AoS Planning my list!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by RuneBrush, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. RuneBrush

    RuneBrush Member

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    Thought it made sense to kick off a discussion on what I'm thinking for what I'm calling my "event army" - so basically an army I can womble along to a tournament or event and is capable of winning a few games (unlike my Khorne and Nighthaunt :hilarious:).

    So far I've only picked up one box of Skink's (dear lord the arms are a nightmare to tidy up and only 20 blowpipes per box?) and one Steggadon for the EotG. Kroak is on there because I'm not a fan of finecast so would rather keep it to an absolute minimum - I did even consider seeing if I could magnetise the chair so that I could use him as a regular Slaan. That said, everything is on the table and I've cobbled this together from reading and listening to things :)

    Lord Kroak (430)*
    Engine of the Gods (265)*
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (150)*
    Skink Priest (80)**
    Skink Starpriest (130)**

    5 x Saurus Guard (115)*
    30 x Skinks (225)**
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    - Reinforced x 2
    10 x Skinks (75)**
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (75)**
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers

    Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)**

    Core Battalions
    **Battle Regiment

    Total: 1795 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 114
    Drops: 5
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  2. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Looks spicey dude. I think with those 205 points you can add whatever you want. IMO the most competitive option would be to drop a single unit of 10 skinks and run 2 salamanders but thats kinda boring :)

    With where the list stands right now, it's got enough raw power to do just about anything you want with those points. I'd just go with whatever you like the look of, personally. I'd just know that you can drop 10 skinks to have 280 points to mess around with which opens things up a little more.
    RuneBrush and Bowser like this.
  3. RuneBrush

    RuneBrush Member

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    Thanks for that! I'd not thought about dropping some skinks - like you say it certainly opens up some more options. I'd largely steered away from salamanders because they're finecast and give away victory points with Battlescroll. However I have seen some pretty cool conversions from Flesh Hounds so it could be worth having a play!

    Looking forward to actually getting enough models together to actually test the army out (I may be distracted painting the new Avatar when it arrives though)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Ah, Nighthaunts are indeed (in the current state, let's hope in the new battletome) in a dire state. However, you can still squeeze something good out from them. I've recently had a match against Lumineth with Teclis, and it ended in a tie only because of a sudden double turn by Lumineth, with them recovering the gap i was able to dig.
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  5. RuneBrush

    RuneBrush Member

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    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the new battletome give them a bit of a boost. I've always favoured a Dreadscythe Harridan list, so with luck will see that become a little more viable as time goes on.
    Bowser and Killer Angel like this.
  6. Foodstamp

    Foodstamp Active Member

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    Not sure what 2nd artifact you're taking, but you should drop the warlord battalion and get another Battle Regiment to make it a 2 drop list. Assuming this is Thunderlizard and only the ETOG will need the artifact. If so, drop skinks and get a 2nd Bastiladon or stegadon. Sallys are the best option, but sounds like you're into the looks more than the function.
    RuneBrush, Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    @Foodstamp got a point here.
    In my experience there are only 2 cases
    1 - you have a 1-2 drop army
    2 - you don't

    there's no middle ground: a single battle regiment will rarely matter, at that point is better to go for battalions that give you free commands and double artefacts.

    Personally i always go for multiple drops and plan my list, tactics and deployment according to the fact that i will almost always suffer the decision of my opponent (aka to go first)
    RuneBrush and Bowser like this.
  8. RuneBrush

    RuneBrush Member

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    Not thought about the second artefact yet. My leaning was Fangs - however absolutely nothing is set in stone yet and one of the appeals of Seraphon is that I can play around with allegiances with the same core models :) I've picked up 1 box of Skinks and one Steggadon (for EotG) but other than that don't have any models yet so can easily change things.

    My avoidance of Salamanders was two fold - firstly they're finecast models and I'm not a massive fan of the sculpt, secondly they give away free VP's for a fairly soft unit - they'd certainly be on my list of things to kill when playing against them. I have seen some great conversions from Khorne Flesh Hounds though, so they're not off the table so to speak.

    I think deployment is almost a mini-game in it's own right. You either have a low-drop army and no reactionary deployment options, or you have a high drop army and play that mini-game! I know that deployment is something I've never completely nailed so something I need to practice with a few friends. My thinking with the battalions I'd initially selected was that it allowed that choice of artefact as quite a few allegiances dictate the first one you take and kept the drops lower - but that was with my AoS2 hat on where the average drop count was fairly high. That said, I'm not heavily invested in anything yet and I think battalions are versatile enough I should be able to play around :)
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    With a high drop army, deployment is vital.
    I should really find the time to write a tutorial: "AoS & the art of winning by going first".
  10. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    Could you please, also for going second haha
    RuneBrush, Bowser and Killer Angel like this.

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