8th Ed. high elves vs. lizardmen pics, fluff, and battle chronicler

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by tenochtitlan, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. tenochtitlan

    tenochtitlan New Member

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    pictures posted here, I couldn't figure out how to post the pics for the life of me.

    Ambassador Tassadar had his orders from the High Command of Ulthuan. Rally allies under the banner of Eltharion to engage in a campaign against the dark forces clamoring to new atrocities in the East.

    Having been born of a low house, rising only in the last millennium he received the odious challenge of extending an outstretched hand to the savages, the chittering skinks, silent saurus and other unmentionables in these stifling tropical jungles.

    It chafed him to ask for help from unclad, unruly, primitive hut-dwellers. He could perceive their mud daubed housing compounds from the hill outside town. They had run into several skink scouts on their way to the nearest village of the lizardmen. They had offered tokens of peace and good will, baubles and trinkets as might dazzle the primitives, but which were of no good to him anymore. Of late he had parted with an old ruby dagger to a skink chameleon who had popped out of nowhere. The skink emissary had chattered madly and incomprehensibly so Tassadar hoped these humble folk would be easily swayed to their cause with whatever shiny bits the citizen soldiers had about their persons.

    But Tassadar didn’t stoop to speak skink. And it never entered into his brain that a ruby dagger was tantamount to declaring genocide on an entire village. Suffice it to say, the lizardmen did not respond well.

    Tassadar had his men arrayed in full regalia as they approached the excuse for a town. Armor shined and glinting in the sun, the high elves wanted to show these lizardmen that it would be an honor to fight beside high elven warriors of such prestige. But when the stegadons rumbled out of the town and reptilian warriors and beasts came at them from every angle the ambassador decided to give the order to get into defensive positions.

    High elf army

    Prince w/ barded elven steed and foe bane
    Level 1 mage with dispel scroll (fire)
    Level 2 mage (life)
    Battle standard bearer noble
    14 archers, standard and hawkeye
    13 lothern sea guard w shields and full command
    8 ellyrian reavers w bows
    8 silver helms w shields and full command
    14 swordmasters w full command
    5 shadow warriors w shadow walker
    2 bolt throwers



    Tassadar was a bit taken aback by the highly sophisticated magics enveloping both the lizardmen and the skinks and giant reptiles. The ancient slug creature that could only be mistaken for toadlike slann barely raised a languid arm and suddenly he sat atop a throne of vines, the skink/ krozigor cohort suddenly looked much more tough and imposing. A huge blue bubble of protection popped up around a whirring configuration of wood and stone set atop a ponderous armor-plated stegadon.

    A great bow twanged and sent an armor piercing arrow toward the dragon princes just beside Tassadar. They had quickly diverted to the left flank. Luckily, the fletched spear thudded into soggy sawgrass in front of them.

    On the right flank the elven ambassador watched with horror as his scouts were burnt to a crisp in their position in the forest. The two stalwart shadow warriors who were left took cover in the trees but held their position.

    As he scanned the battlefield it was at this point that Tassadar realized… “I don’t think this is their version of a welcoming party. They’re probably not open to coming with us in our campaign.”

    Lizardmen army
    Slann, bsb, 2 disciplines of the ancients (+1 power dice for each cast, knows all spells in lore) life
    Scar Veteran with great weapon, light armor, and 6+ ward save
    Skink priest on ancient stegadon with engine of the gods (uranon's thunderbolt)
    28 skinks with 3 kroxigor and full command
    19 saurus warriors full command
    8 cold one cavalry full command
    1 stegadon
    2 salamanders with extra handlers







    Sensing the weakness of the left flank Tassadar motioned to his kindred dragon prince to sound the horn call for reinforcements on the left. The Ellyrian reavers quickly responded under the hail of volley fire coming from the sea guard, archers, and eagle claws. Screams pierced the air from the pierced skinks.
    Sparks formed and then fizzled at the fingertips of Aegis and Magus his faithful mages. Something powerful was hindering their usually forceful magics.



    Thankfully the clumsy stegadon in front of them rocked and wobbled the howdah atop it such that every shot it fired fell short of the dragon princes. "Just wait til it feels the wrath of the foe bane!" the ambassador sneered. Between the cold ones and the stegadon it looked as though the lizardmen were baiting a charge from the dragon princes. Well, they wouldn't fall for it. The accursed bubble remained over even more of the lizardmen savages as they quickly advanced on his line. Vines and roots reached out from the forest to grab at Aegis but he deftly maneuvered to escape them.
    Through the trees he could see that the remaining shadow warriors had narrowly escaped an attempted charge by the putrescent smoking salamanders. He hoped they would distract the dangerous beasts from more necessary troops. They fired another volley of ash and arrow to bring down a lizard riding lizard and several of the heftier looking saurii. The reavers aligned on his right to help with the left flank.



    The silver helms reformed so as to leave themselves less vulnerable to the flammable spittle of the salamanders.
    As the silver helms were reforming the skink cohort skittered across the battlefield as if on elven steeds. They seemed larger and tougher than any skinks he'd ever seen. Perhaps they had been assisted by the potent magics of that ponderous toad. The sea guard's arrows bounced on the now thick hides of these quick creatures. The Slann again wrought potent magics over and over such that Magus had to speak his last dispel scroll, defusing the dangerous magic.



    The reavers sallied forth to fill the cold ones full of fletched arrows but alas their armor proved to thick. The stegadons armor proved too tough as well as a giant bolt from the eagle claw merely got lodged into the beast's spiked frill. His citizen soldiers sent on a peace mission were not fairing so well in the center either. His sea guard broke under the wieght of the kroxigors great weapons carving a bloody swath in thier midst. Thankfully, the swordmasters came to their rescue and began slicing skinks by twos. Magus managed to flip a fireball into the saurus felling several more than the archers did with their volley. A bolt struck home on the ancient stegadon but failed to stop it.


    Before his very eyes, his entire regiment of reavers was torn down by spear and talon of the cold one cavalry. Though they had bravely overcome their fear and marshalled themselves to strike first the mounted sauri were more than their match. And now the stegadon was so close they could smell its jungle wildness through their dragon armor helms.


    This outrage must be stopped. The highborn of Ulthuan would not bear this insult. They came in peace with an offer of the honor to fight beside them in a campaign against evil and these brutes returned their generous offer with death and scorn. "Strike for the heart" he told his princes and they charged the bloated toad in the middle of the forest. But for all their boldness, training and bravery two princes got caught in the overhanging branches and were cast from their steeds. The prince struck for the heart of the priest plunging his sword deep into the toad's body, "How dare the priest attack when he'd been shown favor!" *favor?* the thought burst into his mind. The mage stared at Tassadar, unblinking with a blade sticking out of him, a wound that would have killed 3 mortal men. *You did not show us favor. You gave us the red dagger of death.* Again the thoughts appeared in his mind unbidden. It was the priest speaking into his mind. "That dagger was a token of peace!" He snarled. *not in our culture* stared the priest.

    The lizardmen suddenly stopped fighting. And Tassadar sounded the horn himself to call for his elves to cease.

    Thoughts after the game:
    Don't hold back with units that were meant for close combat.
    Be very cautious about sending cavalry into woods.
    Try a higher caster instead of two little ones.
    Use bigger units of infantry.
    don't waste arrow shots at cavalry.

    Is the slann loremaster life build too beardy?
    Are eagle claw bolt throwers potent enough for a gunline?

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  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    If you will replace the img tags with pic tags, those pictures should work.
  3. tenochtitlan

    tenochtitlan New Member

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    thanks, changed it so it includes the pictures.
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    That is some nice looking terrain you guys have there. Excellent report too.
  5. Genty

    Genty New Member

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    loved the report and the pics of the deployment zones etc.

    Very inspiring!
  6. tenochtitlan

    tenochtitlan New Member

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    thanks guys. Arli, the scenery is the most sorry diy stuff ever. It's dried flowers from my garden and pine cones (obviously) and the packaging from a portable dvd player. lol. But I figured it would work for either a skink or goblin village. I just need to put some little wooden ladders and such in it.

    And I have to give props to battlereporter for the free software.

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