AoS Seraphon WARCRY: the thread

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Killer Angel, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    That’s pretty good overall, I’m glad the underworlds guys finally found a niche for themselves and that the points changes haven’t changed much for us.

    Not to lean on you too hard, but with the addition of bladeborn Allies, are any of them looking particuarly relevant for Seraphon forces? I think our roster is already diverse enough that we have basically everything anyway, but some of the bladeborn fighters seem pretty juicy, as far as giving us more heavy hitters goes
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  2. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I haven't analyse new units points per output, but looking at their characteristics, they rarely offer anything new, rather are slightly different. When it comes to abilities, most interesting is a harpoon from idoneth, which allows you to pull enemy to you - potentially deadly on cathacombs field, and pretty good anywhere else. When it comes to heavy hitters, Fjul-Grimnir from fyreslayers have nice output and some support abilities, but nothing particularly impressive. Stormcast are always good as heavy hitters, but not above their level. As I’m looking at underworlds warbands, most of their strength seem to lay not in good profile, but rather unique combinations of runemarks and new abilities. So you could potentially find something interesting, but usage and choosing abilities is heavily dependent of your playstyle, therefore I cannot tell if they are better or worse than basic heroes.

    The heaviest hitter you could actually take is Lord-Ordinator with pair of astral hammers - great profile, and good abilities to increase his output and/or movement.
    Personally I also may recommend DoKs snakes - Bloodwrack Medusa or maybe Grogai - they are little weaker, but much faster, and also have some good abilities. But if you want to take a heavy hitter from an underworld warband, I would suggest steelheart's champions - they have good combination of defensive and offensive abilities, and rather good profile.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Cereberus85
    Jungle Swarm

    Cereberus85 New Member

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    Newbie to AoS/Warcray, all of it. My LGS/Warhammer store is doing a Warcry event this Friday that I am considering dipping my toes into just to play a bit. All I currently have is the Start Collecting: Skinks box. I know it wouldn't be a necessarily good army, but any recommendations on what I should use for a Warcry band?
    Also, they said they can loan me a rule book, but are the Seraphon abilties/stats different than AoS abilities. Just curious if I can use my regular battletome for their stats or not.
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  4. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    First of all, it's nice to see another lizard fall into bottomless pit of warhammer, so hello there.

    Actualy, it is perfectly possible to make a nice warcry warband out of Start Collecting: Skinks box. Main question is - did you assemble your minis? In warcry, you can have up to 15 miniatures, but every weapon profile have it's own points and rules. 12 skinks with starpriest and terradons/ ripperodctyles are plenty to work on, but it's preferable to assemble skinks with different weapon profile, which would make them unusable in AoS, at least till you buy some more and fill their numbers up to 10 of each kind. Although it is hard to play AoS with 10 skinks, and it is perfectly possible to play warcry, so it may be worth to jump into warhammer world earlier and have some fun with warcry ( it is in my opinion, as i play mainly warcry).
    Unfortunately, battletome does not cover warcry, and it's hard to to assume units stats in warcry based on their profile in AoS, as they are two different games. As a begining i would reccomend to check this two links:
    It would give you general idea what is this game, how it is played and what you can expect from seraphon. Next step would be to obtain warcry: sentinels of order and tome of chempions 2021. First one contain all profiles for seraphon unit, second one currently changed points values. On that base you could fit your own warband. Or you may just download Battlescribe, as all profiles and points values there are already updated, but it is hard to navigate.
    If you have any question, just write here, we may be able to help you.
    Noxolotl and Bowser like this.
  5. Cereberus85
    Jungle Swarm

    Cereberus85 New Member

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    Thanks for the quick reply! To start, no I have not assembled the Skinks as of yet, other than 1 skink with Boltspitter/Club combo just to start working on a paint scheme. I intend to assemble the remainder and get them primed before the event on Friday, as my local shop is fine with me playing with a primed only army. Just trying to get a good idea of what a good army would even look like. For actual AoS matches, i had intended to stick with Boltspitter/Club already so I am hoping that would also work in Warcy as well.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    If you want to build them as a unit, i would recommend to build additional two with shield and clubs, and maybe build a flyer as a ripperdactyl. Lucky for you, boltsplitter and clubs are our bread and butter in Warcry. With skink priest you can easyly build a horde-type warband.
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  7. Cereberus85
    Jungle Swarm

    Cereberus85 New Member

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    So build all the skinks together, leaving 2 of them to be shield/club combo. and at least 1 ripperdactyl. sounds like a plan!
    Bowser likes this.
  8. ChameleonGnom

    ChameleonGnom Member

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    So, I got my first games of Warcry in last weekend.

    Had tons of fun but it was the first time for me as well as my friend.
    Problem was we both don´t actually own a rules book, so we had to improvise a little and there where several issues.
    Now I wanted to ask here for some clarification.
    We both have a lot of Underworlds Warbands and wanted to use them. I smashed his Gitz with Mollog pretty hard with my Seraphon because he had
    poor/unlucky choices for his dagger/shield/hammer.

    First question: is this List legal?
    - Saurus Guard Alpha 195
    - Kixi-Taka 125
    - Otopatl 80
    - Tok 80
    - Terradon Rider 175
    - Saurus Guard 135
    - Fjul Grimnir 200
    total 990 points
    Second question: How does Line of sight work. Does his Mollog block LOS for smaler shootas behind him. So I can´t target them with my shooting?
    Third question: Cover gives +1 toughness but when do I get it? he claimed he got cover if he is within 1/2" of any terrain and even claimed it worked for meele attacks

    Fourth question: When and how many Abilities can one fighter (not the last surviving) activate in one Round? He Used the Mollog trippel but then didn´t activate him actually. So I was wondering can I use the Kixi-Taka tripple which is a strong support ability without him activating?

    Fifth question: Are the stats on the Seraphon fighter cards still valid? even if the points are probaly not?

    Thanks a lot for your help
    Bowser likes this.
  9. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    It's been a while since I last played (interest has pretty much died down locally in my area), but after a quick review of the Warcry fighter cards for the Underworlds Warband I'd definitely say that this is not legal. The big issue is that the Saurus Guard Alpha and Kixi-Taka (Skink Starpriest) both have the Leader runemark - you can only have one such fighter in your warband.
    LoS in Warcry is such that you must be able to draw a line between two fighters without passing through a terrain feature or another fighter. The good news is that said line doesn't have to be fixed to the table surface - if any part of the target model is visible from any part of the attacking model (not including the models' bases), they're in LoS.

    I highly recommend getting a laser line to assist with this.

    One thing of note here is that while targets may be visible from any part of the model, attack ranges are measured only from the model's base. During my time playing the game, my gaming group would houserule it such that the model's main body also counted, considering that a lot of us would pack quite a few spears into our warbands.
    Your friend is partially right. However, the benefit only comes into effect when the target fighter is within 1/2" of an obstacle, which is defined as any part of a terrain feature that both prevents horizontal movement and extends vertically more than 1", and only if the attacking fighter is closer to that obstacle than they are to their target.
    Short of being the last surviving fighter, a fighter may only use up to one ability per activation (and it has to be during their activation). Granted, you have three opportunities per activation to do so:
    • Before your first action;
    • Between your first and second action; and
    • After your second action.
    For your friend to use an ability with a fighter and not do anything with them, he would need to activate the fighter, use the ability, use a Wait action, and then at a time later on in the turn activate them again to use a second Wait action.

    Long story short, using a Wait action as your first action "ends" that fighter's activation and delays the use of a fighter's second action until later on in that turn, while using it as their second action just flat-out ends their activation that turn.

    One nifty trick you can do with this however is that, by using a Wait action for your first action, you can functionally give a fighter two single-action activations this way, meaning that said fighter can use an ability in their second activation even if they used an ability during their first activation. Short of Last Fighter Standing, this is the only way a fighter can use more than one ability per turn.
    Unless there's been an errata or FAQ published on the Warhammer Community site about it, it's likely that the cards are still 100% valid as of the Sentinels of Order supplement.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
    ChameleonGnom and Bowser like this.
  10. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    To add onto that a bit, you can have two leaders (one becomes a hero and loses the leader runemark) but Allies are also leaders, so you can’t have an ally as well as a normal hero from your faction. So you’d have to cut one of your heroes to keep the fyreslayer ally
  11. ChameleonGnom

    ChameleonGnom Member

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    thanks you for the in depth answer.
    so for the list I just have to switch out the fjul for lets say a kroxigor

    and cover can only apply if a bit of terrain is between the attacker and target.

    That is quite a neat trick with the wait action
    ChapterAquila92 and Bowser like this.
  12. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Not quite as limited to that, mind you. Technically, that can also include specific cases where the attacker and defender are both on the same side of an obstacle, wherein the only options for the attacker are to either move away from the obstacle or come into base contact with the target to deny the cover bonus. An example of this would be a fighter with a 2" melee attack (spears, usually) being 1" of a wall while attacking a target further away than that who is hugging the same side of that wall - unless the attacker moves such that the target is closer than the wall before they attack, the target gets the cover save.

    This is an edge case that rarely comes up in Warcry though, and really only comes up in fights in an alley or corridor that is barely wide enough to accommodate a fighter or two.
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  13. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Starting to play some Warcry with my boyfriend and doing a little listbuilding of my own for our games, i'm wondering how well this works for a bit of a starter warband. I wanted to get a little bit of everything in the list, two heavy hitters in the two saurus, some shooting chaff with the four skinks (and kixi-taka) and some solid movement with the Ripperdactyl Rider

    - Saurus Sunblood 195
    - Kixi-Taka, The Diviner 125
    - Otopatl 80
    - Klq-Trok 190
    - Ripperdactyl Rider 185
    - Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club 75
    - Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club 75
    - Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club 75
    Total: 1000
    Noxolotl and Bowser like this.
  14. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Your warband looks good, you have a little of everything, which makes it flexible. Play objective and don't be afraid to sacrifice a unit or two (it will probably be ripper). Only problem i can see here is that you have only eight models, therefore you may be at disadvantage at the end of every round. At least till you shot down some units.
    ChapterAquila92 and Bowser like this.
  15. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Yeah the model count thing is something that i've found in practice has been trouble with a couple types of missions, I have considered downgrading the sunblood+ripper into something like an Oldblood(or knight alpha?)+terradon, and downgrading one of the blowdart skinks to squeeze in a couple of the more basic shield+mace skinks though.

    I think the latest point nerfs in the tome of champions has made big seraphon (and really most factions) gunlines a lot less viable, both from my small amount of play experience and what i've been reading from others, so it feels like more little bodies on the board would be pretty good, particularly since they're not too bad as far as Dryad tier chaff goes. Kixi-Taka accompanying them rather than the saurus also seems like a good decision, just because the ability with a boost to toughness and movement feels like it'd help them zip around more and is usually going to be available every round if you use the wild dice for it (and, if you're in a more grindy position, dropping the quad that increases amount of attacks is a lot better on a list with more melee).

    The only problem with that thought process is that i'm not too sure about how I should be thinking about deployment of the saurus, which i know is matchup/match/map/mission dependent, but i'm wondering whether generally thinking of them as a duo wrecking balls/big targets is better than thinking of them more as heavy support for the skinks? One of my bigger learning experiences so far has been deploying the skinks together as one deployment, the ripper as another that was placed during the same round, and having my saurus + Kixi-Taka come in as hammers on the second turn. I found my skinks collapsing pretty hard under the amount of bodies the enemy was able to put out, even when trying to just hit and run with them, so ended up having Kixi-Taka + the two saurus clear up the couple bodies left after the Ripper did its work, then have to fight basically the entire enemy warband by themselves (they still won- those three are absolute blenders- but only one fighter made it out without being taken down)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
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  16. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Lets start with the fact, that Warcry is a dice game. You actually have to have some luck, and not only with a dice roll, but also with drawing a right objective card. Some bands are better suited to do one thing, but suck with others. And some generally suck. With my experience, meta was leaning into horde-like bands - that's why in latest book leaders prices went down, and cheap stuff went up, so taking few bodies more is always welcome. But as in all battletops, Warcry battles starts with choosing your units. Sou you must consider, what this unit represent, and what is its role in your band, as well as how your band will work together overall. Second important choice is dividing them into battle groups. they should be more or less universal, as you don't know which group will enter and where.
    Regarding our units and how to treat your sauruses - they are killing machines. With 5 toughness they can take much, and they have decent atack profile, and if they really need to take down something big, the have access to tearing bite. Personally i picture them as a literal tanks. But any tanks need to have infantry support, or it will be going down. At the same time, tanks are usually a spearhead of an attack, and infantry is to follow. Same principle works fine for me in warcry - sauruses are to draw attention, taking hits and taking down enemy units. Skinks aren't supposed to fight in short range, they are to support - to shoot in enemy before he gets to your line, to pick up a treasure and capture an objetive. And if your enemy decides to ignore your sauruses and hunt your skinks - well, there is a reason why you don't ignore a tank on a battlefield.
    Kixi-Taka can support anyone. He's ability is strong and universal, so skinks definitely would appreciate his power. Problem with bucler and club skinks is, they still are soft, with only 8 wounds difference between 2 and 3 toughness aren't much, so you would have to have more than one of them to feel a diffference. Yet with additional toghness and speed it may work out. Terradons are really good and a little underappreciated, but loss of an attack on the oldblood will hurt you much. you may consider taking a skink-handler as a cannon fodder - they can hit hard, have 2'' range and are ridiculously cheap
  17. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I played my first game of Warcry with the full list of available Seraphon. I've only played a handful of times but it was the first time my buddy had played. I don't remember the names of the combat features, but the combat was one where I had to destroy all of my oppenent's Shield or keep them on the edge of the board. The Twist was that all melee/close ranged combat had the strength increased.

    My list
    -Saurus Scar-veteran on Cold One: 220 pts
    -Skink Starpriest: 165 pts
    -Saurus Guard: 135 pts
    -Terradon Rider with Sunleech Bolas: 175 pts
    -Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 75 pts
    -Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 75 pts
    -Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 75 pts
    -Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 75 pts

    I think the list has good versatility. Movement with the Scar-vet, Terradon, & Skinks. Decent range. Good melee.

    I won vs. Soulblight! Probably more from luck than anything. My buddy didn't have the toughest Shield units, so I was able to pick them off (Necro, 2 Skeleton Champs, 1 Skeleton). Plus, his Vampire and Blood Knight only got on the board in Turn 3.

    "Tearing Bite" can really, REALLY wreck. Especially when the Scar-vet or Guard could add the die number of the triple to each hit! For me that was +3 and +4 to damage in rounds 2 and 3. The Terradon's movement was clutch. I managed to double move him to pin the last skeleton in the my opponent's Shield between the Terradon and the Saurus Guard.

    Anyway, good times!
  18. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Congrats on your win! Terradons are often the MVP for me as well. Overall very good internal synergy and strong abilities for us :D

    And what's more, there are, what looks like Seraphon structures, in the new Warcry starter box, seems like we've once had a settlement in the Gnarlwood swamps of Ghur ;)


    Edit: A new picture from todays WarCom-article. Apparently there is a crashed Seraphon starship in the middle of the Gnarlwood, that's what everyone is after!

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    Imrahil and Just A Skink like this.
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  20. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Not overly exaggerated just very cool models!

    In other news:


    I'm betting they're going to try to rein in the existing factions to be more aligned with the previous Warcry-teams.

    But what's more, if there is going to be a dedicated Seraphon-team for Warcry they should include them in this Compendium. So we should see a preview of that team the coming week or so. And if there isn't a new Seraphon-team coming out, then that spearhead that was previewed in the rumour engine earlier this year, will herald the coming of at least one new model for AoS.

    But given GW's previous history of releasing things, there will be old profiles in the compendium, the Seraphon-team will be released a week or so after with the rules and profiles in a White Dwarf some odd weeks later. :blackeye:

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