwarfs, so maybe I cannot appreciate their use. I've started lizardmen mainly because they're fun to paint but I'm aiming to be as good as I am with my dwarfs.

    Any replies would help, thanks!
  2. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    T4, 3 wounds, 4+ armor. They aren't all that tough but they do pack a wallop with 3 str 6 attacks. If you include them in a unit of skinks, they can't be attacked from the front, since they fight from the second rank (and since they lost the "great reach" rule).

    Skink/krox units are probably the best choice for a Lizardmen flanking unit, able to take away ranks and the krox can do some damage as well.
  3. Hellfoot
    Jungle Swarm

    Hellfoot New Member

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    hoping that you are referring to 3 kroxigors. cause you are restricted to 1 attack from supporting attacks.

    are 3 ws 3 s6 worth the points?
  4. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Large infantry can have up to 3 supporting attacks. Yes that includes Krox in the second rank of a Skrox unit or Krox in the second rank of a Krox unit.
  5. TheRolfgar
    Chameleon Skink

    TheRolfgar New Member

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    I personally do not like them. They are saurus with great weapons and 3 wounds. They have less attacks than saurus per wound and per point. I understand why people like them with skrox units, but since your opponent has to fight the skinks, and skinks die really easily I've had a hard time winning combat with them myself. I'm sure there are lists and tactics which make them worthwhile, otherwise no one would take them.
  6. cwalker

    cwalker New Member

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    6 Kroxigors in 3x3 formation pack a wallop in a pretty size footprint.

    Plus when they are made T8 from the Slaan flesh to stone they are unstoppable.
  7. vapor

    vapor New Member

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    Copy-pasted from a response I made on whineseer about Skrox units:

    It's all in how you use them. If you charge them into the front of a horde unit or elite infantry you're asking to get their butts kicked.

    I run a unit of 22+2 and full command at 2250-2500 in a 6x5 formation. I use their speed to get in flank charges (preferably as a combo charge with something tough in the front). Toss a flesh to stone on them to get toughness 4 Skinks (T6 if ToV is up). Those deep ranks will usually keep steadfast if you lose and break steadfast if you win.

    They're also great for attacking cavalry, as 5 ranks deep will give you plenty of time for the Krox to chew through knights. Don't forget you have poison javelin shots as well and can perform a stand and shoot reaction if you don't get the charge.
  8. TheRolfgar
    Chameleon Skink

    TheRolfgar New Member

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    5 ranks of 5 saurus (Spears) have 16 attacks and have only a 5mm larger frontage, they also get a banner and a +3 rank bonus. That is 21 attacks for 330pts. 25 W for 13.2pts/W and 21 attacks worth of frontage at 15.7pts/A. They can take 10 wounds until their # of attacks are reduced.

    9 Kroxigors (3X3) get 18 attacks (19 if you pay for the champ but I wouldn't) for a whopping 495 pts. That is 27W for 18.3pts/W and 18A for 27.5pts/A. They can take 11W before their attacks are reduced. This doesn't take into account the 3 stomps you would get against infantry, but you do lose them against other things.

    You get 2 extra attacks, which strike last (only matters if you are fighting something else with a GW though) at 2 higher Str. I don't feel their cost per W or A is worth it over saurus just to wield a GW and protection against stomps.

    That same Flesh to Stone spell with have identical results on a block of saurus since they have the same combat stat line so I don't feel tossing that into a comparison matters at all. If you want to compare buffs it should be a spell that would generate different effects on each unit, such as Birona's Timewarp. It would give the saurus an extra 5 attacks and ASF while giving the Krox an extra 3 attacks and let them attack at I1. Saurus get M8 vs Krox M12. If you need to get into combat the Krox benefit more, if you are already in combat the Saurus benefit more.
  9. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    My input:

    Lore of Light!!!!!!!

    Put a skink chief with the Golden sigil sword + maiming shield. Buff the unit with Briona's time warp to get the skink chief a reroll on his hits. Include full command and let the skink brave take any challenges. The skink chief deals all his wounds to the unit you are fighting and the krox support the chief. Whatever the skinks kill, all the better. I ran this last week with a unit of cohorts that was 30 skinks (3 krox) and the chief NEVER missed his hits (of course, I got briona's time warp off on that unit several times).

    This build is amazingly effective. Next, I am going to use a 40 skink (4 krox unit) and try to take advantage of the horde rule.
  10. cwalker

    cwalker New Member

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    I was actually thinking of a unit of 6 krox in two rows of 3.

    but your points are well made!
  11. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    I am currently running a list with three units like that and am liking it a lot.
  12. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I've taken a unit of 3x2 Krox and it does two things for me. A) Get's me on the flank for a combined charge of a unit and helps to smash the enemy to itty bitty parts. B) Scares the chicken poop out of my opponent! They get bug eyes and start studdering at the sign of this heavy unit marching at 12" on their flank.
  13. DesertLIZARD

    DesertLIZARD New Member

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    Sure they're toughness 4, try using a slann and use a lore that will buff their toughness up then see whos laughing about the "4" toughness. Lore like Lore of Beasts
  14. fnorrll
    Jungle Swarm

    fnorrll New Member

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    My most common opponent is High Elves and I'm planning on trying out some Krox against his damned Swordmasters, as their always strike first rule will be devastating against my front line of skinks but hopefully leavin some Krox behind to deal some damage :D thoughts on this? Esp if I buff their T value to counteract his S5 hits. He uses a small unit of 5X2 (we only play smallish battles) so that's what, 20 attacks with re rolls to hit (I HATE that always strike first rule across their whole army, seems waaaaaay too powerful to me), they're likely to wipe out my skinks, but the Krox with T8 should massacre them, as he will need a 6 to wound and I will wound on a 2. Actually I wonder if I should scrap the skinks and just hit him with the Krox to try and make sure I get the better combat resolution?
    Anyway my point is that I think Krox are one of the few units that can go against the SMoH, if you buff their T. last time out I charged them with a unit of 10 cold one cavalry and only won the combat thanks to a charge to the rear by a unit of saurus. Even so thanks to bad luck with the dice I had a single cold one left on the board afterwards. Those damn Elves.
  15. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    My krox that are not in a skink unit do pretty well against SMs
  16. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    My friend recently started collecting High Elves, and ASF is my biggest gripe with his army. Its even worse when they get to hit first, reroll misses and get the bonus for using great weapons. Ugh. To be fair, I think its balanced by the fact that everything is T3 and the new Step Up rule. In previous editions, it seems that ASF was important for frail elves because they could kill the first rank without taking damage to their precious T3. Now, however, they need to inflict as much damage as possible because no matter how many they kill, unless they kill everything they're going to take some punishment. Doesn't mean that that I won't still moan about it, though.

    My skroxs have performed well against High Elves and their hippy cousins, Wood Elves. The skinks are great for keeping the Krox alive until they get into combat, and then adding useful rank and standard bonus to combat resolution. Even if a lot of skinks tend to die, Flesh to Stone and Regrowht are always round the corner.
  17. vapor

    vapor New Member

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    Your only chance is to hit him in the flank with the Skrox. However, softening the SM's up with sallies is really the way to go, then you can take them out with just about anything.
  18. Droohoof

    Droohoof New Member

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    It is my understanding that units such as sword masters that have Always Strike First and great weapons do not get re-rolls to hit and that they attack based on Initiative. Going off of pg66 in the LRB under Always Strikes Last. If sword masters are re rolling hits they are cheating. Also I do not believe he would get 20 attacks either since every rank past the first gives 1 supporting attack. So with a unit of 10 with no champion would equal 15 attacks with no re-rolls to hits at Str 5. So already you have them super cheating buffed to begin with, so I would start there.
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    High Elves ASF is special, its in their FAQ. It still gets ASF and rerolls even with great weapons, they're just THAT good.

    But yes, it should be 15/16 attacks not 20.
  20. fnorrll
    Jungle Swarm

    fnorrll New Member

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    Havnt had chance to buy some Krox yet but played him again tonight and wiped the floor with him. He ignored my skinks and their poisoned javelins, in a single magic shooting phase a combination of Chain lightning (i went all out with 6d6 and didnt miscast, he failed to dispel) plus poisoned javelins and the blow pipe fire from my stega more than annihilated his SoE's! this left a huge hole in his line, allowing my flanking cold ones to wipe out his reavers and archers, meanwhile my stegadon with war spear abliterated his seaguard leaving my temple guard and saurus to finish off his spearmen and white lions. He didnt even see the whole game out, three turns of pain was enough ;)

    So i may hold of on the krox and buy MORE STEGADONS!

    Im about to write an article on them....

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